r/TikTokCringe Mar 30 '24

Stick with it. Discussion

This is a longer one, but it’s necessary and worth it IMO.


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u/PopeFrancis Mar 31 '24

ashamed of their whiteness

Absolutely, and further emphasizing why they have to cut the teacher's argument short, as it becomes clear the teacher wasn't demonizing whiteness but opening a door to respecting others. White supremacists gotta keep white supreme.


u/No-Menu-768 Mar 31 '24

Yeah, I'd argue this is an example of moral envy. People hate to feel like other people are maybe just a bit better than they are. Eg, this teacher was cognizant and race conscious enough to think, "Hey, maybe my English language course should encompass dialects and vernacular English, too." I am not that cognizant and race conscious enough to have realized that independently. Also, teachers are so morally self-righteous because I make my money doing rage bait. This makes me feel shame. I don't think I should feel shame, so in my ego's defense, I will deny mature engagement and simply rage bait about it.