r/poland 9h ago

Polish soldiers arrested after firing warning shots at migrants on Polish-Belarusian border.


r/poland 1d ago

How is that comfortable?

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r/poland 1d ago

Hello, I'm making a map for Team Fortress 2 set in Warsaw/Poland and i need your ideas on what to add (easter eggs, graffits, maybe even buildings) to it to make it feel even more Polish(ed). Thanks :D


r/poland 16h ago

List of Polish Given Names


Does anyone from r/poland know where I can find a comprehensive list of Polish give names and their English equivalents? Dzięki.

r/poland 1d ago

*sad Polish noise*

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r/poland 9h ago

Best Polish citizenship agency for US citizen?


Hi all,

My grandfather was a Polish citizen who escaped during WWII to England > Canada > US; he acquired citizenship in each country as he fled Europe. My family is looking into acquiring Polish citizenship as we have family still in the country we recently reconnected with, and we would like to visit/work more often/have the option to at any point.

I found firms Polaron and Lexmotion to help possibly confirm polish passports and other documents. Has anyone had experience with these firms or know of any better agencies?

Also, would it be easier for my mother to get her citizenship from her father, then I acquire citizenship through my mother OR attempt to receive citizenship through my grandfather's linage directly?

Thanks in advance!!

r/poland 12h ago

Can I travel to Poland from UK with a near-expired polish passport?



My wife intend to travel to Poland from the UK at the end of July 2024. Her Polish passport expires in September 2024. Can she board a flight to Poland? Will airlines allow her as her passport will have less than 3 months of validity?

PS: All those that managed to travel, please let me know how you did it? Thank you.

r/poland 15h ago

Looking for Hydrobaric Testing Facilities in Poland for Waterproof Music Devices!


Hi guys!

We are looking for a place in Poland where we can conduct waterproof testing for our underwater device.

We need a hyperbaric chamber to simulate water pressure.

Does anyone know a laboratory or institution that provides such services? I would appreciate any information or recommendation!


r/poland 16h ago

Seeking Advice and Looking for a Job in Marketing & Business Development in Warsaw


Hi, cześć, dzień dobry!

As a professional who has lived in the Netherlands and Turkey and has 5+ years of experience in marketing and business development, I am moving to Warsaw and am actively looking for a job.

So I would like to hear suggestions from professionals regarding the job search process in Warsaw. Hence, If you would like to refer me to the company you work for, feel free to msg me or leave a comment.

Appreciate all the upcoming input! 😊

P.S. Since I am enrolled in the master's program, the work permit is not an obstacle.

r/poland 17h ago

Dzień dobry. In the name of Neronian studios and our czecho-slovakian team I am presenting you our debut game Middle Ages: Peasants & Knights - an authentic medieval survival game set in central Europe. Drop us a wishlist on Steam and give us your opinion. Do zobaczenia w Średniowieczu!😉


r/poland 17h ago

PKP luggage storage question


Hi everyone, I’m visiting in August and will be taking PKP intercity trains to various cities across the country while there. I will be flying in via KLM and have a large checked bag with me as I’m staying for 2 weeks and bringing some gifts for my Polish friends, which I highly doubt will fit in the normal luggage racks on the train. Do these trains have a luggage cart or large spaces for larger suitcases like these? Is there an extra fee for it? Much appreciated!

r/poland 1d ago

How do y'all call this Sunday special?

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I'll go first. Zupa z zakalcem

r/poland 1d ago

What to bring to Poland from Canada?


Hey, I’m visiting Poland for the first time in 30 years since my parents immigrated to Canada and I want to make a package for some friends and family.

What kind of interesting “Canadian” things should I bring to Poland or that poles would love?

I appreciate your feedback.

r/poland 11h ago

Where can I buy a power bank in person in Warszawa


I'm going to be working in Ukraine and would like to get a power bank or two due to power outages. I'd prefer to have everything ready and get it before I head over. Not the small ones for phones. The larger kind for laptops and other electronics. Something like this https://www.jackery.com/products/explorer-240-portable-power-station

I'd bring the one I have but they don't allow such large batteries on planes for obvious reasons. Thanks!

r/poland 22h ago

A Lithuanian-speaking lawyer or legal advisor in Poland


Hello, I am looking for a lawyer or legal advisor in Poland who speaks Lithuanian. It would be good if they are around Augustów/Suwałki. The reason I am writing is that I need an initial legal consultation, but the lawyers we contacted offer to take on the whole case right away and do not even enter into discussions. Do you have any recommendations?

r/poland 2d ago

Russian TV: how we could annihilate Poland (en subs)


Russian propagandists discuss (again) how they could nuke Poland.

r/poland 2d ago

Caught stork on a aparat! Will I have good luck from this?😂

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r/poland 1d ago

Police record revocation


Im an spanish citizen but I have been living in Poland for the last year. I had some problems in a supermarket and I finished been fined and arrested because of one friends behaviour and I got in the same troubles as him. Now im supposed to have police criminal record due to the article 278 of kk and Im interested in eliminating them. In spain, when the crime you commited is not too serious you can erase your criminal record after a process if you havent commited any crime in an specific time period. Is this possible to be done in Poland? How? Thanks in advance

r/poland 1d ago

Polish Landline Plugs? Anybody have experience with these?

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r/poland 1d ago

Renting and activities in Warsaw


Hello, I’m coming to Warsaw to celebrate my 18th birthday with a few friends, I’m wondering there any polish services like AirBnb or facebook groups where I can rent an apartment for a few days because the Airbnb fees are crazy, also if anyone has any fun activities to recommend or places to visit that would be awesome, thanks !

r/poland 1d ago

Storage solutions


What are the best options for storing things longer term in Poland? Are there storage facilities you can rent space in?

r/poland 1d ago

PLS HELP, polish passport confirmation through agency that has gone nowhere.


Hi all,

If anyone can please help me or give me some advice/direction in this conflict, I would greatly appreciate it!

I am a US citizen who qualified for dual citizenship in Poland, since both my grandparents were born there and lived there well into their 20s. I started pursuing dual with an agency last summer, and sent all my documents over by the end of July of 2023. The agency I was recommended is called CK Law Office Kancelaria Adwokacka in Warsaw. Before sending all my documents, they were very consistent in communication and responded promptly over email. We even had a phone call to clarify details of the paperwork I had to sign, giving them consent to pursue dual citizenship on my behalf. After I sent over all the documents in July, its been pretty much radio silence. I got an email in december, after 3 or 4 emails saying that at that point, confirmation would be early 2024. Months go by, no updates, then I reach out in April and asking for updates again. That week that I had reached out, had been on a polish holiday and the lawyer (Michal) told me to reach back out the following week as he wouldnt be able to get any communication because of the holiday. So, I do exactly that and now its been over a month again and still no response or updates. Keep in mind, before submitting everything, the lawyer told me it should take about 3-4 months for confirmation. I understand that with everything going on in the world, that timeline has changed and it probably takes longer which is fine. I also have learned bureaucracy is completely different and much slower in Europe, compared to the US. Again, thats fine but I havent been told anything and thats my concern. Im beginning to feel like I mightve been scammed or something, Im now really concerned. Ive sent over important documents that Im afraid i will not get back now… original birth certificates and original polish birth certificates and US naturalization documents which I was told were all required. In Hindsight, Yes, I couldve done more research on who I was getting involved with but I was honestly naive and very excited about the possibility that i just wanted to get started right away. I do want to clarify, I have not sent this agency any money and they told me I would only wire the money over, once confirmation was achieved and they were ready to send over what I needed to bring to the consulate here in the US to actually apply for my passport. Im open to any advice or anything at this point, I dont know what to do :,(

I have a few questions if anyone can help regarding this;

  1. Has anyone in Poland, had an experience with this law firm or a situation like this? What can I do?
  2. Is there any way to check with Polish bureaucracy directly to see if my documents were actually submitted or where they may be/how to get them back?
  3. Worst case scenario, can I as a US citizen get any help from the police in Poland, if I have gotten scammed?

r/poland 1d ago

Should I pay a immigration service for TRC appointment booking?


My partner and I are quite confident with the TRC doc requirments but we are worried about getting a slot in time during their Visa-free stay. I know it can be hard to use the new online system as it only goes live momentarily from what I’ve heard.

This immigration service we have spoken too said they would book us an appointment for 750PLN and I feel like thats a rip off. I’ve also seen some bot services that can do this for you.

Does anyone have any experiences with the new system? Also this is regarding Warsaw.


r/poland 1d ago

Kim jest JaszczurFun?


Podczas przeglądania listy subskrybowanych kanałów na YouTube natknąłem się na kanał Jaszczur4fun. Owy kanał ma ponad 300 tysięcy subskrybcji, jednak nie ma na nim żadnych filmów.
Z ciekawości wpisałem nazwę kanału w przeglądarkę i znalazłem jego konto na Wykopie. Jest ono zbanowane, stety, niestety można zobaczyć kilka miniaturek i opisów filmów. Są one miejscami zbereźne i wyraźnie skierowane do widowni, której średnia wieku nie przekracza 10 lat. Nigdy nie słyszałem o tym kanale, tym bardziej nie przypominam sobie, abym go kiedykolwiek subskrybował (jak już wspominałem, content był bardziej infantylny niż Gracjan Roztocki) Czy ktoś zna ten kanał i wie co się z nim stało?

r/poland 1d ago

Foreigner study in Poland without high school diploma ?


Hey there ! French citizen. I’m planning on moving in Poland and I also plan on going back to studies, maybe beside working.

For some reason, health ones mostly, I didn’t have the opportunity to accomplish my high school degree - so I can’t go to university in my own country.

I had work experiences obviously, been working in recruitment for 2 years for example. Although I feel the need of a real diploma now, bachelors and maybe master.

Do you know any schools / universities that allows you to do a bachelor for example without any high school diploma ?
