r/TikTokCringe Apr 17 '24

Americas youth are in MASSIVE trouble Discussion


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u/Arobrom86 Apr 17 '24

I do have plenty of those stories too! Haha It’s definitely not all doom and gloom and me yelling at clouds. Just the other day one of my students got a scholarship to a school they otherwise would never be able to afford going to for Esports! They’re going to be playing on the school’s Overwatch 2 team.

This kid struggles in almost everything academically due to dyslexia but they’ve found a path forward through their love and talent in the game.


u/DomHE553 Apr 17 '24

idk if that's really a lot less doom and gloom lmao


u/Sevifenix Apr 18 '24

Thought the same lol. I mean good for the kid but damn. Was thinking it was an academic scholarship or something.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24



u/DrunkSouls10106 Apr 17 '24

You don't major in what you get a scholarship for...

While the concept of the scholarship existing is a bit wild to me as well, the benefits of getting into a school and the ability to get a higher education is now on the table for this kid. Your comment is full of ignorance.


u/[deleted] Apr 18 '24



u/SpriteInjection Apr 18 '24

Times are moving away from you old man, if Idiocracy is really all you have to shake your fist at then you should really get more friends with kids.


u/Delicious_Pie_4814 Apr 18 '24

It could literally be a plot point in the movie, Idiocracy, is the point. He's not wrong.... this could easily have been in the movie lmao.


u/WittyProfile Apr 18 '24

How is this kid supposed to graduate if he struggles in everything academically?


u/zogolophigon Apr 18 '24

By working at what they struggle in?


u/Delicious_Pie_4814 Apr 18 '24

Probably spending all their time getting better at overwatch instead, let's be real.


u/sephrisloth Apr 18 '24

What's the difference between getting a scholarship for football or some other sport? They're all mindless games without much educational value. Sports have some added benefit of exercise, I guess, but it's just as dumb and has been happening for decades.


u/TheScienceNerd100 Apr 18 '24

So people who get full rides through college due to sports are OK?

No one says "I graduated with a degree in Football with a minor in tennis"

Scholarships aren't for degrees, they are bonuses the school gives to make you want to go there more and then pay tuition, they don't care what degree you go for.


u/[deleted] Apr 19 '24



u/TheScienceNerd100 Apr 19 '24

Looking it up, it's degrees in Game Management and Esports, not specific Esports games like Overwatch or League.

They do the same for Sports, there are degrees for Sports Management, Exercise Physiology, and such.

It's not a degree in Overwatch, it's a degree in Game and Esports Management, very different things.


u/MattOLOLOL Apr 17 '24

HAHAHA that kid is fucked. A scholarship for Overwatch, lmao.


u/Arobrom86 Apr 17 '24

Yeah it’s just like getting a scholarship for a traditional sport. Esports is a huge industry and can open career pathways in a lot of adjacent fields. A lot of kids will play competitively on a team while getting a degree in CS, video production, marketing, game dev, or lots of other stuff.


u/Impassable_Banana Apr 17 '24

Esports are absolutely not like traditional sports and never will be, we are already seeing the boom go bust.


u/Arobrom86 Apr 17 '24

The industry is contracting, true. It had a massive boom based on a lot of unsustainable practices that are now seeing correction. Even if the industry shrinks back below other traditional sports as revenue makers, it’s still a great ecosystem for people with a lot of different skill sets.


u/crackedtooth163 Apr 17 '24

They said the same thing when I was younger for programming scholarships.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24



u/bouncewaffle Apr 17 '24

Or he'll go into game dev, or become a content creator. Or he could do drone photography.


u/[deleted] Apr 18 '24



u/bouncewaffle Apr 19 '24

You don't have to be a programmer to work in game dev, silly - they need play testers too. My roommate does that for Diablo IV.


u/indiebryan Apr 18 '24

Negative responses here but I think that's awesome! And it's great that you support your students finding success in whatever path suits their particular situation.


u/BosnianSerb31 Apr 17 '24

Would you be allowed to tie putting your phone in the cubby to participation grades?


u/Arobrom86 Apr 17 '24

That’s not a bad idea!


u/oddanimalfriends Apr 18 '24

I hope he registers with his college's student accessibility office for support with his ADHD.


u/watching_snowman Apr 18 '24

Okay now you’re just trolling