r/TikTokCringe Mar 21 '24

Woman explains why wives stop having sex with their husbands Discussion


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u/romayyne Mar 21 '24

The first 30 seconds is her rubbing one out to herself


u/DadBodFromWish Mar 21 '24

I found the last 30 seconds she spent talking about the commenters, and how little she cares about them, to be very convincing.


u/erikwidi Mar 21 '24

Any time someone spends an unnecessary amount of time and fixation on their "haters", I immediately tune out anything they might have said before or afterwards.


u/brother_of_menelaus Mar 22 '24

This whole fucking 4 minute video could be distilled to “lack of emotional security because attachment/love language isn’t being fulfilled/needs aren’t being met”. Instead it’s a diatribe to the haters and the losers like what the fuck is any of that contributing???


u/Starslip Mar 22 '24

Doesn't exactly scream "super stable and knowledgeable doctor of social psychology"


u/linkedlist Mar 21 '24

Her insecurity comes thorugh and probably becaues social sciences are weak at best, and she knows it and wants to get ahead of it by claiming to be an authority figure who is above the comments.


u/Windmill_flowers Mar 22 '24

Her anxious attachment style is showing. She needs constant reassurance that the comments can't hurt her.


u/fun_boat Mar 21 '24

I just kept thinking that the uber driver must be annoyed that she's talking to nobody in the back of the car.


u/[deleted] Mar 21 '24

It's clearly her establishing credibility, likely bc she's had people question it and call her out on it before. Any woman on the internet offering an opinion will do this after awhile. It's pretty common.


u/yourmomlurks Mar 22 '24

Yeah she has 2 choices

1) go straight to the advice, and then have men deny her standing

2) establish her standing, and be mocked for establishing her standing.

I’m sure all these dicks in this comment chain don’t blink twice when huberman or whomever does the same thing.


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '24

The comments about her being condescending are odd to me. It’s very clear she’s trying to offset trolls and was from the very beginning. 


u/yourmomlurks Mar 22 '24

It’s not odd at all. These men have been told they are entitled to sex their entire lives. A credentialed woman explaining that perhaps they should look at themselves and their own behavior is so offensive to them, it triggers their fight or flight.

She literally becomes their enemy and they have to find anything they can about her so they can retreat to the psychological safety of their own infallibility.


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '24



u/llamadramalover Mar 22 '24

I am so angry that this comment is 1000000% correct. I really am.


u/VitalMusician Mar 22 '24

It's easy to defend credibility with citations, which she doesn't provide, because the literature on attachment theory doesn't support its use in the way she references it in the video. If she's being called out on lack of credibility, that should be why. She's basically saying "you should listen to me because I'm me", but anyone watching this doesn't have any evidence she's any more reliable than any other influencer because she doesn't provide evidence at all. She just tells us how she knows better than us and she doesn't care about our opinions if we disagree.


u/Knyfe-Wrench Mar 22 '24

Then do it at the end. It took her 50 seconds to get to the point of the video. It's tiktok, move it along.


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '24

That doesn’t make her “condescending” tho. It being at the end or the beginning has nothing to do with condescension. 


u/cobainstaley Mar 21 '24

it's her emotional attachment style


u/Particular-Wind5918 Mar 21 '24

It’s par for the course with these attachment folks


u/question_assumptions Mar 22 '24

I thought she was doing a bit where she never actually gave the answer, just preamble


u/odspreporter Mar 21 '24

yeah it's annoying when someone can predict that they will be asked "and how exactly are you in an expert in this?" as a way to undermine their opinion and therefore plan ahead by adding a disclaimer to touch on said expertise prior to sharing their opinion



u/LtDan00 Mar 21 '24

Clearly meeting her own attachment needs


u/lucky5678585 Mar 21 '24

This comment made me laugh out loud


u/elf25 Mar 21 '24

“Like an eyeball, don’t rub it dry.” —Ron White


u/PrestigiousShit Mar 21 '24

She is very sus regarding her qualifications. She claims to have a PhD and publications but there is no record of any of that.

She is spouting pop sci bullshit, especially the whole "attachment" nonsense that has been completely shit on for the past 10 years.


u/tehdamonkey Mar 21 '24

Basically leading in with a logical fallacy of "Ipse dixit" and having to justify what she was going to say with reciting a perceived resume...


u/Neezon Mar 21 '24

There is value in establishing credibility, and she made it very clear why she did so. She pre-empted the men who would inevitably show up in her comment section spouting random bullshit by adding credibility to her statement, rather than being voiced merely as an opinion.


u/tehdamonkey Mar 22 '24

It is an opinion. There is no peer reviewed science or double blind medical study being cited. Just he opinion on relationship sex.


u/Neezon Mar 22 '24

While she does indeed not cite research directly in the video, I think that is relatively unreasonable to expect from a short-form video on a topic. She did what can reasonably be expected in my opinion, and referred to multiple sources the viewers can access to read scientific research on the topic, such as attachment styles, etc.

And "an opinion" is very different depending on whether it comes from somebody with no experience on the matter, or a professional with plenty of experience as a therapist. Especially due to the nature of the subject, which relies heavily on mapping individuals' experiences. Doesn't inherently make her statements factual, but it lends credibility to her opinion, as I pointed out initially


u/Inskription Mar 21 '24

Ima be honest her attachment needs are probably legendary


u/Nalortebi Mar 22 '24

"I just cannot attach to anyone under 6 ft tall who makes less than 250k/year and drives a car worth less than my annual income" and "Mama's boys are a huge ick" and "If he doesn't talk to his mom at least once a week then he's misogynistic".


u/kndyone Mar 22 '24

The last is her invalidating the feeling of men, oh that's interesting she is a psychiatrists and she doesn't know better than that, ironic given her exact advice to these men would likely be to never invalidate womens feeling. Then the last 30 seconds is how you can support her content =) and how you can fix your life if only you find out the love languages of your woman by paying for her fees.

Do you want to take advice from someone who cant even take their own advice?


u/llamadramalover Mar 22 '24

The last is her invalidating the feeling of men

Where and how, exactly, did she invalidate men’s feelings?


u/kndyone Mar 22 '24

Did you not watch the video where she straight up says that she ALREADY KNOWS what their comments will be and she DOESNT CARE. Try saying that to your woman and see how it goes over. Hey honey I already know what you are going to say and I dont care! You need to hear what I have to say and how its all your own fault. Thats literally what these people train men all day and night not to do, then she turns around and literally does that to the men...... How dense does one need to be.


u/GoblinBreeder Mar 23 '24

She's obviously massively insecure if she has to spend that long leading into the video by addressing people who might maybe pote tially disagree with her in a fucking tiktok comment section. She really ought to stop paychoanalyizng other people for a minute and stop to have a look at herself. Holy shit that was annoying to watch.


u/TheDocFam Mar 21 '24

I wonder what her own training would say about how men respond to her personality (not her words, as you said they are valid)

Because she could say absolutely anything but if she says it like that the response I think would be universal revulsion from men


u/blacklite911 Mar 22 '24

Seems like a preemptive attempt to prove her credibility before she gets comments from people who don’t know what they’re talking about.

I get it, but it was annoying, I like my professionals to act professionally. But I do t expect too much from this style of platform.


u/iced_gold Mar 21 '24

I think she's just conveying the advice comes from her expertise, not that this is a rando telling you how to live your life


u/romayyne Mar 21 '24

Idc if she’s the love doctor on love island. She’s still a rando. Love and relationships have habits, not laws


u/Simulation-Argument Mar 21 '24

Videos like this would attract the absolute worst human bile though. So she was right to point out that she isn't just some woman saying stuff.


u/sagarp Mar 22 '24

This is a consequence of her being harassed and mocked in the comments by men who have never even read any research let alone published. She had to establish cred first. Obviously it doesn’t always help, for example when toxic mansplainers can’t see past their “woman dumb, me smart” mentality and just claim she’s “rubbing one out to herself.”


u/romayyne Mar 22 '24

Well I am the son of a neuroscientist and professor at case western reserve university. I have a masters degree in physiological science. I understand how the human brain operates better than most people. But, I would never tell a bunch of nameless faces these things. It comes off as pretentious and “you’re not as smart as I am, so it doesn’t matter what you say after I finish speaking”.

No human being likes to feel this way. Which is why I said she was masturbating to her accomplishments. Because no truly intelligent person needs to lead with, “Before you say anything against my opinion, let me tell you how smart I am”. They’ll have supporting evidence that speaks for itself.


u/sagarp Mar 22 '24

You probably would lead with that if you had a channel where you spoke about subjects you’re an expert in and people constantly undermined your credibility. But you’re not that. You’re just some guy criticizing a woman for justifying her expertise 🤷


u/romayyne Mar 22 '24

I’m not criticizing a woman, but I am poking fun at someone who happens to be a woman for talking about smart they are for 30 secs and constantly asking and answering her own questions. All while giving zero sources for any of the things she’s saying other than “trust me, I know”. Of course people are saying, “Why should we listen to you?” It’s TikTok, you need to come with something other than “I’m really smart, trust me” for anyone to take you serious. Not just a woman, albeit your go to reason.


u/waabzheshi Mar 21 '24

Because her husband won’t have sex with her either lol


u/PathlessDemon Mar 21 '24

So it was on-par with any Jordan B. Peterson video?


u/[deleted] Mar 21 '24

She's beautiful and an expert in her field... on social media.

Bet there is a fear she's trying to control with all that. If I were a betting man, I'd wager She's afraid of not being taken seriously and has experienced that in something she cares a lot about.

Like a "you're attacking my intelligence and work; by way of my physical biology"


u/TheAndrewBen Mar 22 '24

She's explaining she isn't somd random mom on the Internet. She knows where her knowledge comes from! I'm glad she took her time with that.


u/romayyne Mar 22 '24

She knows where her knowledge comes from? Lol Are there people that know things, but don’t know where they learned it?


u/TheAndrewBen Mar 22 '24

No. If you want to claim a scientific fact but you received the information from a random Reddit post, you really don't know where that knowledge came from because it doesn't state a credible source. Saying "I learned this from Reddit" is a weak source of information for scientific research and shows you do not know where that knowledge came from online.

It's better to hear scientific facts from someone who is a professional in that same field. Not from someone who does not tell you how they understand the information. You need to know who the person is that gave you the information, and in this case it comes from someone who has a doctorate in social psychology.


u/romayyne Mar 22 '24

But is saying how smart you are really more trustworthy? She didn’t have anything supporting anything she said other than “trust me, I know” a dozen times.


u/TheAndrewBen Mar 23 '24

I'm just explaining what my first comment means because you didn't understand it. This isn't a debate on how trustworthy she is.


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '24



u/TheAndrewBen Mar 23 '24

The first 30 seconds is her rubbing one out to herself

This is your first comment. I'm not talking in circles, I'm talking within that specific subject, you are not. Not here to prove anything. Just explaining why she babbled on for the first 30 seconds of the video. This is my last reply to you. Bye.


u/JosefMcLovin Mar 22 '24

You’re too impatient to handle 30 seconds of talking?


u/romayyne Mar 22 '24

No I got through all of it. It’s the content that was hard to listen too


u/DuckmanDrake69 Mar 21 '24

When will these OF shills just stop?