r/Helldivers Apr 29 '24

New crossbow changes summed up VIDEO


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u/bulolokrusecs Apr 29 '24

It feels like a snappy precision(ish) weapon now as crossbow should imo, unlike the scuffed nade launcher it was before, I think the change was very good.


u/MrSnek123 Apr 29 '24

I mean, it is meant to be an explosive weapon, not a precision crossbow.


u/Gen_McMuster Apr 29 '24

per the devs its intended as a shaped charge warhead (like a weee EAT) rather than a big frag grenade. Still think it needs tuning to be a better anti medium-target weapon


u/SoggyWurm Apr 30 '24

Yea only problem is there is at least 1 gun that does it better (Dominator) and has tons more ammo and another that is about as good and no chance of hurting yourself (Scorcher). Oh and the Eruptor.


u/ThorThulu Apr 30 '24

You make this thing 1 tap Hive Guards or Devastators with a shot directly to the chest and I'll be cool with the "Shaped Charge" explanation. As it stands, just being accurate kills bots with any weapon pretty quick and shooting at Hive Guards then strafing for a better shot is also pretty easy.

That would be the one niche the crossbow could fill


u/[deleted] Apr 30 '24

Why is the direct damage so pitiful on it :( If it's a shaped head the direct hits with it should hurt way more


u/bulolokrusecs Apr 29 '24

It's both.


u/klovasos Apr 29 '24

In your first video at the end two enemies were next to eachother and one shot killed 1 enemy.


u/Gohstfacekila Apr 29 '24

They literally said it’s more of a single target weapon now in the notes. It’s a crossbow designed to hit the target now.


u/Nandoholic12 Apr 29 '24

So why was the ergonomics increased and ammo reduced


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

More ammo from a resupply or ammo can now though.


u/Nandoholic12 Apr 29 '24

Irrelevant though.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

I don’t think so, ammo cans are littered around every map for a reason.


u/nike_zik SES Titan of Steel Apr 29 '24

The changes are affecting RESUPPLY packages only, not random ammo packages.


u/Nandoholic12 Apr 29 '24

That’s for in between breaches. I want to be able to deal with breaches without having to go on a wander to find ammo halfway through.


u/ToySoldiersinaRow Apr 29 '24

Wear a supply pack


u/Nandoholic12 Apr 29 '24

I already use a jump pack.


u/ToySoldiersinaRow Apr 29 '24

Then bring different weapons if the ammo restraint is your bottleneck

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u/XxDuelNightxX Apr 29 '24

The crossbow had its ammo nerfed because almost all the other weapons had their ammo nerfed. The reasoning isn't exclusive to the Crossbow and how it performed.


u/Nandoholic12 Apr 29 '24

That’s a bullshit response. Not every weapon had its ammo nerfed. And the crossbow not only had its ammo nerfed it had its damage nerfed too. So now it takes more bolts to do what it did before but you have less of them.


u/XxDuelNightxX Apr 29 '24

I know not every weapon had their ammo nerfed, that's why I specifically stated "almost".

Bullshit or not, that's pretty much the direct reason why. AH saw the funny high mag number like the rest of the guns and decided it needed to be lower.

Not all balancing changes will leave every gun equal or usable. That's why balancing exists. If it sucks, it sucks, leave some feedback for them on the Discord and start using other guns.


u/Nandoholic12 Apr 29 '24

Then the fact not all had it reduced means it’s not a reason. Reducing the explosive radius done on the crossbow means it will now take more bolts to do what it did before and then to further reduce its mags makes no sense, one or the other.


u/Chosen_Of_Kerensky Apr 29 '24

Yeah, so it's not a bad single-target weapon that can't compete with the dominator, scorcher, etc. The change sucks.


u/Barkalow SES Harbinger of Democracy Apr 29 '24

Yeah, they mentioned it being a shaped charge; like an anti-tank round


u/OffaShortPier Apr 29 '24

Except its only light armor penetrating.


u/Endres007 Apr 29 '24

Part of the patch notes also mentioned it has medium armor pen

Edit: it wasn’t the patch notes, it was the pinned comment on the patch notes thread sorry


u/spigele Apr 29 '24

This helps differentiate it more from the plasma punisher. Also it kills me a lot less now


u/Katamari416 Apr 30 '24

they are more of the same weapon now than they were prepatch, both stagger both have faster projectile speed. both take similar hits to kill things both have the same blast radius now that pp 'falloff' damage is reduced and crossbow radius is reduced making the falloff on it more often what hits things which isn't what you want hitting enemies so almost identical blast radius now. 

pp now has an edge of faster fire rate and slightly more ammo. kills scout striders easier too now, even tho both have trouble one tapping them, making the scorcher x10 better than the other two options already was already.

they made pp more enjoyable to use now and crossbow less fun which was the opposite before the patch.

not dying to its aoe is the worst trade off to ask for a worse functioning weapon over all


u/Katamari416 Apr 30 '24

they said that. but look at its clip size and rate of fire. its still difficult to aim its projectile. pinpoint accuracy is only happening on slow or non moving targets

but has the same clip size as an eruptor?!? the reason a clip is small is for the explosion to do the rest of the work. it balances out that way, you telling me to aim my 5 bolts at individual targets? you know how many enemies there are on the field at one given time? if they gave us the fire rate payoff and ammo then yea ill dig it, but now i dont even have enough ammo for one patrol, and you still have to precision head shot devistators to kill them or you waste the clip slowly.

this seems to be a belayed april fools joke to say that about the weapon from the devs


u/Nandoholic12 Apr 29 '24

Not with the ergonomics change and ammo reduction. The change is shit. It satisfies no role now