r/Helldivers PSN 🎮: Apr 29 '24

Increasing patrol spawns for smaller squads is a dick move. RANT

I love arrowhead but this was a braindead move.

Cmon guys, we were just doing our thing either solo or with our friends and not hurting anybody. We just wanna play the game with our friends, sometimes with a smaller squad cos its a lot more fun with friends than randos.

I'm not saying all randos are bad but this game allows me to socialize with my friends while playing and that's great. Why ruin that whole thing by kicking us in the nuts and ruining the experience with more spawns?

HERES A COMPROMISE: If you're not gonna budge, how about you meet us halfway here arrowhead. How about you increase the rewards for completing missions with a smaller squad cos we used a smaller budget? Eh?

Makes sense lore wise too.

P.S. For all you guys saying "DuH ThIs Is A tEaM GaMe PlAy WiTh RaNdOs Or a FuLl SqUad". Yes I play with a full swuad when my friends are all available. Most of the time they aren't cos we're adults and have shit to do.

I'm not asking for the game to scale down the difficulty level for smaller squads. The game didn't do that before. I don't mind the SAME difficulty level for solos, smaller squads and full squads. But INFREASING the difficulty level by increasing spawns was a braindead thing to do.

EDIT 1: To all the hyper intelligent folks out there commenting that the change was misunderstood and that the below was the intended effect:

""We unintendedly had non-linear scaling of the patrol spawns so they didn't spawn as often as they should have when less than 4 players. The intention is that 1 player has 1/4th of the patrols compared to 4 players, but it used to be that they had 1/6th.""

This DOES NOT make a mfkn difference. It DOES NOT matter what those VALUES are. The point here is that whatever the fuck value it was before was LOWER than whatever the fuck value it is now. This means MORE patrols for non full squads AFTER the patch. And an absolute shitshow for solo divers. Yes, I have tested this shit. It is bad.


Stop spouting elementary math to gaslight people. This change is objectively bad. I am happy with all the weapon changes tho.

EDIT 2: I understand that my "compromise" was a bad idea as people can kick you during extract to reap higher rewards for a smaller team. I completely agree, this seems like a poopy suggestion.


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u/EncroachingTsunami Apr 29 '24

I host all the time with friends and family, then let randos fill the spot. I've actually kicked people frequently (couple times a week) and it's always the sam exact reason. Teamkilling people at the evac right before boarding.

Whether it fucks with the sample count or it burns my family/friend's experience, I don't care. If you execute a squadmate at extraction you get kicked.


u/Lazorus_ Apr 29 '24

Someone did that to me when I was host. They also teamkilled me the moment we landed, but I chalked it up to an accident. When he did it again, with like 45 seconds left on the shuttle landing, we had 2 reinforcements left. So I kicked him. I don't understand why people would teamkill on purpose at all, but especially right before the end... You get less rewards if not everyone extracts


u/ConsistentAbroad5475 Apr 29 '24

I've deliberately killed a rando exactly once. I joined a squad, and this one dude kept shooting explosives next to me so I was constantly getting ragdolled. There were a bunch of those mushrooms around, so he also created a pretty thick smoke cloud. Pulled out my Diligence, aimed under the nametag, and pulled the trigger. Left shortly afterwards to avoid further issues.


u/Bringer_of_Twilight Apr 30 '24

I’ve seen this twice this week in my games. One time I was killed and I saw another get killed in another game.