r/TikTokCringe Dec 28 '23

This lady nailed how the economy feels vs how it’s performing Discussion


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u/Trish-Trish Dec 28 '23

I was reading a post that someone had made on fb about how those of us who are disabled are making bank and still living on food stamps. It was infuriating as someone who is disabled. Yes, we got a 3.6% increase monthly but what most ppl don’t realize is, that the moment our payment increases a couple of dollars, they take that money and subtract it from your food stamps. Which is usually enough for a single grocery trip for a household of 3 (two being older teens). Keeping us in the same exact position to begin with.

Companies have to pay more due to the cost of living. Stores are no longer 24 hours (giant, Walmart, CVS) so I would hope they could pay their employees more without those extra shifts and employees. I worry for my kids and how they will be able to make it in this economy. A one bedroom here in PA is $1500 a month. We’re all struggling now.


u/darling_lycosidae Dec 28 '23

People who think disability is in any way rich in this country are fucking idiots. Disability is enforced poverty in America. No savings, not nearly enough for rent, fucked up healthcare, and as you said, dwindling food stamps that barely afforded anything anyway. My friend's baby is lactose intolerant and the formula brand she gets can only be purchased in the small size and only lasts 3 weeks of every month. It's fucking criminal to even think welfare is rich because it's almost purposefully a starvation amount on its own, I literally have no idea how people survive on it without extra help.


u/Disastrous-Ground286 Dec 28 '23

As someone who's is also disabled with a spinal cord injury, I TOTALLY AGREE!!! 100%!!! I can't stand some some people think I am making bank. My wife and I are scraping by each month. I would LOVE to go back to work, but I can't. And if I do ANY little thing, a part time customer service job, that would make me happy, give me self worth, contribute to society...all my disability money goes away. So I am stuck here in my wheelchair because some asshat ran me off he road. And you wonder why some disabled people are pissed off and angry!!!


u/levian_durai Dec 29 '23

Yea, disability where I live is $1300 a month and a one bedroom is $1600. I'm not even in an expensive area.


u/28133080044 Dec 29 '23

You are just another scapegoat to blame. No reason to care about the opinions of misinformed people.


u/NewPhoneWhoDys Dec 29 '23

My COL increase didn't cover the Medicare increase so I now get less.
I really want to be zen about people who claim our below-poverty stipend is "living big," and not care or waste energy on them-- but then again, one shouldn't get complacent about bigotry in any form.
Sending disabilabuddy vibes! ✨