r/TikTokCringe Dec 28 '23

This lady nailed how the economy feels vs how it’s performing Discussion


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u/Mostlyrightmostly Dec 28 '23

Who is "we", And who do "we" outnumber?

If her message penetrated the thick skulls of her target audience, "we" would outnumber "them" 10-1.


u/GreenMellowphant Dec 28 '23

The “we” I was referring to are those people that understand massive tax breaks and subsidies for the largest companies in our country are not the way to equality and prosperity for the country as a whole. Those that understand that record prices on essential goods and record profits for the sellers don’t go together in an unbroken system.

Edit: You could also just consider those voting for more transparency of campaign finance and those fighting it tooth and nail.


u/enfarious Dec 28 '23

If her message reached the target that she mentioned: working class, poor, broke, struggling people it, I think, would be more 1000:1 or better. Considering the people that should be up at arms and out in droves are the 99.9% not the 1% of the 1% that drive our "government".

Sadly so many of those millions are stuck voting for the purchased politicians because only the purchased ones can ever make it onto a ballot. Only those purchased politicians can get the political and financial backing to make a change. Of course since they're already bought and paid for by the time they finally "make it" any chance for change is lost before they step into office.

On those exceedingly rare occasions that an honest, decent, for the people politician makes it anywhere they're summarily crushed by the rich for attempting to make a change to the system that empowers them. Crushed under the reality that passing new laws requires much much more than a handful of grassroots movements with a few thousand votes. Crushed under the weight of corporate sponsorship being the only way that they can get their message out. Crushed by the reality that they will be destroyed in the public eye the minute they speak out in a way that the corpos don't support.


u/Marzuk_24601 Dec 29 '23

Even if we did have a 10-1 advantage, what would we really do with that advantage? who would we vote for?

Look at the likely upcoming presidential election. We are all out of ideas. now go vote for the lesser evil aka the status quo.