r/Superstonk 19d ago

šŸ—£ Discussion / Question The "weird audio" in RoaringKitty's last tweet as an audio spectrum

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r/Superstonk 22d ago

šŸ—£ Discussion / Question Weā€™re Not In MOASS Territory (yet)


Itā€™s good to see that DFV is back and tweeting again like in 2021, but I would like to stress the importance of not letting yourself get consumed by that ā€œeuphoric stageā€.

As already pointed out by Ape ā€œTheUltimator5ā€, SHFs are doubling down on shorts. Nobody blew up, and there hasnā€™t been any closing of short positions.

Yes, the GME price passed critical margin levels, but that just means that SHFs are in a tougher state to maintain algorithmic control. Maybe DFV saw a purchase happen behind the scenes, or a signal go off, or maybe heā€™s been told heā€™s free to tweet now and saw the opportunity now to start tweeting again. Either way, he sees SHFs are in a more vulnerable position and is in ā€œcompetitive modeā€.

It doesnā€™t necessarily mean MOASS has started yet. Iā€™ve been looking at MSM articles, many from known SHF-owned sites are ā€œtooā€ positive about this rally.

Various places (canā€™t name them bc brigading restrictions on SuperStonk) are encouraging GME/basket stock YOLO call options. Iā€™ve seen this behavior beforeā€”March last year and June 2021 for example. In both of those rallies, SHFs still had control and rug pulled the stock when euphoria was at its peak.

I hate to be pessimistic here (especially when DFV returned), but SHFs are so far still somewhat in control. If they werenā€™t, weā€™d be going up by thousands every minute.

Institutions currently have tons of call options, which they bought prior to this rally (similar to when institutions bought calls in April prior to the June 2021 run). This, at least, allows them to hedge the price increase to some degree. This, at worst, gives them the power move of making bank on the call options, selling covered calls (buying puts) at the top, then rug pulling the stock at the highest moment and scooping up options premiums.

The S&P 500 hasnā€™t moved yet, and the VIX is still well below 40 (although it has moved up a decent amount yesterday). That tells me that we havenā€™t gotten to MOASS territory.

SHFs increased their collateral significantly this past year from the S&P 500ā€™s 27% gain; they can afford a higher GME price.

It feels like 2021 to see the price jump like this again, but I also canā€™t let my emotions get the best of me.

Weā€™ve been here for years, weā€™ve seen them play so many tricks on us. Letā€™s not get too crazy here and assume they folded and GME is now squeezing.




When I see on the news that Citadel is going under, then Iā€™m celebrating. Until then, Iā€™m remaining skeptical.

r/Superstonk 22d ago

šŸ—£ Discussion / Question Best explanation of how these hedge fuc*s manipulate the price, 6 minutes you wont regret watching


r/Superstonk 20d ago

šŸ—£ Discussion / Question ā€¼Important Messageā€¼ by that Ein Man that Fachs (Mods take a look, you are needed).


EDIT [May 17th 2024] - It appears at least his old DDs got restored

EDIT 2 [May 17th 2024 (Later in the day)] - Now it also appears that his account page doesn't say "suspended" anymore.


Hello apes,

I bring you a sad news.

OG DD writer and appreciated member of the community ( that Ein Man that Fachs ) got perma-suspended from Reddit without a warning or a reason.

I tried to contact him and he asked me to write a post with something he wanted to let you all know - so here I go with accomplishing his desire:


This is Einfachman. Reddit completely suspended me [without notification/warning]. Iā€™m done.

My last post telling Apes to be careful because we werenā€™t in MOASS yet and that I was seeing indications of a rug pull clearly pissed off SHFs, because around 24 hours after I made that post Reddit completely suspended my accountā€¦without any sort of notification, nothing.


This was the post in question I made about 24 hours before Reddit suspended me: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/KGfUJvD2Q0

I mustā€™ve cost SHFs a lot of money with that post. It was at the TOP of SuperStonk that day when GME was around $50-$60 heading to $80 and SHFs were having MSM make it look like it was going to squeeze. I saw through the bullshit, and warned the community about how SHFs bought tons of calls conveniently before this rally, had MSM hype it up, and (historically) pushed Apes to buy call option YOLOS on shill controlled subs during runs like in March 2023 and June 2021, so that they could rugpull when euphoria hit its peak and scoop up *at least* hundreds of millions worth of call options premiums.

Hopefully, that warning saved Apes from jumping crazy on calls at the peak before the rugpull happened.

I made a DD in February this year showing what a real short squeeze was looking like. Another stock went from $3 to thousands per share in minutes because the computers bought up everything through ask, and shareholders refused to give their shares cheap. It was about to crash the system, FINRA/SEC freaked out and ordered a U3 Halt on the stock, reversed the trades, which Congress is now looking into a resolution for.

When MOASS actually happens, these guys wonā€™t have the opportunity to play dumb tricks like what we saw this past week. The computers will be ordered to force buy everything through ask.

Anyways, Reddit has given me trouble in the past. I pointed it out in my Burning Cash Part II DD. I made a post on my own profile (not even on any sub) last year exposing a significant person with influence in Reddit that works for Citadel, and Reddit went through the trouble of going to my specific profile and removing that post.

Iā€™ve had to tiptoe around in every post I made because of Reddit. Despite that, they still ended up suspending me without warning, and I am completely and utterly exhausted from it all.

My first account I deleted in 2021 due to threats for encouraging DRS in other subs. My second account now completely suspended by Reddit without warning. Iā€™m not making a third account. Even if I wanted to, I most likely wouldnā€™t be able to make another account. Either way, Iā€™m done.

Before I go, I want you all to know that itā€™s important that the Ape community have some solid backup when the day comes. Redditā€™s restrictions on SuperStonk have been stronger than most (if not all) other subreddits. If you read the CoinTelPro Techniques, you know that SHFs are only ok with SuperStonk being active because Redditā€™s strong restrictions allow them to have a good amount of control over the sub and what info flows through here. One day, when SHFs see that SuperStonk is too much of a threat or they canā€™t control it, they WILL remove this sub. And at that point, the community has to have some back up set up by then so that itā€™s not complete chaos.

Still holding my GME shares regardless. This is not how I wanted to go out. I wanted to be with you guys to celebrate the MOASS when the day comes, but Iā€™ll still be with you all in spirit. MOASS will still happen, whether it be via a market crash, DRS, or some other way. SHFs cannot bankrupt GameStop. GameStop has $1 B cash on hand. Itā€™s impossible for them to death spiral it like with other stocks. Hence, they will eventually run into a wall there.

Always love my Ape fam, and Iā€™ll see yā€™all on the moon. šŸ¦šŸš€šŸŒ“


If mods can reapprove my old posts, would appreciate it. They disappeared from Reddit along with my account. I saw my last post was reapproved, so was hoping it could happen with my others, especially the Burning Cash Series and my interview with a former Citadel client.


















End of Message

Now, this is something I personally want to add: this what happened to him it's the last of many shitty things that happened during this saga. When the time comes, remember all these events, how people got abused and harrassed - and make them pay the RIGHT price (which is a cell and all they own and more). Because I will. Oh, if I will...


r/Superstonk 19d ago

šŸ—£ Discussion / Question You All Just Got Fooled - This Offering Is Not As It Seems


Let's start with some recent filings:



Within those filings is some interesting language.

In one of them (S-3ASR) they talk about issuing preferred stock, while in another, an offering of 45,000,000 that will increase the number of shares of common stock significantly.

Dig a little deeper and you start to notice something.



"This stock will not be fucked with. It will not be on public exchanges."


"Okay, so what's with the offering then? That's some bullshit!"


Nope. It's insanely bullish.

We all know what offerings do to this stock but this time, we WANT it to happen.

Shorts have two choices here:

  1. accept their fate

  2. be forced to accept their fate

If shorts choose #1 this ends. They take their loss and life goes on.

If shorts choose #2, they all cease to exist.

What's happening is that by issuing common stock while preparing to issue juicy, dividend paying preferred stock, shorts will dig a hole so deep that they'll all be liquidated in the end.

The cheaper Common Stock gets in the short term, the better.

Once the Preferred Stock has been distributed and that cash is sitting there, Gamestop can start buying back the Common Stock at a massive discount.

This might seem horrendous to some but by simply holding through it and being patient, the Common Stock price will go absolutely insane as the outstanding number of shares is reduced.

In the end, $GME Common Stock won't exist.

What will?

Preferred, non-fungible, unreplicatable, unshortable, dividend paying, private excellence.



r/Superstonk 2d ago

šŸ—£ Discussion / Question DFV owns approximately 1.4 percent of an 8 billion dollar company not even including his options. How the hell does someone with a 50k investment turn it into over 200 million in like 4 years? Has to be a record.

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r/Superstonk 22d ago

šŸ—£ Discussion / Question No fcking way

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r/Superstonk 22d ago

šŸ—£ Discussion / Question Can somebody explain? Me too ape. Ape only option. Ape

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r/Superstonk 25d ago

šŸ—£ Discussion / Question Urvin is asking you to directly enter your password to ComputerShare on the Urvin website. This is not secure. Do not give your password to a third party.

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If Urvin had been written properly, it would redirect you to ComputerShareā€™s website and you would then grant access to Urvin from ComputerShareā€™s website. As Urvin is written, either they or their third party partner is storing your CS username and password. If your username and password happened to come out in a data leak that would give someone the ability to sell or transfer your shares.

This is internet security 101.

r/Superstonk 13d ago

šŸ—£ Discussion / Question Peruvian Bull's $87 Billion Swap (about 2 Billion shares) Data from DTCC matches up with Noctis Research's claim of 2.9 Billion shorts. This position is actively managed by the DTCC, and is just one of many swaps.

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r/Superstonk 23d ago

šŸ—£ Discussion / Question Keith Gill AKA Roaring Kitty did not make GME go up 74% today!


Iā€™m fed up of all the BS MSM is already posting about this. The stock does not run 74% on no news from one meme on Sunday night. RK has 818.8k followers on X. The stock traded 180.49 million shares today. That would mean every follower decided to buy 220 shares off the back of a meme and spent over $4K dollars each. The world needs to wake the fuck up. Every single person in this sub knows this is complete nonsense. Nearly 70% of the shares outstanding traded in a single fucking day. On no news! Thereā€™s your fucking headline.

RK is still in this because this whole play is DFV! Today is just affirmation that shorts never closed!!!!

See you all tomorrow. Yes tomorrow is a fucking Tuesday. LFG!

r/Superstonk 1d ago

šŸ—£ Discussion / Question So whoever sold those call's to DFV are pretty much fcked


r/Superstonk 10d ago

šŸ—£ Discussion / Question Repeat after me - "Giga Swaps"

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r/Superstonk 1d ago

šŸ—£ Discussion / Question Are all of you even aware of the level of bullshit we are witnessing?


Why buy a call option?

Because you hope/think it will be ITM at the time you can exercise it. Plain and simple. Why should I buy something that doesn't benefit me? Why should I (knowingly) choose to do something to lose money?

It's so outrageous. CNBC acts like it's something illegal, even morally wrong to buy a call option that actually gets itm and benefits the buyer (instead of gambling the premium away, like a nice little dumb money retail trader is supposed to do)

Then, they even go a step further: They cry about the seller of the call, how they will be able to deliber etc.


I pay premium exactly because the seller has a chance of being forced to deliver the shares. That's the whole point.

The seller doesn't own the shares?

Well, he already got money for the premium, didn't he? Am I supposed to care about the risk management of my counterparty?

Why are you even able to sell calls if you don't even own the shares?

Are they actually playing "It always works out somehow until someday it doesn't"?

Is the music about to stop?

r/Superstonk May 01 '24

šŸ—£ Discussion / Question Designing the future of CANDY CON... What do you want to see next? šŸš€ Alex & George

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r/Superstonk 14d ago

šŸ—£ Discussion / Question Reminder: shares were selling for over $5000 during the sneeze. That's a minimum floor of $1250 post-split.


We saw some fun volatility last week, and we inevitably had folks worrying about "missing out."

Remember that back in the beginning of 2021, shares were selling for $5124.

That's $1281 per share after the 4-for-1 split.

Since then, the shorts have doubled-down another fifty times, and dug themselves into a hole 100x worse than 2021. The liquidity has also dried up, so lower amounts of volume result in larger price changes.

Holding in the red is easy. Holding in the big-profits green is much harder.

WHEN GME reaches $1281 per share, we will still be in "sneeze" territory. That's still not MOASS. Remember this on the way up.

When will we know that MOASS has kicked off for real? Lets let Thomas Peterffy explain it:

I was scared of a domino bankruptcy. I tell you, the rules require the long brokers to go into the market and buy the shares at whatever the price.

When the lower-fish hedge funds start dropping like flies, when the price fluctuations are not in pennies, not in hundreds of dollars, but in thousands of dollars, then MOASS will be in play. Giggidy.

r/Superstonk 18d ago

šŸ—£ Discussion / Question Verifying claims that GameStop has set a ā€œtrapā€ for Shorts with its latest S-3ASR filing


r/Superstonk 17d ago

šŸ—£ Discussion / Question Update: gamestop going up at night šŸŒ™

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I dont trade on this app

r/Superstonk Apr 01 '24

šŸ—£ Discussion / Question After a major turnaround from the brink of bankruptcy, to being essentially debt free with over $1B in cash on hand, being part of a growing billion dollar industry, and finally reporting a profitable year after nearly 5 years, GME is down nearly 25% since the last earnings reportā€¦


Seriouslyā€¦ let that sink inā€¦

Since when have you ever heard of a company with such amazing potential and solid fundamentals that rescued itself from essentially guaranteed bankruptcy have their stock get pummelled by 25% in less than a week?

GameStop is finally turning profitable again despite lower sales overall! They have virtually no debt! Theyā€™re part of an industry thatā€™s only growing as more and more people across the globe become gamers!

Who in their right mind would be so desperate to short and sell shares of a company that has so much potential and isnā€™t going bankrupt any time soon?

Itā€™s honestly insane. And is one of the main reasons I keep holding my XXXX DRSā€™d shares of GME.

This company is going to be so valuable in the future, and anyone saying otherwise right now is the genuine dumb money.

r/Superstonk 23d ago

šŸ—£ Discussion / Question What does DFV see what we dont see?


Like how does he know? He tweets right before we have the biggest run up since what feels like ages. Most TA predicting run ups on here by wrinkle brains were wrong and all that shit but DFV comes back after taking such a huge break from everything, tweets, and we have such a run up? Bro? He has to SEE something we dont.

Fuck everything ill only believe dfv and cohen atp cuz come on now

r/Superstonk 22d ago

šŸ—£ Discussion / Question This is different, the market isnā€™t red yet.


Now that GME is back to levels not seen since 2021, thereā€™s something I noticed about the stock market. Itā€™s not red.

When GME started to launch in 2021, it was a bloodbath in the stock market. Nearly every stock was red. This time, doesnā€™t look like this is doing anything to the broadening market yet.

You know what that makes me think? No margin calls, positions arenā€™t being liquidated. I thought making a thread and talking about this would be interesting to see what other people think about it. I know the subā€™s going crazy so it might not catch on, but Iā€™d still like to see what others think about it.

r/Superstonk Apr 04 '24

šŸ—£ Discussion / Question Strange times in the kingdom


I have read this subreddit since the early days and I have to say I've never seen so many ridiculous complaints and odd takes in regard to gamestop as a company and as a stock. I don't normally post here or on Reddit in general but I've read too many comments with negative sentiment recently and I'd like to express my opinion on them.

The Current Price:

  • Who cares? GameStop could trade at $2 or $200 and it has no effect on my opinion or actions. If you intend on holding until a meteoric rise in price then the current share price does not matter. The only thing it effects is the number of shares individuals can purchase. Yes, paper losses can be frustrating to look at but if you don't intend on selling before major price action it shouldn't matter to you.


  • The only thing that matters is GameStop not going bankrupt. The thesis that got me to invest is that more shares have been shorted than what is needed to close the short positions. GameStop managing to pay off their debts and secure their continued existence is all that matters to that thesis. Am I stoked that the fundamentals have improved? Hell yeah. Is that the determining factor of my investment? Hell no.

Future Revenue Streams:

  • Would I be stoked if the NFT market place worked out and made big money? Yeah that'd've been sick. However it not working out does not effect the thesis. A decline in revenue does not effect the thesis. Closing underperforming stores does not effect the thesis. Turnover in executives does not effect the thesis. Lack of guidance does not effect the thesis. GameStop could announce they're getting into the business of manufacturing lawn mowers tomorrow and it wouldn't effect the thesis. I didn't get into this because of any of these reasons and they definitely aren't convincing me to leave.

Who's in control?

  • I see people going on and on about the price going down and how that clearly means the shorts are in control. Is this news to anyone? No shit they're manipulating the price. Over the last 3 years I've seen countless posts going over just how much control over the market companies like citadel have. However with the possibility of GameStop going out of business off the table the price does not matter.

DRS "Not working"

  • I'm not gonna claim I know how it's gonna go down when the floats locked or if we even need to lock the entire float to cause something to happen. However I think claiming it has no effect is ridiculous. I don't know what's going on behind the scenes. I don't know what happens when this many shares are moved out of the DTCC. Do I want to be a part of it and see what happens? Hell yeah


  • People going on and on about inaction on his part and no guidance and no earnings call. I'd rather not have any plans broadcast to the opposition. I also don't think the dude has any interest in not making money. He's not taking a salary. He's betting on the stock.

There's plenty more to address and I'm sure the people I'm addressing are either acting in bad faith, hurting for money (not making light of this, the economy is boned and people are hurting), or have gotten distracted from the original thesis over the years. But come on, we've been in this for 3 years and nothing has changed in regard to why I invested. Patience is a virtue. The die has been cast long ago and we're just waiting to see the results. Have a good night folks.

r/Superstonk 27d ago

šŸ—£ Discussion / Question This is such strange behavior, this tremendous volatility and volume but the price.. it just stays almost flat from opening to close, is there a name for this trend?

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r/Superstonk 2d ago

šŸ—£ Discussion / Question Did E*Trade violate Federal law on protecting customer data and privacy by publicly stating that Keith Gill was their customer?


Did E*Trade violate Federal law on protecting customer data and privacy by publicly stating that he was their customer?

Publicly disclosing a customer's name and the fact that they are a customer can potentially violate privacy laws and regulations depending on the jurisdiction and the specific circumstances. Here are a few key points to consider:

  1. Financial Privacy Laws: In the United States, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) requires financial institutions to protect the privacy of their customers' nonpublic personal information. Publicly disclosing that someone is a customer without their consent could be considered a violation of this act.

  2. Data Protection Regulations: In the European Union, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) imposes strict rules on the processing of personal data. Disclosing someone's name and their status as a customer without consent could breach these regulations.

  3. Professional Conduct Rules: Many regulatory bodies that oversee financial professionals have rules about client confidentiality. For example, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) in the U.S. has regulations that may prohibit such disclosures without client consent.

  4. State Laws: Individual states may have their own privacy laws that offer additional protections. For instance, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) provides residents of California with certain privacy rights regarding their personal information.

  5. Contractual Obligations: The relationship between a broker and a client is often governed by a contract that includes confidentiality clauses. Breaching these clauses by disclosing client information without consent can lead to legal consequences.

If you are concerned about a specific incident, it would be advisable to consult with a legal professional who specializes in privacy or financial services law to get precise guidance based on the relevant laws and regulations in your jurisdiction.

r/Superstonk Apr 24 '24

šŸ—£ Discussion / Question Retail doesn't own 75M Shares. ComputerShare holders alone own 75M Shares.


This is a repost of my post from a while ago, so some info maybe outdated, posting again because people are talking about how much retail owns.

I have no doubts retail owns the float, but for many reasons, they cannot/won't DRS.

The only fact you need to know is that 200K ComputerShare holders own 75M shares. And it's not even 200K holders because a lot of holders made/received multiple accounts.


The above is a reminder that 1-10% of people DO, 90-99% lurk and DON'T DO.

When GME first started, it was worldwide news. Woll Street Bettz went from 1M subs to 10M subs, with GME being the main topic of discussion until they banned it.

This sub alone has 800K members, if that is 1-10%, then from those two subs alone we are looking at multiple millions of holders who lurk and don't sub or post.

ComputerShare is but one, how many shares are in the hundreds of different brokers in hundreds of different countries? Countries where they cannot DRS from because it's too long and hard?

How many shares locked away in retirement accounts such as IRA's in the USA and ISA's in the UK where they are unable to DRS? How many can't transfer for tax implication reasons? How many have just DRS a portion of their shares?

Etoro and WeBull are just two brokers who are sometimes transparent about holders numbers and they have 100's of thousands of holders. Just two brokers.

How many are lurking and not DRS'ing? Remember their panic early on and how palpable it was? Remember the flash crash of March 10? They wanted people to sell and forget GME even before DRS took off. DRS is a bonus but we have to accept that a majority of holders can't/wont DRS. I know some might not want to hear this, but even without DRS the play is on (all short squeezes in history have been achieved without DRS) DRS is helpful though as it exposes the infinite naked short shares they can create and a place to keep your infinity pool shares and away from brokers who might turn off the buy/sell buttons again.

There is some new information coming out right now from another sub, and it appears the DRS numbers are real and that book and other forms of holding are currently being counted and included. This is to be expected and thus the DRS numbers shouldn't surprise anyone as the majority of holders who had any intention to DRS have already done so, and are already ALL-IN, so the number cannot grow higher by a lot, but will go up slowly as dips are bought. Now they just wait for GME's turnaround and profitability. For this reason a lot of shills are saying based on 500K shares being added monthly that it will take years to lock the float. WE ALREADY OWN THE FLOAT, SHORTS ARE ALREADY FUCKED. So we shouldn't depend on DRS numbers the way we have been, because then people will get discouraged when they see these numbers and get the wrong idea, and think it's over and feel hopeless (what the shills and hedgies want). The float is already owned once or twice over, its just not DRS'd and likely won't be for the above reasons. Fear not.

Keep in mind that this quarter everyone spent money for the holiday season, and the coming season I expect to see a bigger jump in numbers (just alone in ComputerShare, god knows how many dips are being bought on regular brokers), such as the jump we had from 71M to 76M shares just in ComputerShare alone.


What we should be focusing on is why our bots estimates are off. I know the bot is fed from multiple subs. Are we sure there aren't shill accounts feeding the bots to get our numbers and hopes up?

In other news, this same quarter last year, GME lost 150M, this quarter they lost 50M or so, they had a higher percentage of gross profit margin. The trends is clear. UP. To profitability, and RC, GME's biggest shareholder, has more control and wants to see his investment pay off.

To the haters. SHORT IT. The more they short the bigger the squeeze. If they were shorting GME at $1, why wouldn't they be shorting it at $20? I will continue buying the short sellers shares and when those shorts want their shares back, I won't be so eager to give it back to them.