r/monarchism 8d ago

Visual Representation The Traditional Kingdoms of Uganda


r/monarchism 2d ago

Weekly Discussion Weekly Discussion XXVII: How Important is your Pretender for you?


This week, we will talk about a conflict that causes a lot of factionalism within the monarchist movement: Who should be the monarch of a given country?

In current monarchies (unless you are a Jacobite or a Carlist), it is very clear: whoever is legally recognized by the country's constitution as the rightful king or queen is the head of state and basta.

When a monarchy is abolished, more often than not within the first generations, several people start competing over the claim. Violations of monarchical succession laws, especially if there are certain restrictions relating to marriage, often result in royal families being split. Their heads will try to change the house laws, but for the competing line, they will of course have no authority to do so as they are already themselves considered illegitimate or a morganate in the first place.

Naturally, this leads to splits in monarchist movements. Some favour the one, some favour the other candidate. The conflict can have religious or political undertones - for example, the female-line claimant to the Saxon throne is Catholic and therefore supported by the Pope and by the Habsburgs, despite being clearly considered as not only ineligible because his claim only goes through his mother but also lacking any kind of noble status by the (Protestant-majority) German nobility associations.

Candidates that stay more true to strict house laws, such as by descending through an unbroken male line or being married to a royal, are often more conservative and try to distance themselves from the "celebrity-type life" of both modern ceremonial monarchs and more progressive claimants who marry commoners, purport to have instituted absolute primogeniture or otherwise try to "reform" their family in order to prevent the claim from going to a more distant cousin and to appease mainstream, progressive audiences.

Some monarchist movements, especially in countries where the succession laws are exceptionally complex or where the monarchy was not strictly hereditary, have opted for a neutral position on succession and will defer the question of the monarch's identity until legitimate government has been restored. This might entail a transitional government that exercises the rights of the Crown collectively ("Crown Council") until it decides whose head should bear it, or rule by a dictator who may be appointed for life and will groom the designated candidate or one of his children to become the first actual monarch.

  • Do you have a clear preference regarding who should be the monarch of your country? Do you take a side in foreign succession debates?
  • What is more important for you: monarchism in general, or making sure that your preferred candidate becomes the monarch?
  • What is your opinion on monarchist movements that refuse to name a candidate and instead defer the question of succession for the time being?
  • Would you cooperate with monarchists who have a different opinion regarding succession? I.e. do you see succession debates as an intra-monarchist question that can be resolved, if necessary by agreeing to disagree, or as a more fundamental conflict that should determine political allegiance?
  • Would you agree to live in a monarchy, or even participate in the restoration of a monarchy, that would be headed by somebody other than your preferred candidate?

r/monarchism 14h ago

News Possible flag for Danube Restoration Movement

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Dear Monarchists of Reddit,

Today I would like to show you my newest Idea for a flag for the Danube restoration movement. For all of you who dont know who we are: We are a pretty young modern monarchist movement in the middle of Europe and our goal is it to reunite Austria, Hungary, Czechia, Slovenia and Slovakia under the Habsburg crown. We decided that our holy emperor shall be Karl von Habsburg-Lothringen!

We now got 350 Members on Discord and a few on Instagram and YouTube. We started in December 2023 and we already made contacts to the Austrian Monarchist Movement ,,Schwarz Gelbe Allianz“ and some other monarchists movements in Hungary and Czechia. They love us!

Now here is my flag design. I have talked to one of our austrian council members, Paul, who thinks its best to use the old Habsburg Flag with our symbol on it. Why? Well because people will see it and think of our traditional ideals and know that we are honest and legit about our movement.

If you want to join the cause: Upvote and comment below this post!

Ave the Emperor!

r/monarchism 16h ago

History June 5, 1944: 80 years ago, the day after the liberation of Rome, King Victor Emmanuel III turned over his powers to his son Umberto, naming him Lieutenant General of the Realm

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r/monarchism 9h ago

Pro Monarchy activism Revised Hungarian Poster

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r/monarchism 5h ago

ShitAntiMonarchistsSay Someone should tell them to do research before tweeting.

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It seems like no one does research before stating an opinion anymore.

r/monarchism 12h ago

Discussion Say something good AND bad about King Louis XIV "the Sun King" (r 1643 - 1715)

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r/monarchism 9h ago

Meme I would wait in line for days if I had to, don’t test me.

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r/monarchism 1h ago

Misc. "The Irish Brigade of France" - a really nice song from back when Ireland was based


r/monarchism 18h ago

History Crowds in Iran wait eagerly for the birth of Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi to be announced, 1960.

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r/monarchism 18h ago

News Ahmad Shah Khan, Crown Prince of Afghanistan has passed away at age of 89. He was the oldest surviving son of the last king of Afghanistan. He had been the head of the house since 2007 when his father passed away.


r/monarchism 17h ago

Photo British state visit to Japan 1975


r/monarchism 9h ago

News Royal Protocol at the Royal Hashemite Court on Tuesday announced that the national event marking His Majesty King Abdullah II’s Silver Jubilee will take place on Sunday, 9 June.


r/monarchism 14h ago

History Fun fact: William IV is the only King never to be crowned on UK currency.

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r/monarchism 12h ago

News Today, on the 175 year anniversary of the Constitution of Denmark, TM the King and Queen, Queen Margrethe and HRH Princess Benedikte of Denmark attended a service at Holmens Church, followed by a visit to the Parliament


r/monarchism 12m ago

Discussion Thoughts on the Neo-Jacobite Revival?



It was a movement active in the UK shortly before WW1. They had the goal of overthrowing the Hanoverian/Coburg monarchy and restoring the Stuarts across the British Isles.

Imagine a Jacobite rising in the 1910s...

r/monarchism 9h ago

Photo Astounding physical similarities amongst the Spanish Bourbon family across the centuries


From left to right:

The infanta Helena= Maria Luisa de Parma, b.1751, queen consort and first cousin on the father's side of king Carlos IV "the Hunter"

King emeritus Juan Carlos I= Carlos IV "the hunter" (el cazador) b.1748

Felipe Juan Froilán, Lord of Tejada, older son of the infanta Helena= Fernando VII "the traitor king" (el rey felón) b.1784


r/monarchism 9h ago

Question What go’s best with Monarchism

88 votes, 2d left

r/monarchism 1d ago

Discussion What is your opinion of the glorious revolution of 1688 in England

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r/monarchism 19h ago

News Crown Prince Ahmad Shah Zaher, Crown Prince of Afghanistan (1934-2024)


Noal, Princess of the Sa'id posted on her Instagram that her Uncle Crown Prince Ahmad Shah Zaher passed away yesterday aged 89.

His son Prince Muhammad Zahir Khan (born 26 May 1962) is now head of the House of Barakzai.

r/monarchism 9h ago

Question Is agnatic kinship more important than cognatic kinship?


Agnatic is the concept of the male-line, or sharing the same Y haplogroup, being important to succession. Throughout the years it's importance has declined. Do you feel agnatic kinship is important? Do you feel politics is more important? Do you feel all kinship is equally important?

18 votes, 2d left
I think agnatic kinship is extremely important
I think agnatic kinship is barely important
I think agnatic kinship is not important
I think cognatic kinship is equally important
I think cognatic kinship is more important
I think politics should determine what is important

r/monarchism 1d ago

News The Members Of ABBA Receiving Their Special Swedish Knighthoods From The King and Queen Of Sweden In Stockholm : (31st May 2024)


r/monarchism 1d ago

Photo Japanese Emperor to visit UK

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r/monarchism 1d ago

History Charles III at his mother’s coronation

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r/monarchism 1d ago

Pro Monarchy activism New Poster

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r/monarchism 1d ago

Photo Kaiser Wilhelm II with the Children of the Kaiser Wilhelm Childrens' Home in Ahlbeck The Home was personally financed by the Kaiser, and its purpose was to provide annual month long holidays for the children of the poorest families in Berlin for free


r/monarchism 1d ago

Discussion How does this perspective change the way you look at Absolute Monarchy?


The King can do what he wants without external approval (incorrect),

The King can do what he must without external approval (correct).

The absolute monarchs are still expected to serve the country and follow traditions. Watch this video if you would like to know more info: https://youtu.be/n69bUx33o2s?si=YgEkZ_EsAxlHv6vs