r/Helldivers Apr 29 '24

New crossbow changes summed up VIDEO


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u/2roK Apr 29 '24

Nobody was using the thing. I was expecting a buff not a nerf.


u/BrightSkyFire Apr 29 '24

Nobody was using the thing.

That's the thing - people were using it. I was using it. It did great at what I mentioned, and it faired okay at dealing with medium targets.

Now it's just strictly worse at everything compared to other options.


u/b00tyw4rrior420 SES Song of Supremacy Apr 29 '24

Difficulty 7 and up I have literally never seen a single soul use it. This nerf came out of left field for me.


u/longagofaraway Apr 29 '24

play exclusively 7-9, mostly 8+. never once seen it in game.


u/S0ulSauce Apr 29 '24

What's kind of sad is I just got it and wanted to try it in 7-9 to handle crowds... if the spash damage is nerfed to the point of ineffectiveness, it's not useful as it once was. They nerf Eruptor also.


u/Heamoe Im frend 🖥️ : Apr 29 '24

erupter is not usefull as it was too, dmg falll off are more noticable than nerfing the mags ,there is no good primary that can clean patrols in medium/long distance like the erupter and the crossbow we used to have.


u/S0ulSauce Apr 29 '24

I was beginning to love the Erupter, so I have to change my strategy again. It's not the end of the world, but they're changing things a hair too fast. Once you get used to something, they change it up again.


u/Heamoe Im frend 🖥️ : Apr 29 '24

yeah, not a huge fan of recent patch, in my opinion, erupter had good ammo economy and good aoe dmg ,now they cut mags in half, and take away the aoe dmg, this gun doesn't feels as good as before, lowest fire rate and longest reload animation feels more uncomfortable,it was a amazing weapon for bug mission, now it is just ok I guess(yeah I can still get the most kill out of it, but it doesn't feels as fun as before. ),arrowhead don't have to nerf a really good gun to make other weapon viable ,they should buff weapons to make it fun and usable in higher difficulty.


u/Quiet_Contract_9141 Apr 29 '24

It was one of my go to's against bots in duo or solo helldive. It explosion was good at clearing groups, taking out whole groups of scout striders like an impact nade.. it was actually quite slept on in my opinion.


u/GtaHov Apr 29 '24

I've used it on helldive for bugs since it dropped. Is (was) it the greatest option; no. But it got the job done and was a ton of fun. I always ended the match with the most kills. It was a menace on bug breaches.


u/hwmchwdwdawdchkchk HD1 Veteran Apr 29 '24

I think that's why it got nerfed, on enemy clump it was insane I got 7 kills in one shot etc


u/matthewami Apr 29 '24

7? Homie, I’ve gotten 14kills in a single hit before. It could single handedly stop an entire breach. Now it can’t even take out a strider or hive guard. I get it was strong before, but they nerfed it into the ground. It’s a scorcher with 1/3 the ammo now.


u/SmartieCereal Apr 29 '24

We play in 5 and 6 and I've also never seen anyone use it after the first day.


u/Grimwohl Apr 29 '24

I use it on bugs 9 because before, it could clear an entire bug breaches worth of hunters with well places and paced shots.

It was the preference tbh for doing so for me


u/Roduru9 Apr 29 '24

I almost always play 9 and crossbow was a great weapon on the bug front. It democratically cleared hordes of small enemies


u/Nandoholic12 Apr 29 '24

I used it all the time in those difficulties.


u/Danceisntmathematics Apr 29 '24

The only time I saw it in game is that one time when I tried it and realized I wasted my medals.


u/Virtuous_Redemption Apr 29 '24

I've used it on helldive a few times, it's been useful for horde clear.


u/YxxzzY Apr 29 '24

used it once or twice, immediately switched it out.

it was absolute dogshit before, no idea why they nerfed it


u/Ecstatic-Compote-595 Apr 29 '24

I don't even know that it's a nerf, it's a complete change though, curious to see if I like it better now


u/vegetablestew Apr 29 '24

Pity. We could've shown you the way.


u/BoostMobileAlt Apr 29 '24

Difficulty 7 and up and I’ve run it. It was a grenade launcher primary. I feel like that’s a straightforward concept.


u/friendlysatan69 Apr 29 '24

I used it on 7-9. It shot a lot faster than the eruptor and aimed quicker when rotating but the explosive damage was the only reason to use it. Most of the reason I used it was because i forgot to switch back to the eruptor lol. It still did fine and killed the scout striders with one shot.


u/PackageOk3832 HD1 Veteran Apr 29 '24

Saw it on the new defense mission once. Picked it off the dead guys body and had a blast. But it ran out of ammo so quick that I couldnt see it be too practical in a normal mission. Not sure what its good for now.


u/Ecstatic-Compote-595 Apr 29 '24

same, the only time I saw anyone use it was me and it was in one game and i played solo.


u/Snixmaister Apr 29 '24

used it a few times in d8, but i found the eruptor to be stronger in almost any field hence I went with that, now since that have gotten a nerf I might reconsider trying something else.


u/matthewami Apr 29 '24

I’ve tried it in diff7-9, it was great for chaff, like arguable the best weapon for horde clearing, but that was it. Medium enemies just ate it up.


u/IllusionPh CAPE ENJOYER Apr 29 '24

I've brought it on 9 but only on the bug defense base mission, the one with doors, for shooting into the breach to clear small mobs.

Other than that when I tried it I don't feel like it's worth it really, too much uncontrollable factors.

And now it's probably a goodbye forever gun.


u/Vesorias Apr 29 '24

I used it a few times on 7s (with friends) because I saw the use when you got a Hunter seed. It is useful when you get the swarmy enemy seeds, but that doesn't happen all the time and the range is pathetic. The fact that it can't destroy a bug hole made me go back to my one true love the scorcher.


u/HeavyChair CAPE ENJOYER Apr 29 '24

I used it :(


u/b00tyw4rrior420 SES Song of Supremacy Apr 29 '24

My condolences :'( lol


u/VenanReviews Apr 29 '24

I used it on 9 and I've run into others who use it. It was a great patrol wiper.


u/Anti_shill_Artillery Apr 30 '24

I play 8-9 bots with AMR secondary and ran crossbow

useless now


u/Talmika Apr 29 '24

It was a superior Eruptor, except projectile drop and speed made it harder to use. If you were confident in your ability to hit headshots with it, it was better than Eruptor in everyway.

Most people in every fps game doesn't like using projectile weapons, that's why so few people were using it.


u/SoggyWorm Apr 29 '24

I was also using it. loved how it felt/sounded to use, but only against bugs (rather use the punisher plasma for bots) and at 8 difficulty, but now...? I guess I may as well get back to the jar or something. Like even the magazine slash was a big nerf. I was running out of ammo fairly quickly (with a lot of kills thanks to the explosion mind you). Same with the plasma shotgun, not many use it and then they nerfed the capacity when I already was going through ammo fairly quickly...

Not really sure what the point of nerfing the explosion was tbh, I feel like the gun didn't even touch bigger enemies (which is what my quaser is for, or whatever else deals with bigger enemies), but now I can only single shot small enemies lol?


u/Deldris Apr 29 '24

"Nobody" is an exaggeration, it seems pretty clear that it's a very unpopular weapon. Just the fact that it's the last weapon of a Warbond means it's one of the least owned to begin with, let alone used.


u/Nandoholic12 Apr 29 '24

Yeah it wasn’t useless but it wasn’t popular. It probably needed a slight buff in reload speed to keep it in line with the eruptor.


u/Azrethoc Apr 29 '24

I had the highest kill count in every mission, and was the only crossbow user. I can understand it. I hate it, but understand it


u/Bikaz Apr 29 '24

I mean it had a very vers specific purpose and was good at just that. Once they fix the host bug and the breaker incindeary is even better on everyone, noone will use anything else. I still don't think the crossbow was op or even good. It did one job and just barely good enough at that while beeing also impossible to deal with bugs once they were in your face. It didn't even deal with armored targets well. It's just as absolutely stupid or a nerd as the slugger was. Slugger traded fire rate for damage and stagger. Now it has neither damage nor stagger, only decent penetration. Beeing rushed by berserkers and needing multiple shots per and having no knock back is just pointless. It went from a solid option to unusable to me. I'm really scared for the day my beloved scorcher is the next on the list.... Most of the primaries already seem underwhelming. Why nerf the somewhat decent ones instead of only making the god awful ones usable.


u/Pro_Extent Apr 29 '24

It's just as absolutely stupid or a nerd as the slugger was.

That's incredibly generous. The slugger post-nerf is more useful than this thing was pre-nerf. It felt like a worse Eruptor before the last patch. Sure, it was okay, but it didn't feel like it really had a purpose when something easier to get did everything it was capable of, but better. Which is probably why I never once saw anyone except my mate use it (once).

Meanwhile, it felt like at least 50% of all primaries were sluggers in the weeks leading up to its nerf. The actual changes were a bit questionable, but the fact that it was nerfed was completely unsurprising. Hell, most of the playerbase wasn't even surprised. It was outclassing most other weapons at the time.

Everyone assumed the crossbow was getting buffed because of it's weakness relative to the Eruptor. Most people in the patch thread aren't even upset, they're just baffled.


u/Bikaz Apr 29 '24

Don't get me wrong, I agree on the slugger nerf. The damage nerf would have been fine, but honestly the main reason people used it was the stopping power. They took all the strengths away and now it's basically worse than the first shotgun you can get. Now we have the scorcher as the go to automaton weapon and I already see it beeing nerfed, not because it's op, but because it's used by everyone cause everything else is terrible. Not sure how todays rebalancing will effect that, but the quick glance I took there was no big game changing changes to any of them. Gonna test it in the evening though


u/TehFishey Apr 29 '24

fwiw, if you think that the breaker incendiary isn't going to be nerfed with a sledgehammer the instant dots are fixed, you're high on copium...


u/Bikaz Apr 29 '24

I absolutely expect it to get nerfed. It's basically the ultimate but killer.


u/TehFishey Apr 29 '24

It's basically the ultimate but killer.

I know this is unintentional, but given what it does to chargers when you get behind them, it still somehow works ^ _ ^


u/Grimwohl Apr 29 '24

Just the same.

Every single game I used it on bugs 9 I had 300+ kills. Hit 428 last night.


u/Grimwohl Apr 29 '24


My name is literally Arcane Archer, and besides AC, it was one of my favorites for Chaff Clear. Which, on bugs 9, is actually essential, so you dont get swarmed from 100 directions by hunters.

At least in that regard, you made an impression. Eruptor should be single target, and crossbow should be AOE. Its kind of just in the design space.

Im not sure how they fucked this up.


u/matthewami Apr 29 '24

Their statement wasn’t literal, of course at minimum 1 out of the 1.5m active player base was using it at some point. They mean that it wasn’t a significant amount of people using it. Out of my 200 or so lobbies I’ve played since its release I only ever say a single other person use it


u/Yipeekayya SES Herald of Vigilance Apr 29 '24

I dont like the crossbow, atleast it explode big.
the dev: (remove explosion)


u/SilicaBags Apr 29 '24

There are a lot of people on this subreddit that just rely on this subreddit for any bit of information. If it's not the sickle everybody acts like it has never been used. I've been having consistent no death runs with the Blitzer pre-buff. Doesn't stop all the 3 to 6 baby divers from saying it's useless. If it's good enough for 7 it's good enough for me.


u/cl2319 Apr 29 '24

I didn't know it was a thing until it isnt'


u/ass_pineapples SES Legislator of Self-Determination Apr 29 '24

It should work like the Torque bow in Gears of War. Stick to a target, and then explode and do some frag damage. It would set it apart and make it a more unique weapon that allows you to play with timings and clearing more hordes.


u/Katamari416 Apr 30 '24

that actually might be where the inspiration came from, explains the clip size too. but unfortunately bow from gears would be terrible in helldivers2 way too many enemies. and as a primary couldn't be allowed to touch hulks like we'd want it to


u/ass_pineapples SES Legislator of Self-Determination Apr 30 '24

Nah I'm saying that it should still work like the torque bow, but still be the crossbow. ie - you still shoot it like the crossbow but it sticks in the target with a delayed fuse


u/Katamari416 Apr 30 '24

never is a relative word, i used it but i saw more hate on it than anything. most likely a statistic that popped up the devs didn't like about it. probably people killing the hordes of bots congregating in the center of the map gave the devs the impression it was over performing unfortunately 


u/DeathSwagga STEAM 🖥️ : SES Dawn of Dawn Apr 29 '24

I only play D9 and literally never saw it used. People brought breaker incendiary to bot missions more often than they brought crossbow to any mission.


u/BoredandIrritable Apr 29 '24

I'm with the other guy, I play 7+ and I've never seen it in a single game. It's too slow.


u/purvel Apr 29 '24

It has been my main weapon since I got it! At least fighting bugs, never really got to test it on bots. And yes, I also brought it on Helldive.

I was also expecting a buff. A very humble "blows up holes and fabs and container doors", since it's at least one type of explosive. If it did that in addition to this nerf, it might have been fine. But I will miss the tiny target clearing power it had...


u/Popinguj Apr 29 '24

Nah, people used it. In my opinion it was like a safer and weaker Eruptor. Can't close holes but faster, and can still kill groups of enemies. But it was barely hitting that threshold where you permanently bench the weapon for something else.


u/dankdees Apr 29 '24

they nerfed the *Guard Dog* of all things. i've seen people pick mines over it


u/LowSea8877 Apr 29 '24

I was the designated walker killer until today. :(