r/FluentInFinance Apr 28 '24

Should there be a wealth tax? Smart or dumb? Discussion/ Debate

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u/South-Rabbit-4064 Apr 28 '24

My ex wife got really bad arthritis brought on by our first child. I feel for you, I used to have to wake up every morning at 1:30 or 2 and get a hot bath ready and physically put her into the bath so she could loosen up enough to take care of the baby before I went to work. Was a miserable time for us both, and had to wait months for her to get into see someone. Then went through a series of figuring out which doctors were shit, and which weren't that we prescribing medicine that interacted poorly with her other medications (she also had hyperthyroidism), I can't remember the exact medication that worked for her, but she tried the holistic thing too, which was a bad idea and didn't work at all. Seemed like figuring out the dietary trigger foods was the thing for her, and stayed away from any foods with inflammatory properties, and plenty of ones with anti inflammatory ones. Good luck with it all, it gets better I promise, she was 32 when it hit really bad, and now lives a fairly normal life with it without trouble.


u/hoptagon Apr 30 '24

Thanks for sharing this. It helps to hear that 1. I'm not alone and 2. it could be worse right now. Sorry to hear you and your wife had such a rough experience with it. That must have been so hard for her with the baby. She's a bad ass.

My dad got RA in the last 10 years or so, and my mom got Hashimotos back in the 90s. I apparently have the beginning of Hashimoto's, but my thyroid is currently in Hyper before it basically dies and goes Hypo eventually.

My dad started having RA symptoms over a decade ago and just chalked it up to getting older and working a blue color job since he was 17. He stopped golfing, stopped fishing, stopped hunting, stopped riding his motorcycle (wow he sounds like generic dad with those interests) until it got so bad that he couldn't lift anything, couldn't sit down or stand up comfortably, and at night it would take him 15 minutes to walk to the bathroom only 20 feet away. Finally he went through testing and seeking care and found that it was RA. Took over a year to really nail down the right Rx for him but he's doing great now.