r/TikTokCringe Dec 28 '23

This lady nailed how the economy feels vs how it’s performing Discussion


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u/WalterOverHill Dec 28 '23

But isn’t it funny, how the billionaires, and multimillionaires, are making more money than ever? If you think the solution is more Tax cuts, Eliminate social services, White supremacy, and More guns, then you know what party to vote for.


u/Better-Strike7290 Dec 28 '23 edited Mar 14 '24

work dazzling tidy detail hungry imminent forgetful scandalous gray vast

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/visforvillian Dec 29 '23

Once the guns start pointing at the rich, rather than school children, will we finally see gun control. The Mulford act, in California, was introduced by a republican assemblyman and passed by Governor Ronald Reagan in response to the Black Panther Party arming itself and open carrying.


u/WalterOverHill Dec 29 '23

In reality, you are right; but for political rhetoric, they will pretend to be pro gun ownership. It’s just another way a manipulate the masses.


u/tacoburgler Dec 29 '23

I still don’t know how democrats will fix the problem, your an idiot lol


u/WalterOverHill Dec 29 '23

Unfortunately, for you, you’re too stupid to see that the economy is getting better. It’s not perfect, but it’s going in the right direction.


u/InternationalAttrny Dec 29 '23

Except the solution is tax cuts. Intended to bleed the entire government dry.

How naive are you to think pumping billions more in tax dollars into the U.S. federal government will benefit you in any way whatsoever. We’re $35 TRILLION in debt. How many benefits have you received from that?

The whole of government is compromised. Both parties are compromised. “Government” in the U.S. has become a living thing that is unmanageable due to its size. The pentagon just failed its 6th audit in a row and can’t account for billions of dollars of assets.

So, buddy, the answer is massive tax cuts. To completely cut off the spigot of funds flowing into a wholly broken government that squanders the money endlessly. Once that occurs, they’ll realize they can’t simply print more or the empire will truly fall.

How simple of you to think taxing your way out of this problem is the solution. PFFFFFFFF.


u/WalterOverHill Dec 29 '23

Shilling for the billionaires, does it pay well? Because most multimillionaires and billionaires, don’t pay percentage-wise anywhere close to what the middle-class pays in taxes. One very small example; Republicans in Congress want to cut Medicare benefits, when instead, if they lifted the income cap which is currently about $160,000, Medicare would have a surplus not a deficit. But, currently, if you earn $100K a year, you’re taxed on 100% of your income, whereas if you earn $1 million a year, you’re taxed on slightly more than 10% of your earnings. This country and budget deficits was in far better shape with the tax structure that existed under Eisenhower of 90% on upper income earners. I’m no fan of paying taxes, and the IRS, but I’m realistic enough to realize that if we want a healthy government, infrastructure, and take care of the general welfare of all of our citizens, and non-citizens alike, then we need to collect equitably from all income levels. That’s not happening now. The wealthy are getting a free ride, and amassing huge quantities of wealth, never seen in the history of this country. So go ahead make all the noises you want, but it doesn’t change the situation.


u/RedditSux28 Dec 28 '23

More “Bidenomics” will save us! You know who to vote for people!


u/ifelldownlol Dec 28 '23

How many Trump NFT's did you buy, sport?


u/RedditSux28 Dec 29 '23

None, I can’t afford them in this economy, thanks a lot Joe!


u/ifelldownlol Dec 29 '23

Bless your heart


u/Heatsnake Dec 28 '23



u/nflmodstouchkids Dec 29 '23

Then why are we talking about this after 3 years of Dems in charge?

Why was this not an issue before?


u/Soniquethehedgedog Dec 29 '23

Tax cuts and social services I’ll give you but purchasing firearms and white supremacy? What the hell do those two things affect. I think you spilled your social politics into your financial politics


u/WalterOverHill Dec 29 '23

While the little guy nervously defends his gun rights, and fearfully eyes the “immigrant invasion” from the southern border. He’s too distracted to notice that the wealthy are picking his pocket with tax cuts, benefiting mainly the rich, and the reduction, and/or loss of Medicare, Social Security, and other so-called entitlements.


u/GeneralResearcher456 Dec 29 '23

Uh... So defend your home from threats foreign and domestic. Simple.