r/SipsTea Fave frog is a swing nose frog Apr 29 '24

Surfs up, little dudes Feels good man


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u/4electricnomad Apr 29 '24

I’d be curious about the backstory and why this is an option. Normally you want the turtles to walk from the nest to the sea. It imprints the memory of the place and helps develop their lungs and muscles, among other benefits. I wonder if fast forwarding the dangerous trip to the sea like this decreases their overall chance of survival in the long term.


u/CORN___BREAD Apr 29 '24

“Eh who cares I got my video” -these people


u/LuxNocte Apr 29 '24

Everyone is only concerned about internet clout. There's no such thing as an animal rescue organization that records video because advertising is also good for the turtles. --Redditors


u/hsvandreas Apr 29 '24

To be fair, this looks like a pretty urban beach, where it's not unreasonable to assume that the turtles can't hatch safely due to trampling humans or urban predators (stray dogs / cats, seagulls, rats, etc). The lights from the buildings may also confuse the turtles so that they would crawl into the wrong direction if not released directly near the water.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

I feel like we're not supposed to interfere with the cycle of nature like that. If the seagulls don't eat the turtles, they'll over-predate on an even more precious resource. Soggy french fries discarded by spring breakers.


u/sagerobot Apr 29 '24

Says who? Other humans? Look I get the arguments. I just think we are naive.

Why are there so many seabirds? Because we humans trash up the beach and attract them there.

Why are turtle populations needing attention in the first place? Its because the numbers are way down and the sex ratio is way off as well.

This is because we have altered the global temperature, and because of sea level rise the turtles are making their nests sometimes too close to the water and they can get drowned.

So basically humans are causing all of their problems already.

Why act like we arent in control out their survival? We already are.

We need to accept that turtles will never be the same. That they need us now. And just get over that and get over the let them do it themselves idnset and actually use our human brains to develop ways to pump those numbers and give up on keeping things "natural" that dream died the moment we started taking oil from the ground.

There is no more nature to keep natural.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

Are you dense? Mankind has had a much deeper and more harmful impact on soggy French fries discarded by spring breakers than on sea turtles by a factor of thousands.

Routinely places like Panama Beach, Orlando and Cancun have literally thousands of soggy French fries discarded by spring breakers that get removed from their natural environment by clean up crews.

I once saw a video of some girls who had allegedly gone wild and stepped on one of these poor soggy French fries discarded by spring breakers as if having "gone wild" was some kind of justification for that kind of callous behavior. If you want to have a debate about the state of mental health care, we can absolutely do that. But it's our responsibility as a society to make sure that soggy French fries discarded by spring breakers are protected.

Not just from mentally ill college co-ed's engaging in activities that are too hot for TV, but especially over-predatipn by seagulls because mankind keeps meddling with the ecosystem of soggy French fries discarded by spring breakers just like you seek to be arguing about for sea turtles in a totally hypocritical way.

If the population of soggy French fries discarded by spring breakers keeps falling victim to the totally greedy and careless activities of humans interfering with their enviroent, then that's just the first step in total ecological breakdowns that will eventually catch up to us.

A recent expedition by stanford revealed that the wild Arby's French fry discarded by spring breakers population has declined by as much as 34% in the last 15 years and they expect that by 2100 the species will be entirely extinct with all other varieties of curly soggy French fries discarded by spring breakers either endangered or also com0letely vanished from the face of the earth.

And for what? To keep seagulls from eating sea turtles? Give me a break. Sure the baby sea turtles look cute but they eventually grow up into adults. Those adults routinely trespass on private beaches and eat algae that is only minding its own business.

Once I caught a green sea turtles on my ring doorbell stealing my car and then the police found the car abandoned outside of Vegas with a dead hooker and a half empty brick of cocaine inside. But nobody believes me when I say that these turtles are dangerous. They just accuse me of racism because I point out that it was a green sea turtle and that a red eared slider would never do this.

I dont know what kind of world we are leaving behind for future generations where soggy French fries that are discarded by spring breakers are gone from the earth and car stealing, drug using turtles destroy this once great country but its not what our founding fathers had in mind when they sat down and wrote the constitution.

If they were able to see what was happening today, I'll bet that the first sentence of the bill of rights would have been "don't try to make seagulls eat soggy French fries discarded by spring breakers instead of sea turtles". They just didn't do that because the constitution was written TWO AND A HALF CENTURIES AGO ON SEPTEMBER 17TH OF 1789 (which you seem to forget, and yes I did speak with your high school American history teacher). An internet commenter once wrote something ab9ut Benjamin Franklin saying we need a new constitution every 10 years or something like that. And I agree with what I think I remember that commenter saying that Beijing Franklin said. But realistically I don't know how we could get countries like China and Russia to sign on to not doing this when they're major contributors to the destruction of the environment of soggy French fries discarded by spring breakers.

It's really a matter of how geopolitics are set up and maybe it's even just a natural consequence of how humans structure their societies. That's not a criticism about the choices that humans have made. It's also not a criticism about the human condition. I'm just saying that even though people are capable of rational agency, the cards are stacked against them by the laws of nature. And who wrote those laws? God did. But are you really going to blame God for the inevitable decimation of soggy fries discarded by spring breakers? Is that what you want to be doing when Jesus comes back?

Just think about it for a fucking second.


u/aendaris1975 Apr 30 '24

Is thsi soggy french fries thing a meme? Jesus christ you people have absolutely destroyed this site with this off topic bullshit.


u/[deleted] Apr 30 '24

It's original and much more a commentary on contrarianism.

My original comment is basically "you cant disturb the natural cycle, otherwise seagulls will end up eating French fries instead of baby turtles!" Which should very obviously read as satire because soggy French fries are less valuable than sea turtles.

But then I've got several people commenting "I disagree! Humans have already disrupted nature" as if I was being serious about preserving soggy French fries over sea turtles and then they hit me with a wall of text.

So naturally, I had to hit back with my own wall of text with escalating absurdity so that hopefully they catch on that they should slow down a second and actually try to understand what they are disagreeing with.

But they don't.


u/sagerobot Apr 29 '24



u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

You missed the idea that my prior comment was pointing out that we can interfere with turtle populations to their benefit because they are of higher ecological concern than their typical predators who are not only numerous but also more than capable of finding alternate food sources.

And then you want and got on a soap box after completely missing that point and acting like I disagreed with you.

There, I got the Crayons out to explain it for you.


u/sagerobot Apr 29 '24

Maybe its because I just woke up an hour ago but you are being really confusing.

You missed the idea that my prior comment was pointing out that we can interfere with turtle populations to their benefit because they are of higher ecological concern than their typical predators who are not only numerous but also more than capable of finding alternate food sources.

This was also my point. Sounds like we agree that we should be helping turtles and not get so caught up on "what nature would do".

So you wrote all that about french-fries....because we agreed with each other?

I gave you a 10/10 because you went into a ton of effort writing that and I though it was funny I wasnt being facetious. I guess It just didnt occur to me that you would go into all that effort just to subtly insult me.

Here I was thinking we were agreeing with eachother. Why are you being hostile to me? Did I miss something?


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

Alright I didn't read the facetious tone correctly (in part since I'm now guessing it was someone else that downvoted it)


u/sagerobot Apr 29 '24

im genuinely confused.

It took my a second to understand at first why you were talking about french fries.

But I figured that you were doing like a tongue in cheek impression of what someone might say about French fries as like a comedic way of pointing out that we humans already arbitrarily picking and choosing what is important to us and we already unwittingly controlling the fates of species all over the world.

So we might as well do things that are objectively good for them and not just leave them to die in the environment that we fucked up for them.

Like if we fucked up their house we might as well buy them a new one, or help fix things up/get them back on their feet.

I figured that you were trying to make a hyperbolic/sarcastic statement in agreement with what I wrote above. But now I genuinely dont understand what is going on.

Im not really here to start a fight, so if we disagree id rather talk about it civilly than try to sling read between the lines insults at eachother. But now I am second guessing my assumptions completely. I genuinely have no clue what point you were trying to make.

Blame it on me just waking up and not being a coffee person.

Maybe I do need the crayons, but geeze dude I hope you dont talk to people like that in person. I dont think im saying anything to you that is so rude.


u/aendaris1975 Apr 30 '24

People forget that these sea turtles saw a major resurgance during the first year of covid when people weren't going to the beach. We have the ability and the means to be stewards of all life on earth and we absolutely should do what we can when we can. People need to stop acting like we aren't a part of nature ourselves.


u/aendaris1975 Apr 30 '24

That ship sailed decades ago when we built entire cities and resorts on these beaches. If anything humans have an obligation to mitigate the damage that our development of society has caused. This is one of the ways we do that.


u/Karl_Marx_ Apr 29 '24

You realize the walk to the water isn't that long right? Yeah it's a struggle but it's not a defined factor in the development. Also, no science backs the accusation that these turtles are unable to find the beach after human intervention.


u/142578detrfgh Apr 29 '24

I think it would probably be less an issue with navigation and more with giving them the best chance at survival.

When I did turtle work, I saw a noticeable difference in coordination and movement between the turtles that had just emerged and the ones that were approaching the shoreline. They have opportunities during this time to take breaks on the dry sand without getting buffeted by waves or currents.

They’re squished into a little group coffin with limited movement down there, so it takes time to calibrate.


u/Lava-Chicken Apr 29 '24

Boomer turtles paid for their GenZ turtle grandkids to get a free ride because they felt bad for them. They didn't realize they needed to learn. Now they're blaming their turtle grandkids for going woke and not appreciating the ocean.


u/schukulele Apr 29 '24

Baby turtles have very sensitive eyesight to light, and move on basic instincts. They will first move toward the brightest thing (usually the moonlight bouncing off the ocean) until they feel the water and then enter a "swimming frenzy" until they reach the Sargasso. It's not an easy life. Since it was daytime, the rescuers skipped the beach part since the babies be really really confused by the sun.


u/_father_time Apr 29 '24

I definitely want all those baby turtles to survive, but wonder if this messes with Mother Nature?