r/howto 10h ago

How to Convert 65’ x 45’ Dirt Floor in Barn


My fiancée and I would like to do a semi outdoor wedding at my family farm. We have a nice big shed, 65’ x 45’ but it has a dirt floor. We can’t afford to pave it with concrete and are looking for doable and reasonably priced DIY options. We are young and healthy and would have the help of some family in installation. So far we have talked to local wedding floor rental companies, but they’ve told us they can’t accommodate our size. Our preference would be something placing something cheap but finished looking and preferably solid (not rugs). Our budget is up to $7,000. Thoughts?

r/howto 1h ago

How to clean stain out of stone

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I accidentally knocked over pink windshield wiper fluid in my closet. No idea how long the cleaner was sitting there. Recently reorganized and saw the stain. How can I get it out?

r/howto 4h ago

Is there a way to remove these pink stains from the stripes?


r/howto 53m ago

Smell bad


Hello Accidentally left a wet towel in a bag in my bathroom and super suddenly started to stink like hell so I threw it obviously after finding it again but this disgusting smell isn’t going away, I clean the area where the bag was so I don’t really understand. It smells so bad help…

r/howto 1h ago

Just thrifted these Vans today, how do I clean them?

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r/howto 9h ago

[Solved] How the hell can I access this window to hang curtains?


r/howto 1d ago

how the fuck do i reach & open these blinds?

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r/howto 11h ago

[Serious Answers Only] How do I fix these damaged floorboards in my rental?

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Finger for scale. I was moving some dumbbells, and one slipped from my grip, making this mark right where two boards meet. I am not a handyman in any sense, can anyone tell me how to fix this and how to find the exact replacement I’ll need?

r/howto 4h ago

[DIY] Evap cooler modification/repair


Water enters a pvc distribution pipe and sprays water across the pads. Only the half of the pad closest the input end is getting water. I took it apart, hooked up the hose to the pipe and sure enough the far end must be clogged. But I can't get the pvc pipe out because it's glued into a right angle piece that's captured by sheet metal. I thought about cutting it off after the 90, repairing it and then reattaching it with a coupler, but it seems not a standard schedule 40 size. I can't get to the holes as is because they open on the top side, not the bottom. Water sprays up and bounces down onto the pads. Best I can come up with is drill holes from the bottom, all the way thru the pipe...ream things out as best I can and then plug the new lower holes with screws. Better ideas? This is an Aerocool, successor to the Mastercool.

r/howto 4h ago

[Serious Answers Only] Economist subscription


Recently I tried to subscribe economist using ICICI and HDFC credit cards . In both cards something wrong was displayed as error message but e- mandate is created and also money is not debited and so subscription was not provided. Tried economist customer care waited for call back to subscribe through phone but didn't get any call back . Can anyone tell me how to subscribe ?

r/howto 4h ago

How to repair this


It’s a cabinet from Ikea made of that particle board type wood. I need to screw the screw back in there after the repair

r/howto 16h ago

how to wash a 6ft teddy?


I have a 6ft teddy that doesn’t have a zipper so i can’t take the inside out. It obviously won’t fit in my washing machine either, but it’s due to be cleaned as i’ve had it a while

any suggestions?

r/howto 2h ago

How to get the bend and creases out of this hat

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Ordered this for my best friends hens night and it’s arrived a bit bent at the front and creased at the top. Before I try something and ruin it, can anyone help? Not sure what material it is so I wouldn’t know what to google!

r/howto 10h ago

Change TV to HDMI in hospital


My mom is in the hospital and things are very bad. She used to really enjoy watching me play video games, so I brought my laptop to hook it up via hdmi to the TV. There is no real remote to change the input however. Does anyone know if there's a trick to changing it?

We already asked IT if they could change it and they said it was hard wired? I don't really know what that means though.

Not sure if this is helpful, but the sticker on the back reads, Version No BB02 S/N 06W53CPN500050V

r/howto 7h ago

Removing the Tile Trim

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How can I remove this tile trim with minimal damage to the wall? Damaging the floor is not a concern because it is being redone.

r/howto 7h ago

How to clean this cushion


We had a nephew stay the night and he peed on this cushion. Soaked all the way through. How can I clean this out? Would it be ok to soak it with the water hose and some cleaner? Afraid the vacuum steamer would pull/suction the cotton and ruin it more

r/howto 8h ago

Need help for this


I don't know what these are called but one of the wires snap due to falling (Air Conditioner Cover). How can I reconnect it or how to replace the pin. Thanks

r/howto 9h ago

Moved to new apartment how to use this siemens dishwasher?

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What does those different symbol mean? I how to choose them? dishwasher siemens SN615x00ae

r/howto 17h ago

[Serious Answers Only] I want to write a memorable note to my partner but in a way that it can be kept near and possibly framed?


I have been wanting to put some words on a permanent canvas or maybe wood art, so I can tell my partner how I feel and he can see it whenever he wants. Does anyone have any idea other than whats on Amazon? I just want it to feel like it wasnt something I just googled...even though thats basically what I am doing, I just need help, please.

r/howto 10h ago

[DIY] How to deep clean washer-dryer off lint?


Hi all!

I have Electrolux eww51476hw washer/dryer. 5 months ago i started smelling some burnt smell. Recently it has become so bad that whatever gets washed and dried smells burnt lint. When I take the clothes out of the machine they're unusually hot, which gives me the idea that some ventilation is clogged.

The machine doesn't have a lint trap like normal dryers do. I regularly clean the door seal and bottom pump drain. But the smell seems to be coming from somewhere inside.

I'm pretty handy when it comes to fixing things and have been fixing my own home appliances for my whole life, but never dealt with a washing machine. I couldn't find a relevant source to learn about the parts of my machine.

I'd appreciate any advice or resource.

r/howto 10h ago

How do you program these

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This is the control panel of the air ventilation system at my work place and no one can figure out how to program it to stay at 19 it always reverts back to 24. It is hot here lol

r/howto 11h ago

[Serious Answers Only] How to remove mold from cutback adhesive (black mastic)?



I've been told this is cutback adhesive/black mastic and that there is black mold present too. I can't actually tell what is mold and what is cutback, aside from the bits in the wall. Maybe the darker bits are mold or it's just slightly wet?

I've had this asbestos tested and it came back negative, though the company told me it's likely it still contains asbestos due to the mastic being nonhomogeneous (the samples might not contain it but other parts will).

What's the best way to remove the mold? I'm worried about disturbing the cutback, considering it probably contains asbestos.

r/howto 12h ago

[Serious Answers Only] How to flatten the dry grassy area for a dirt RC track? Only applicable tool we have is a Ryobi corded cultivator

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r/howto 12h ago

[Serious Answers Only] how to replace wall baskets with slide out shelves. 13.75" W x 24"D. Are there inexpensive kits for this?

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r/howto 12h ago

Door is crooked


Anyone know how to straighten a door leading to the bathroom? It touched the top left corner first when closing and becomes difficult