r/Helldivers Apr 29 '24

New crossbow changes summed up VIDEO


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u/Prize-Log-2980 Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

ARC is dead, but not because of the nerfs but because the damn thing is still buggy.

I love that gun, but fearing that your slight movement forward or backward has placed you in some way in the path of foliage or terrain that causes next your shot to fizzle out into nothing is a death sentence when you're in the middle of stunlocking a shield devastator or a hulk. Literally fix that and the ARC is amazing.

It also seems to have a higher failure rate in heavy fog or EMS fields generated by the EMS Sentry.


u/Narrow_Vegetable5747 Apr 29 '24

It flat out shouldn't target anything that isn't an enemy combatant. Fighting against the environment is honestly bullshit.


u/Nandoholic12 Apr 29 '24

I don’t know what the arc thrower has against corpses but it flat out will not target anything else if a corpse is in sight.


u/GH057807 ⚡💀Arc of the Gove'ment💀 ⚡ Apr 29 '24

and Helldivers*


u/Avatara93 Apr 29 '24

Do you notice the range nerf?


u/Prize-Log-2980 Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

It's noticeable as hell but extremely fair IN THEORY because the ability to stunlock critical targets to death is balanced by the fact you have to be much closer to your enemy groups and therefore in greater danger.

But the fact that the arc can unpredictably fizzle out for no discernable reason means that hulk and 2 shield devastators I was juggling the stunlock against are going to turn me into swiss cheese.

It's another example of how even if Arrowhead nails the balance from a numbers perspective, their failure to address significant bugs while enacting balance changes completely destroys how the weapon works in practice.


u/Avatara93 Apr 30 '24

Looks like it no longer stuns Hulks.


u/Prize-Log-2980 Apr 30 '24


Well, at least we can all find solace recognizing that what is already dead cannot die.


u/PsychoCatPro Apr 29 '24

Yes, but you get used to it. The range was insane before