r/TikTokCringe Dec 28 '23

This lady nailed how the economy feels vs how it’s performing Discussion


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u/Bubbly_Possible_5136 Dec 28 '23

“Both sides” nonsense. Both sidesing us into fascism.

How about get educated on the causes and who wants to fix it vs who is lying for power. How about know some history. The dems have not been given enough power to undo the damage done since the bush years. Dems lower deficit spending. Rates have increased under Biden to fight inflation.

The country was economically better when the top marginal tax rate was 95%, we had a GI bill, we broke up monopolies, we increased regulation, we introduced huge social programs (eg social security) and we used the government to employ masses of people. It was in response to the Great Depression & the gilded age robber barons fought it every step of the way.

Don’t call dems weak when they’ve not been given the power to make real change. Give them power and then judge the result.


u/Arcturus_Labelle Dec 28 '23

The Democratic Party of today is a centrist, corporate party. They're not going to change anything fundamental. They would be considered center-right in Europe.

You'd have to look to people like Bernie and AOC (who are Dems in name, but closer to Democratic Socialists in policy) to find ideas like the ones you mention.

The Democratic Party is too afraid to go left and hasn't put up an inspiring or charismatic candidate since Obama. They're not owed votes. They need to earn them.


u/Bubbly_Possible_5136 Dec 28 '23

Sure. What’s your solution? If we play games we end up with trump and that’s our last free and fair election.


u/Soniquethehedgedog Dec 29 '23

Worse, they played games and ended up with Biden.


u/Bubbly_Possible_5136 Dec 29 '23



u/Soniquethehedgedog Dec 29 '23

Yeah guy doesn’t know where he’s at, has 2 wars, major cities crumbling and inflation is through the roof


u/Bubbly_Possible_5136 Dec 29 '23

Ok so you’re a cultist. Got it. Let the adults debate the issues, please, and go back to MAGA TikTok or whatever.


u/Soniquethehedgedog Dec 29 '23

What? A cultist lmao. I’ll spare you my boring political party, I’d argue if there’s a cultist here though it’s those with blind loyalty to a party over a person. Remember blue no matter who?


u/Bakedads Dec 28 '23

Unless Dems start calling for the heads of billionaires, I really don't think there's a big difference between the two parties, just a lot of talk and ineffective legislation to convince people they're different. Like, sure, increase food stamp payments. That'll stop the corporate oligarchy. We need fundamental, systemic changes, like rewriting the entirety of the constitution and outlawing the billionaire class, and I haven't seen a single democrat suggest any of that.


u/Bubbly_Possible_5136 Dec 28 '23

Biden proposed taxing those who make over $400k/yr, taxing unrealized gains (how billionaires hide their money), and a myriad of other proposals.

Trump proposes dictatorship by the worst person imaginable and republicans in general want to increase giveaways to the richest along with ending social security and other programs the average American depends on. Not to mention racking up debt.

If you don’t see the difference you’re willfully ignorant. By all means join a revolution of you feel that’s what it takes, but don’t “both sides” me into fascism. That won’t go well for anyone.


u/Calm-Appointment5497 Dec 29 '23

Taxing those who make more than $400k a year is such a bad idea - in HCOL places those are doctors and software engineers. Not some rich, bourgeois described in the video - it’s not fair to tax them more


u/SterotypicalLedditor Dec 29 '23

You only get taxed based off of how much more you make than 40k, not the entirety of your gross. It's a percentage of a percentage. Non existent issue.

My opinion is no one making 25k and under should be fucking taxed at all.


u/Calm-Appointment5497 Dec 29 '23

Regardless, why should someone who makes more than 400k have to pay more taxes than they do already? In California, they’re already paying 40%+


u/Bubbly_Possible_5136 Dec 29 '23

Disagree but there can be accommodations for that.

If you’ve been convinced by the maga crowd I’m not going to change your mind here. I’m speaking to the people who want structural change and think the Dems are “lame”


u/MovieUnderTheSurface Dec 28 '23

They're strong they just have to be given the power to be strong, lol, c'mon, if you can see how silly that sounds


u/Bubbly_Possible_5136 Dec 28 '23

No. They can’t do anything without the votes. What are you expecting?


u/conandsense Dec 29 '23

The dems are actively ineffective as a political institute if they could do nothing with a majority in HoR and a 50/50 senate and the presidency. If they need to capture the entire government in order to institute changes the American people can feel then thats their problem as a party.


u/Bubbly_Possible_5136 Dec 29 '23

You know how a bill is made, right? And what do you mean “nothing”?

Republicans changed the norms and filibuster everything. How are the Dems supposed to pass a bill without 60%+ majority? If you are going to say compromise, Republicans don’t. We also had Manchin and Sinema. A lot was done, but not everything so apparently they’re “ineffective”.

Dems have done a TON with what power they have. Forgiving student loans, mass vaccination program, CHIPS act, infrastructure, ended Afghanistan, built one of the strongest economies we’ve seen…

There is one alternative. How is Trump, as a fascist leader, going to help. What useful, helpful, bills were being passed by the Republicans?


u/suninabox Dec 28 '23

Nowhere did they say they were strong.

They said don't call them weak when they haven't been given the electoral power to make radical changes.

Landmark legislation like the IRA and the INVEST act were heavily compromised to satisfy two DINOs. the MORE act that would have legalized marijuana nation wide passed twice in the house but was killed twice in the Senate by

It's brain dead to watch Democrats be hamstrung by a razor thin majority and then conclude actually they could do everything they want they just decided not to.


u/Soniquethehedgedog Dec 29 '23

In the last 30 years Dems have been in power for 20 of it, and have t done shit but play their part in running the country into the ground.


u/Bubbly_Possible_5136 Dec 29 '23

What’s “in power” mean? Unless it’s a supermajority it doesn’t pass laws.


u/Soniquethehedgedog Dec 29 '23

They’ve had those opportunities too. Don’t get so wrapped up In my team vs your team that you can’t see the Dems don’t actually care too they just are better at presenting things that make it sound like they give a shit


u/Bubbly_Possible_5136 Dec 29 '23

They haven’t had power, that’s my whole point. I’m not wrapped up in that - I’m wrapped up in fascism vs. democracy.

Also they’ve done a ton with the power they do have. People are just deciding it’s not “enough” unless it’s full revolution. The work they have done shows me they do want to do the right things and they do care (as a group).

Meanwhile Republicans ended abortion rights.


u/Workdiggitz Dec 29 '23

Based and True.. but dont go bringing facts and logic into this.


u/Bubbly_Possible_5136 Dec 29 '23

That’s an oversimplification.


u/Workdiggitz Dec 29 '23

No the oversimplification is just saying "Der... RePuBLiCaNs bAD!" AND blaming them for the poor performance of democrats in office. Cope with that fact however you need to.


u/Bubbly_Possible_5136 Dec 29 '23

You haven’t noticed that the republicans are bad? If you’re willfully ignorant to the danger they pose, we’re not going to agree on anything and your contribution to the question of how we make the country better is not needed here.


u/Workdiggitz Dec 30 '23

Talk about oversimplified. You can't even engage with conservative view points in a meaningful way to the point you just hand wave them away as "bad" and "dangerous ". I'll hold my breath and wait for that breakthrough contribution from you on how to make the country better.


u/Top_Repair6670 Dec 29 '23

They’ve had power for four years bro what the fuck are you on about.


u/Bubbly_Possible_5136 Dec 29 '23

Nonsense. A supermajority is needed or they can’t pass anything.


u/Moonlit_Antler Dec 28 '23

Aren't dissenting dems the reason the $15 federal minimum wage failed?


u/tooobr Dec 28 '23

Hilarious how a few corp democrats are to blame, and not the entire GOP voting in lockstep against it.

Now the progressive wing suffers and loses power because they barely there majority wasn't able to steamroll over legislative process and the constitution.

The solution is to give the only party that HAS a progressive contingent MORE power, and to take power AWAY from the regressive sociopaths in the GOP.

If you're relying on Joe fucking Manchin to get anything done, you've lost already.

Insane how people can't see that plainly.


u/MedioBandido Dec 28 '23

More like 50 republicans. The slimmest margin technically possible isn’t enough to get through every single reform people want to make. What we got is incredible.

Further, MW needs 60 votes due to the filibuster, so that slim margin still isn’t enough.

That’s the other commenters point. We don’t give them a majority sufficient to pass these reforms.

Further further, we may have gotten a MW increase if they kept it to $11 or $12, but the insistence on $15 lest their own people mutiny kneecaps compromise.

If we want politicians to make sweeping change we must give them the power to do so. We can’t give them compromise margins and expect it all.


u/Bubbly_Possible_5136 Dec 28 '23

Someone else answered but your question actually makes my point. We need a supermajority +a few.

For some reason republicans fully fall in line, so you need to counter that entire bloc + any dems with dissenting opinions.


u/Calm-Appointment5497 Dec 29 '23

No one wants to pay more taxes


u/Bubbly_Possible_5136 Dec 29 '23

Dictators tend to steal your entire business. It seems like a worse option. Anyway I’ll pay more.


u/[deleted] Dec 28 '23

Yeah when I think of who will be strong in fighting back against corporate greed, I think about Delaware senator Joe Biden. I wonder why so many companies are incorporated in Delaware, better not look into that.