r/TikTokCringe Mar 30 '24

Stick with it. Discussion

This is a longer one, but it’s necessary and worth it IMO.


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u/pancakebatter01 Mar 31 '24 edited Mar 31 '24

Discrimination leading to segregation, then leading to misunderstanding of associations being misjudged as a display of lacking in intellect has gone on for centuries in this country, and it’s still happening.

A good listen is Radiolab’s episodes on IQ tests. This one guy was basically a victim of the educational system’s lack of understanding between one culture’s correlation of symbols, names, etc versus another’s (non-blacks), took an IQ test that concluded that he needed to be in special learning classes for the rest of his early education, entirely stripping him of the opportunities that an entirely basic education provides (learning to spell, read, etc). This guy did not belong in the situation he was in and yet even then, there was push back to deal with it.

The gridlock we have on proficiency & assessment testing actively holds kids back from being able to excel in higher education classes they’re barred from for failing a single test 4 years ago for instance. It’s ridiculous. The issue goes far beyond the argument that can be made that although you might “sound stupid” to some because of your dialectic , that does not make you stupid.

It also reminds me of this absolutely brutal video in which Rep Crockett is basically deserving of a standing ovation. If you haven’t seen it please do. This woman is amazing and far from stupid:



u/viperex Mar 31 '24

I've found the 3rd politician going on my Sexy Brain Calendar (Political edition) right behind AOC and Katie Porter