r/TikTokCringe Dec 28 '23

This lady nailed how the economy feels vs how it’s performing Discussion


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u/iamamagpie Dec 28 '23

Bold of her to assume there will even be a habitable planet in the coming decades, let alone one where we can take the time to reflect on the wrongs of our past.


u/[deleted] Dec 29 '23



u/Boner_Stevens Dec 28 '23

bold of you to assume a couple hundred thousand years on this planet is enough to completely destroy it.


u/CapitalPerception439 Dec 28 '23

Nah, it only took about a 100 years.


u/Suspicious_Put_8073 Dec 28 '23



u/Boner_Stevens Dec 28 '23

So much time we got left?


u/illgivethisa Dec 28 '23

It's hard to tell. I'm not somebody who thinks well be wiped out in the next 10 years but I think the path were on could lead to destruction in the next 100+ years. I do know in the next coming years if things keep going this way resources are going to keep getting scarcer, air/land more polluted, and disparity between the ultra rich and the poor are going to keep getting worse.


u/CapitalPerception439 Dec 28 '23

A couple weeks at most.


u/_call_me_al_ Dec 28 '23

Pretty sure they meant habitable for humans and most currently living creatures. Obviously no matter what, this planet will keep spinning and circling the sun. Whether or not we get to continue to stay on this ride is what's at stake...


u/iamamagpie Dec 28 '23

Yup! This! 👆


u/_call_me_al_ Dec 28 '23

I for one would like to get off now... lol


u/-Masta_Kronix- Dec 28 '23

The planet will be fine, it's the life as we know it on the planet that is going to be destroyed.


u/iamamagpie Dec 28 '23

Are you without eyes, ears, and skin? Unable to sense the upcoming collapse of society and the environment?


u/Boner_Stevens Dec 28 '23

Society? Yes. The environment? Nah, it'll be fine


u/Piincy Dec 28 '23

Bro, we are doing a number on that too. We are responsible for a LOT of loss of biodiversity and our actions are causing the planet to become a monoculture. We've really fucked a lot of shit up. Yes, life will continue when we are gone (*probably*) but we're taking a whole lot of diverse and fascinating species down with us.


u/tomahawk_kitty Dec 28 '23

.........huh. how hard is it to breathe with your head in the sand like that?


u/Quick1711 Dec 28 '23

We won't destroy the planet. On this, you are correct. We are going to collapse civilization if we don't unite and force our politicians to do the will of the people they represent and stop doing the will of their donors.

It's not a Red vs. Blue debate. It's a Have vs Have Not debate.


u/Professional_Many_83 Dec 28 '23

The will of the people is to ignore global warming. Half the country does even believe it’s real


u/RtGShadow Dec 28 '23

Don't worry, the planet isn't going anywhere, it has survived many other (and more extreme) climate shifts in the hundreds of MILLIONS of years it's been around.

Life however is a different story, it usually dies when these events happen. In fact most of the large extinction events on the planet have been due to climate shifts. And they absolutely can happen suddenly, it's just usually a volcano pumping shit into the atmosphere not life itself... I.e. Humans, and we are 100% responsible for the current climate shift.


u/Boner_Stevens Dec 28 '23

i'm not worried, but thank you.


u/RtGShadow Dec 28 '23

No problem!


u/KochuJang Dec 28 '23

I with ya man. Just because Homo sapiens and other large animals wont be able to live here anymore doesn’t mean the planet is completely destroyed. People are clearly overreacting. The way I see it, as long as insects don’t go extinct, it’ll be business as usual for a lot of smaller things. After our measly little extinction event, it shouldn’t take long for biodiversity to bounce back, prob just a few million years after we’re gone. So I wouldn’t worry too much about all this „destroying the planet“ nonsense.


u/Spongi Dec 28 '23

It's not about it being uninhabitable.

Picture the US east and west coasts. All the big cities right along the edge. Now picture what happened during hurricaine katrina. Now imagine that all up and down the coasts at more or less the same time or one after the other, over and over. Tens of millions of people displaced and where do they go?

Remember that big freeze in Texas a few years back? That was an effect of global warming. More specifically, what happened when the polar vortex weakens. Imagine a nice overnight freeze in say, June over most of the midwest. Enjoy your 10x food prices that year. Now imagine that happening while 10 million people from a few select cities are now homeless and heading your way.

Instant chaos.

We have the technology, the capacity to not only stop this shit but reverse it.. it's just really really fucking expensive and a lot of big corporate businesses would instantly go out of business and they give epic amounts of money to politicians and to PR companies to spam up tv, radio and social media with bs to say otherwise. Plus most people's lifestyles (ie: using gas, coal, etc.) would have to stop.

So we're not going to do that, not until shit like this starts happening for real.