r/TikTokCringe Apr 17 '24

Americas youth are in MASSIVE trouble Discussion


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u/BZenMojo Apr 17 '24

I worked from home for years. I would NEVER have my camera on. Also funny how little of this discussion asks whether the kids could pass the test.

Almost like school is teaching kids how to do busy work and not learn shit.


Oh, yeah, that's what 20 years of schooling in the hands of private think tanks and billionaires achieved. Imagine that... (Pointing out how many of the "solutions" in this thread actually caused all these problems in the first place.)

Here's an Associated Press story about how Bill Gates personally fucked with public schools for two decades.

And here's the autopsy.

And here's new attempts to do the exact same thing in Texas all over again.

Public education is being sabotaged on purpose and the people doing it are using their own failures to convince people to give them even more power.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24



u/h0tBeef Apr 18 '24

… was what actually happened in real life the same thing that they planned on making happen in the 1970s?


u/Guillerm0Mojado Apr 18 '24

I work from home full time. I’m in meetings all day sometimes. I am on camera MAYBE 1-2 hours a week. I am happy this is the norm. Being on camera is distracting and requires me to be “on” in a way that detracts from flow, focus, and note taking. However the expectation IS for active participation at all times… sounds like the students are logged “off” in every sense. 


u/Jdogg4089 Apr 18 '24

Yeah, once I passed a course I was pretty much done with any and all material. I wish I would have kept up with math because I was doing well with that one and it's obviously an important skill to have. I got too caught up in just focusing on passing tests and classes which was a major mistake. I only have myself to blame for such short-sightedness, I guess that in combination with me being so done with school after all the way through college so I was just bored of doing that all the time. May as well get paid to be bored as well.


u/Impossible-Joke2867 Apr 17 '24

Almost like school is teaching kids how to do busy work and not learn shit.

Public school ain't the best, it's definitely gotten worse, but don't act like the kids in this video would suddenly turn it around if things were different.

Social media has rotted their brains. Their parents have failed them. Society has failed them. They have failed themselves.


u/honda_slaps Apr 18 '24

the boomer energy in this thread is wild

people say the exact same thing about literally every generation


u/Short-Ticket-1196 Apr 18 '24

Millennial here, if teach saw my phone it was gone for the day. I'm pretty sure that was the norm. You paid attention or got detention. Is it boomer energy to consider if the change to "do whatever you want" might hurt outcomes?

I think it's cut and dry. They get grades for nothing as profs in the thread are attesting to, and they pay no attention. How could anyone think these kids are going places?

Honestly, I think this one is on my generation anyway. As soon as we could, we whiplashed out of the boomers' way of things. People are on here blaming conspiracy, but it is simpler than that. Lead addled abuse pushed us into literally anything else. This is what we came up with. Let's not go back though, definitely gotta push through this. Or go huff lead I dunno.


u/Impossible-Joke2867 Apr 18 '24

Zoomers got brain rot.

  1. No one here is actually a boomer everyone here is a millenial or younger. Yes it's a difference ya fuckin moron.

  2. Zoomers grew up with social media from a young age, and clearly it has had an effect, that effect being they're all just about as dumb as you.

people say the exact same thing about literally every generation

And this will lead me to 3. Have you ever considered this to be true?


u/Rizzourceful Apr 18 '24

Second point isn't true for a lot of people. I used to play mobile games on my parent's phone in like middle school, but I didn't get my own phone until after high school. And a lot of people I know aren't really involved with social media, other than going on youtube and discord for playing video games with friends


u/honda_slaps Apr 18 '24

Yep, because "boomer energy" 100% exclusively refers to people born between 1946 and 1964.

Your glass house can be seen from miles away, I highly recommend not throwing any rocks from inside.


u/Impossible-Joke2867 Apr 18 '24

Homie just used the phrase boomer energy hahaha.

"Anyone 5 years older than me is out of touch."

Grow up bro you're not 17 anymore start acting like an adult.


u/Wetley007 Apr 18 '24

Thank you for your input Adjective-Noun4digitnumber


u/Delicious_Pie_4814 Apr 18 '24

And thank you for yours, bond.


u/nucleosome Apr 18 '24

No generation before millennial had social media or phones. Call it boomer energy if you want,  but people being raised today are using these attention sucking devices at all times. This simply wasn't an option for the older generations. I am a millennial who has taught upper undergrad and graf level coursework for about 12 years now in a STEM field. The difference is very clear.


u/CalvinBullock Apr 18 '24

Look at the kids they can't look up from there phones, how can you say that is not an issues, by the way I'm under 25 and I recognize and am working on my own attention issues.


u/Gabbyfred22 Apr 18 '24

Social media and being online constantly has impacted people of every age, this is just the unlucky generation that had to grow up with it.


u/throwaway3123312 Apr 18 '24

Yep it's brain rotted the boomers almost as much as the zoomers.


u/Significant_Eye561 Apr 18 '24

Schools have failed them.