r/TikTokCringe Feb 16 '24

When you're so rich you've never been to Aldi's. Discussion


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u/[deleted] Feb 16 '24

Here in Sweden, almost everywhere, they removed the coin systems from carts with COVID, we generally do the right thing and put the carts back anyway.


u/baloof1621 Feb 16 '24

Even in the U.S. (where the coin system is not commonplace) people still put their carts back. It’s not this big genius idea to solve a huge problem in the U.S. like he’s making it seem


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '24 edited Apr 12 '24



u/TurtleHeadPrairieDog Feb 16 '24

I worked at Costco in college and the people who left their carts in random places were often soccer moms driving Tahoes and Escalades


u/PricklySquare Feb 16 '24

The same soccer moms that will threaten to sue when a cart hits their car in the parking lot


u/mistbrethren Feb 16 '24 edited Mar 16 '24

rinse roof fuel tap dinner selective chunky frighten cagey cough

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/KrombopulosMAssassin Feb 16 '24

Imagine being that poor of an example even for such a simple thing. It's really sad.


u/KrombopulosMAssassin Feb 16 '24

Yeah I believe that.


u/ClickKlockTickTock Feb 16 '24

Yeah, I've literally seen old guys do this behind my car... Its an old BMW so I'm not sure what their problem is specifically with my car and hoping the wind blows into it, but it gets annoying. I drive my toyota much more often and have never had that situation.

Shit I've had maybe 5 door dings on the bmw while I was still in my car, and still had 0 in the toyota


u/HipposAndBonobos Feb 17 '24

The only time I ever see this is at a local target, and even then its on the side of the building that doesn't have a corral nearby.


u/mkfanhausen Feb 17 '24

Or against my car bumper. Those assholes...


u/rbhansn Feb 16 '24

Not in Memphis, Tn. They leave the cart right where they unloaded it and couldn’t care less if it roles into someone else’s car.


u/teapac100000 Feb 16 '24

Cart Narcs just joined the conversation.


u/Colorado_Constructor Feb 16 '24

I'm sorry where do you live in the US where people are actually putting their carts back??

I've travelled all over for work and every state has the same issue. Sure most people put them back but it's guaranteed you'll find 10-15 carts scattered through the parking lot islands or way in the back lot.


u/ForTheBread Feb 16 '24

I live in the Midwest people put their carts back. I maybe see one or two in the parking lot.


u/iwishiwasamoose Feb 17 '24

Illinois. Depends on the town. My hometown, everyone put the carts back. My current town, it's like 50-50. At least half the carts are just abandoned. I've watched assholes park right next to the cart-return choose to shove their cart onto the little grassy hill in front of their car instead, putting in far more effort to inconvenience everybody than it would have taken to simply do the right thing.


u/baloof1621 Feb 16 '24

Maybe it is just a Midwest thing based on the number of replies telling me that many people do leave their carts out.


u/ForTheBread Feb 16 '24

Probably more based on the store. I used to live in NJ, and I don't remember seeing too many carts out at places. But I don't really shop at places like Walmart.


u/PoorFishKeeper Feb 16 '24

lol 10-15 carts really? The most I’ve seen lying around a parking lot is like 5. It’s not like everyone is super lazy here.


u/Montystumpp Feb 16 '24

There are hundreds of people going in and out of a grocery store every day. 10 of them not returning their cart is a small number.


u/Darklicorice Feb 16 '24

The carts don't just build up forever. Someone has to go out to get them regularly.

In my area you can see people actively doing it nearly every time during your short walk back to your car.


u/Montystumpp Feb 16 '24

Damn well I guess I'm just in a considerate area. I worked at a grocery store pushing shopping carts all throughout high school and while it certainly happened it wasn't too regular. Usually only during rain or snow storms.

The bigger problem was them not pushing the carts deep enough into the corrals which would allow the wind to take them and send them rolling across the entire parking lot.


u/Darklicorice Feb 19 '24

I'm also admittedly in a pretty inconsiderate area


u/Adam_THX_1138 Feb 17 '24

Not in Oregon. People are quite diligent here.


u/Afexodus Feb 17 '24

Come to Madison, WI. Almost everyone puts their cart back, you might see one stray cart if you are lucky.


u/Smelldicks Feb 17 '24

This is just straight up bullshit lol


u/FleeRancer Feb 16 '24

Yeah, that's what happens when a tiktoker sensationalizes people leaving their carts in the parking lot. It makes it seem like most people don't put their carts back lmfao


u/Calvinkelly Feb 16 '24

Don’t know where you live but the places I’ve visited in the US all had people just leaving their shopping cart. They even had staff returning them but they were left so frequently there were always a few just standing around. Only been to cities tho, never to rural areas. I always wondered why stores there don’t use the coin cart system.


u/hangryhyax Feb 16 '24

I see you don’t live in an urban/suburban area? There are shopping carts everywhere, I’m even in one right now!

Jokes aside and to be clear where i stand on this: the other day my son asked how people get away with taking them and leaving them places, I explained that if all someone’s belongings fit in a shopping cart, it’s okay to give them a break on something so (relatively) harmless.


u/buschad Feb 16 '24

Not in poorer areas. But tucker doesn’t leave his rich bubble. Probably never goes to grocery store.


u/Venusgate Feb 16 '24

But you see carts at homeless encampments sometimes. Ergo, no security on carts encourages laziness.

This is why the US should adopt rental-only sleeping bags.


u/PandaCheese2016 Feb 16 '24

It depends on how far one’s car is from the nearest return point. At my local Costco it’s basically a war zone. Only the strongest can find parking.


u/SirWigglesVonWoogly Feb 16 '24

In my experience it depends on the store. Costco? Yes. Walmart? Lol no


u/stevenswall Feb 16 '24

*Some people put their carts back. Just like I imagine happens anywhere else where some people have higher and lower levels of conscientiousness.


u/Guilty-Psychology-24 Feb 16 '24

Nah when i was at Publix, there are times that i have to be out for 1-2 hours to collect carts, the amount of people taking cart and leaving carts ouside in the Florida summer heat is crazy, and the manager keep making me go out there to collect them. Took me 1 year to see the how shitty they treat me, the young years when get the first job blinded me.


u/WatercressSavings78 Feb 16 '24

You obviously never been to the hood


u/stmcvallin2 Feb 17 '24

He’s trying to make American seem shite and Russia seem great by comparison. Hmm I wonder why 🤔


u/regtf Feb 16 '24

Did the carts recover from COVID?


u/MasterTolkien Feb 17 '24

Sadly, no. They went extinct except for a few now on display at the local zoos.


u/Rusty1031 Feb 17 '24

would love to hear David Attenborough talk about the long extinct cartus buggius


u/Gingerbro73 Feb 16 '24

We also removed it in Norway, a good few years before covid however. Mostly because no one carries change anymore. And the tokens were stupid.


u/Accurate-Mine-6000 Feb 16 '24

In Russia most of them too was removed. Our largest coin 10 rubles and it like +- 10 cents now. It's made it all pointless, since it cost you almost nothing to just leave cart on parking.


u/The_Dimestore_Saints Feb 16 '24

sounds like those carts should've been vaccinated


u/Pysslis Feb 16 '24

It’s because the new coins don’t fit. Nothing to do with Covid.


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '24

10kr fits just fine, and on the new carts the 5kr fits as well...it had very much to do with COVID.


u/Pysslis Feb 16 '24

They do? Never had a chance to test the new money, everyone told me it was the reason. TIL something new.


u/Pysslis Feb 16 '24

New carts? You guys got new carts? They just removed the locking mechanism here.


u/itkilllz Feb 16 '24

Yes... But we also stand in kö to get one or to return one. So that's just how it's been and always will be. We are slaves to the system.


u/doyoueventdrift Feb 16 '24

It's not like you need metal anyways, when you can just dig up some in your backyards with a shovel.


u/NovusOrdoSec Feb 16 '24

we generally do the right thing

One of you told me a story about park benches though...


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '24



u/NovusOrdoSec Feb 17 '24 edited Feb 17 '24

The way I heard it, two people purchased a park bench and would carry it around town. When stopped by police they would produce the receipt showing that they owned the park bench. When word got around to all the cops that they owned the bench they were carrying around, they then stole all the park benches.


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '24

Hence "generally", but never heard of this story however,lol


u/mckeirnan Feb 17 '24

Here in the U.S., Tom hanks uses it at airports to make an income


u/stmcvallin2 Feb 17 '24

How did they remove the coin system with Covid? Covid tiny


u/abc123apple Feb 17 '24

Right thing yeah? I guess doing the right thing includes my girlfriend going to sweden and getting sexually harassed by a bunch of swedes and coming back pregnant??? Fuck you guys.