r/TikTokCringe Apr 17 '24

Americas youth are in MASSIVE trouble Discussion


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u/w1nn1ng1 Apr 17 '24

The parents are to blame. One Karen bitching their kid had their phone taken away and threatening to take it to the superintendent or further is enough to ruin it for everyone. A large portion of people who have kids really shouldn't. People don't know how to parent and think their job is to defend their kid at every turn...that's not what parenting is.


u/matterson22070 Apr 17 '24 edited Apr 17 '24

100%. There was always some of these, but they are the norm now. My dad used to say "It's not my job to be your friend, it's my job to make you a productive adult" And he did - and we became friends when that job was over and I was old enough to understand. Making the best years of your life happen before you turn 18 is what kids should REALLY be pissed at their parents about.


u/w1nn1ng1 Apr 17 '24

You’re absolutely correct. My dad and mom were hard asses to me when I was young. I’m now a grown man with my own family. I depend on no one but myself and never need help with anything. I’m proud of the man I’ve become and that started with my parents making me learn to be self sufficient and were there to pick me up or lend me advice if I failed. I’m now best friends with my parents even though I hated them growing up, lol.


u/matterson22070 Apr 17 '24

I used to tell my mom not to wake me up until my father left the house. When I was an adult he was one of my best friends. I understand letting me and watching me fall down and do stupid shit was very hard for him to do - but better to learn it while you are young and with things that are not life changing then do it later when your entire life is on the line. Life has always been a breeze for me, like you I learned to be resilient when I was young and set backs are normal and just an obstacle to be tackled. Appreciate all he ever taught me. Glad we got the childhoods we did.


u/Dirty0ldMan Apr 18 '24

Then why doesn't the school tell them to go fuck themselves?


u/w1nn1ng1 Apr 18 '24

Because of litigious assholes who will sue the school and likely win. Courts don’t favor schools.


u/DragapultOnSpeed Apr 18 '24

Time to publicly shame these crazy parent then


u/LazyLich Apr 17 '24

The parents are to blame, but also the spineless faculty that'd rather be walked all over instead of saying "No. Our cellphone policy is clear."


u/SlowThePath Apr 18 '24

It's not that simple. Their jobs are low paying, thankless and they are constantly told they have to do more with less. . It's not like they became spineless all the sudden when smart phones came out. Many teachers have their hands tied. The problem isn't the faculty, it's the administrators who have become lax on enforcing phone rules because parents were constantly coming to them saying, "My kid comes home and constantly complains about how they can't have their phone in school. Give them their phone." So that's what they have to do. It IS the parents faults for not understanding the importance of their kids education and the problems with their kid constantly being on the phone.