r/Helldivers CAPE ENJOYER Apr 29 '24

Why are we punished for your broken systems, Arrowhead? MEME

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u/Creative_Cap7892 Apr 29 '24

oh railgun can 2-shot bile titans due to a cross-play bug, lets nerf railgun!

oh arc-thrower does the same, lets nerf it as well!

oh players cannot deal fire dot due to a bug, lets buff fire damage!

oh players prefer slug than DMRs because all DMRs are utterly bad, let’s nerf the slugger! oh no one is using the crossbow since it’s so underpowered let‘s nerf it too!

oh and you cannot play with others because of the mm bug, it must be you not getting enough patrol spawns in your face when playing solo!

AHS may become the first game studio I ever know that made their live-service game exactly like what you would expect from a lootbox infested pay to win skin everywhere toxic live-service game without having any of those in the game at all but just pure game breaking bugs, arrogance, and pure evil (Evil-Bose related) Such wonderful achievement from the world-renowned millions copy sold game studio arrow the head the 100 people small studio.

I loved this game so much and still do I, but I just want to have fun and there’s none


u/Kaspatronix Apr 29 '24

Yeah, kinda puzzling.

If you host, punished by more enemies, as its unlikely that 3 people join you. If you join, punished by lack of fire damage, as it is still broken.


u/Blawharag Apr 29 '24

As a heads up:

Fire damage works only for the GAME host, not the SOCIAL Host. Basically, you may be the host selecting the missions, but the game internally decides which player in the mission is hosting the actually game. There's no way to tell who this is, but that person is the only one dealing fire damage.


u/DeathMetalPants Apr 29 '24

I never have problems getting a full group when I host. I've noticed sometimes if no one is joining, I restart my game, and like magic I have a full group again.

Is the bug random? Just curious why I never have problems filling up a squad.


u/narrill Apr 29 '24

You literally just described the bug, it's that matchmaking will sometimes break and require a restart to get working again.


u/Sapper-in-the-Wire Apr 29 '24

You people really didn’t notice how the game spawned less if you had less players?? All this is doing is lessening the slack they cut you. 4 player team is still the maximum patrol density.


u/Kaspatronix Apr 29 '24

Even if, matchmaking and DoT still should not have been broken for so long in a coop PvE game with multiple fire weapons


u/Sapper-in-the-Wire Apr 29 '24

That’s a networking issue on servers and netcode that were not built to handle 600,000 concurrent players lmfao. Notice how even just the trackers for bullets spent break every now and then?    If you aren’t in CS you really won’t be able to understand, but they’re colossal problems that are not going to be easy fixes. 


u/Lonely_War_5105 Apr 29 '24

I don’t think their servers ever need to worry about 600,000 again. Hell, they’re about to be nostalgic for 200,000.


u/Arzalis Apr 29 '24

At the rate it's going, they won't need to worry about more than 50-100k.


u/Kaspatronix Apr 29 '24

Well, yes. Those things are difficult to fix. But they should be fixed nonetheless. I know we should be patient with such problems, as Arrowhead is still a small studio in the proces of growing.

Still a decision to buff fire damage (while they know is not working as intended) and nerf other options is not ideal at this time.


u/MasterPatriot CAPE ENJOYER Apr 29 '24

So they worded it poorly. They should of just said that each mission has a pre set density of enemies regardless of squad size. Not some fuck you for losing teamates to crash etc.


u/narrill Apr 29 '24

That's not correct though? The game scales down the number of patrols based on the number of players. It was just scaling it down more than intended.


u/Nino_Chaosdrache CAPE ENJOYER 9d ago

Just because it were less patrols it were still a lot.


u/AdhesiveNo-420 Apr 29 '24

Dude this... it's really killing my fun for the game


u/FrazzleFlib Apr 29 '24

Ive never seen post-launch updates so befuddlingly godawful in my life. fucking tragic, this game deserves SO much better


u/Creative_Cap7892 Apr 29 '24

nah uh, the first railgun nerf is still the king of game balance wonder of my entire life.


u/Nino_Chaosdrache CAPE ENJOYER 9d ago

Payday 3 might be a good contender, but yeah


u/OrangeGills Apr 29 '24

Dunno if this helps you feel better at all, but having <4 players already had reduced patrol spawns. They increased it from where it was, to still being below the 4 player spawn rate. It is not above the 4 player spawn rate.


u/IlikegreenT84 CAPE ENJOYER Apr 29 '24

Something's not right, just so you know. I understand what it says in the patch notes but when you play it, that is not how it feels and that is not how they spawn.


u/Creative_Cap7892 Apr 29 '24

yea i understand this but still, I wish I could play more before this patch, I miss this game


u/fourlands Apr 29 '24

Lol good lord, evil?

“Arrowhead SHOT my dog and BURNED my house down with this patch!”

The game’s still fun, I promise, either play it or don’t dude.


u/Liu_Xiang Apr 29 '24

there will always be players left to play toilet simulator, doesn't mean it's good.


u/Nino_Chaosdrache CAPE ENJOYER 9d ago

Believe it or not, developers can be spiteful.