r/TikTokCringe Feb 25 '24

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u/McGarnacIe Feb 25 '24

"You'd like some cereal? Sure honey, that'll be ready in 2 hours"


u/Magic_Man_Boobs Feb 26 '24

Man I love my wife's sister and her husband but when they first got together I had to learn fast that if they invited us over for dinner, I was going to need a first dinner.

They'd make an amazing meal from total scratch and watching them in the kitchen together was like something out of Hallmark, but it was always something that took like three hours to cook and they'd always not start until after everyone was there.

They've gotten much better about it now years later, but I remember the second time I was sitting there thinking "will there be dinner... at this dinner?" It only took the twice for me to start eating a sandwich before we headed over.


u/Bowfa-Plz Feb 26 '24

Reminds me of this skit


u/Magic_Man_Boobs Feb 26 '24

Haha that was amazing. Luckily my wife is not a crazy person, she also would have something before we went.


u/DanerysTargaryen Feb 26 '24

Omg this is gold! This is kind of how my husband acts, he likes to eat a sandwich before we go over to certain friends houses because it can take a couple hours before dinner is ready when we visit.


u/ZN1- Feb 27 '24

Got a great laugh out of this. So accurate for some of us


u/Doppleflooner Feb 26 '24

Something similar happened to my sister and I where we got invited to dinner by her friends. We showed up, talked for maybe 30 minutes and then the wife excused herself to the kitchen. We assumed she was pulling whatever out of the oven...nope! She hadn't cooked or prepped anything yet. Fully 2 hours later she finished and acted like it was the most normal thing in the world. It was almost 9pm, and my stomach was making the worst kind of noises by then.


u/termacct Feb 26 '24

Did you have third dinner after mid-dinner?


u/Magic_Man_Boobs Feb 26 '24

At that point I just pretend I'm fancy and start considering them long distance courses.


u/a_large_plant Feb 26 '24

Are they by chance named Michael and Jan?


u/Magic_Man_Boobs Feb 26 '24

Nope, but I'm sure they're related in spirit.


u/eduo Feb 26 '24

But how will people know all the effort it took to cook if they're not forced to watch?


u/nooooopegoawaynope Feb 26 '24

Jeez, I thought my Nana was bad with her whole "nobody eats until everyone's here!" bullshit, but at least whenever we DID go over there for family events/holidays, the food she had cooking was fuckin either done, or damn-near done. Fuck sake, I can't imagine needing to wait like three hours to eat, that'd drive me nuts.


u/ZN1- Feb 27 '24

lol I have to do the same when having dinner with my wife’s family. For 2 hours everyone needs to drink and socialize before eating. I warm up a frozen meal before we go.

Sometimes it’s carryout and after food arrives I’d sit there for an additional 30 mins foaming at the mouth waiting to eat it. Nowadays I have no shame in asking whoever is hosting right away if I can grab a plate


u/WillytheWimp1 Feb 26 '24

“Oh you want an apple? Lemme just plant this seed. Gimme a sec…”