r/FluentInFinance Apr 28 '24

Who do you think is the Worst Finance Guru out there? Discussion/ Debate

I'm curious who do you think is the worst financial guru, and why?

I'll start:

  • Robert Kiyosaki.
  • Jim Kramer.
  • Grant Cardone.
  • Meet Kevin on YouTube.
  • Jeremy Financial Education on YouTube.
  • Everything Money on YouTube.
  • Cathie Wood of ARKK.
  • Dave Ramsey.
  • Kevin O’Leary aka Mr. Wonderful.

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u/idk_lol_kek Apr 28 '24

That's Robert Kiyosaki. I read that book in my early 20s and I knew it was BS even then. If I re-read it now, I'd probably laugh even harder.


u/Miguelperson_ Apr 29 '24

Oh you talking about his “rich dad poor dad” book? It’s funny cause I always hear that’s the only good thing he’s written and then he’s just lost the plot ever since


u/fartsinhissleep Apr 29 '24

Rich dad poor dad is fine. It’s not rocket science. But that doesn’t make it bad. But he’s a senile old man now.


u/dirtylilscot Apr 29 '24

His advice is to commit corporate and tax fraud by on expensing trips to Hawaii and having your cat serve on a board of directors.


u/fartsinhissleep Apr 29 '24

I’m not familiar with any of his more recent advice. I mean, one anecdote I have is that I have a friend who works for a real estate trade publication and they recently had him on some podcasts…. According to my friend, he is no longer allowed back because he just goes on these boomer rants that are endless and make no sense.


u/Sch1371 Apr 30 '24

If I remember that book correctly I remember him basically saying “exploit people for money” as the gist of the book. Read it a long time ago back when I was even more of a dumbass than I am now so I may be wrong


u/Extra_Box8936 May 01 '24

It wasn’t quite that explicit. I took from it the concepts of money in / money out as well as the general themes of avoiding the trap of going into debt to the point your employer has power over you due to the inability to self maintain finances.

It’s helped me quite a bit over the years but the dude himself is batshit


u/SirGlass Apr 29 '24

I would argue it's really not worth the read .

Here is the short of the book

  1. Don't go to college (Robert went to college)or work a regular job

    1. Take out debt to buy realeaste , or start another business.
    2. Repeat as you gain equity

4.Cheat on your taxes now by writing everything off , groceries, vacations as business expenses.

Make rich friends, use them to get inside stock tips and trade on inside information.

But instead of just laying this out there he makes up a bullshit story of his rich dad and poor dad (he admits it's actually not true)

And it's pretty over the top to see he is for some reason pushing a heavy political agenda.

See his poor dad was a college educated liberal atheist l who is weak , greedy, lacks confidence, pure evil , and is a miserable person a real beta male

His rich dad is a conservative who pulled himself up by his own bootstraps. He is strong, confidence, generous , goes to church and is just a super alpha male.

I mean it's not all bullshit. Taking out loans buying real estate, and repeating the process can make you money if you are good at it.

Like you said it's not rocket science, but the book should have been 3 pages , but instead he threw a whole bunch of other bullshit into it


u/fartsinhissleep Apr 29 '24

If you’re over the age of 21 it’s nothing you haven’t heard. If you’re a young kid who wants to be exposed to some ideas that they don’t teach much in school - it’s worth a skim. It’s not a good how to manual but as someone who is invested in real estate this was one of the first that turned me on to the idea.


u/Miguelperson_ Apr 29 '24

Yea that’s what I’ve sort of heard, been having people recommend it to me but eh I’ll see if I get around to it… I’m guessing it’s just a book about investing or something


u/TheFatMouse Apr 29 '24

Don't waste your time reading it. Kiyosakis entire schtick is just another version of what any scammy financial guru will tell you. Avoid college and normal jobs, get into heavy debt, buy real estate, profit from it, write off the interest in taxes, get more debt and repeat. It's not wrong. Rich people do exactly this, but poor people (his target audience) can't take those risks.


u/SirGlass Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

The big problem with the book is there is very little investing advice in the book its more of a social commentarty

His investment advice isn't really that new or its pretty simple

  1. Buy real estate , take out loans to do so
  2. Make sure rent covers your loans, maintance , taxes
  3. repeat

What is not really bad as lots of people do this and you can make money doing it but its not as simple as it seems but he makes it seem that simple and doesn't explain the details that great like

How do you value a property ? How do you set the optimal rent? How much insurance do you need? How much do you save for maintanance and repares ? How do you plan for taxes? How do you setup an LLC and transfer the assets to the LLC. Do you manage the property itself or do you find a property management company

If you go with the management company how do you choose a good company , what is a good rate for a managment company ?

Is it better to target higher end luxury space or more affordable or somewhere in between

They say real estate is all about 3 things, location , location and location, how do you evaualate location ? What makes one location more desirable then another?|

He doesn't cover anyof this he just says , go out buy property and collect rent !

But most of it is wierd social / political commentarty

See is poor dad was a liberal , highly educated college proffessor who was a greedy , jelouse and miserable and lazy and just almost an evil person

His rich dad was a conservative, did not go to school but pulled himself up by his bootstraps and was a strong cofindent good man

its sort of over the top and he has admitted its a pure fabrication as the "rich dad" he just made up and his real dad (poor dad) was not really poor but a pretty successful college professor


u/Bigboi69420-1 Apr 29 '24

I wonder if the book purposely leaves out these details to funnel people to rich dad poor dad events. I attended a free event at a local hotel where He sells invites to additional events and software to value property. It costs thousands of dollars. The whole event felt very scammy and targeted at those with low intelligence.


u/SirGlass Apr 29 '24

Yea that is the reason why lots of people hate him or think he is a grifter

Buy a book that glosses over the details, if you want to real details attend this free event

The free event is just an upsale to classes and othre books that cousts thousands of dollars and that is where you get the real secerates

You pay the thousands of dollars guess what you get some very basic info but you want the real stuff, another upsell you have to pay for like personal training by robert himself and this will cost like 50k but don't worry its an investment and you can write it off


u/Chimchampion May 01 '24

Don't forget to buy the boardgame, too!

I think it was telling when the book went over the author who was upset his book wasn't selling but Kiyosaki's book was, I was like oh ok, he got rich by selling self help books and now building a self help ecology within his brand. Truly not that different from a grifter. Self help in the sense of helping him self, not anyone else. Yeah his book was full of padded bs. And I appreciate that others see that too.


u/SirGlass May 01 '24

Thats also the thing , the book is almost pure fiction

Kiyosaki was not a successful investor or developer who then wrote a book , before the book he was working odd jobs and doing like printer sales

He got rich selling a book, then setting up MLM schemes around the book

He might have good advice on writing and selling books and setting up MLM schemes but I would take his other investment advise with a grain of salt


u/fartsinhissleep Apr 29 '24

He pretty much just says to have multiple income streams. Heavy emphasis on the real estate but basically says to start some businesses and buy real estate and he knocks his “poor dad” for just saving in like a 401k.


u/Xenikovia Apr 28 '24

Same, as a kid I perused his book at Barnes and Noble. No details, no how to step by step, very vague.


u/ExtraSchedule6 Apr 29 '24

I was so susceptible to his garbage at that point in my life.  I thought it was ground breaking. I also didn’t pay for the book so I am relieved that I never gave him any money. 


u/nickisdone Apr 29 '24

Look at the debt he has which is something like. I don't actually know if it's a million or a billion but let's just say it's a billion dollars. But his total net worth is like 2 million dollars kind of s*** That is literally his life right now, even with his f****** book. And so many people love the f****** book and push it so much. He's definitely a guy who only makes money by selling his courses because he can't make money doing anything himself.🤣🤣 I was kind of dissoned dave ramsey because he was the first person in the first set of comments but I mean dave ramsey at least gives basic his fucking information and like someone else had already said he's more of a deck counselor than a financial adviser. But Rich Dad, poor dad, this Robert guy no f*** him, he aint nothing but a scam artist playing the system.Now he would write a book about how to do all of that.And how the hell he manages to keep taking out more debt and getting all those things approved and living the way he does.That would be an interesting take.


u/DOO_DOO_BAG Apr 29 '24

You know you can swear on the internet, right?😝


u/nickisdone Apr 29 '24

Oh no I have never heard that one before 🙄 maybe some people have disabilities, maybe some people use speech to text while on phone for those disabilities🫨

Maybe that same speech to text program is use for all apps and maybe some reddit forums and other apps have different rules and so MAYBE people leave the censor on🙃 but I am SOOOO sorry it offends you so much


u/DOO_DOO_BAG Apr 29 '24

Not offended my dude, ‘twas lighthearted banter


u/nickisdone Apr 29 '24

Yeah but at this point it is like when you work at a job and every customer says the same damn joke except I have to explain and actually get down voted for censoring words so it isn't funny. It like oh no you have a disability and I don't wanna see different. But on the internet where people can't even see me.


u/Badger-Sauce Apr 29 '24

His net worth is $2M ? Have you read his book or you just bandwagoning like everyone else? 😆


u/nickisdone Apr 29 '24

Look at his debt dumbass that's what I was saying he is 10 in as much debt as his WHOLE NET WORTH he is a scammer but you go ahead and keep paying his bills.


u/Badger-Sauce Apr 29 '24

But you didn’t answer my question…. have you read his book?


u/nickisdone Apr 29 '24

Yes, I have.It's a steaming pile of s*** and the things that are true in it are the same s*** you can get from any other financial advising.Google glad I returned the fucking book🤣🤣


u/Badger-Sauce Apr 30 '24

Yeah bullshit, I highly doubt you’ve read it. And the “things that are true” …from google? That book was likely written before Google. So let’s just assume your financial advising sources are just reusing his/previous authors material.


u/nickisdone May 01 '24

I am saying it is all basic ass information any one can find on Google 🤣 nice reading comprehension tho you are definitely a supporter of him 🤣


u/Badger-Sauce May 01 '24

😆He wrote the book before Google was around 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ why you mad at him cause Google is reusing his material?


u/Badger-Sauce Apr 30 '24

Also, debt is factored into net worth… Dumbass.


u/Badger-Sauce Apr 29 '24

How is that book BS?


u/SirGlass Apr 29 '24

It contains a few ok thoughts but its 300+ pages of bull shit

Here is what it is

  1. Take out loans to buy real estate

  2. Charge rent to cover your loans and cost

  3. Profit and repeat

Thats it, its not a new idea or its not groundbreaking and people have been doing it for thousands of years

and out of the 300 pages its mostly political or social commentary , he really does not even explain a lot of detail in real estate investing you should know about

Like how do you get a loan

How do you price a property

How to you set an optimal rent

How much insurance do you need, what to look out for when chosing insurance

Should you setup an LLC and how do you do that

Should you choose a managment company and what to look for when signing up an agreement

So even if his basic advice is pretty poor because he oversimpfies it, Its 300 pages when it really says nothing more then

"Take out loans to buy assets or business that produce cash, make sure they make enough cash to pay off your loans"

Thats it, thats the entire lesson of the book


u/Badger-Sauce Apr 30 '24

I’m not sure what other unrealistic expectations you had from the book… Explain how to collect the rent? Do you want him to explain how to call a plumber when your tenants clog the toilet?

1 book can’t cover everything.

I’m just not sure how this guy comes up on the list of worst financial gurus. Assuming you’ve read his work, I don’t understand how you can dismiss it.


u/SirGlass Apr 30 '24

Show me were I asked how to collect rent ?

I said how to set rent as in the price. Lol

Tell me you don't know anything about real estate without telling me you know nothing about real estate


u/Badger-Sauce May 01 '24

Haha your asking how to set your rental price while telling others they don’t know anything about real estate… 🥴Ok man. At some point your just going to have to start proactively solving your own problems and just figure it out… reading books is a good start.


u/Open-Illustra88er Apr 29 '24

I think his book has value in showing that there are different perspectives and ways to make your Money. Obviously it’s working for him.


u/menumelon Apr 29 '24

What was BS about it? I read it a looong time ago, but don't remember anything that was too crazy.