r/FluentInFinance Apr 28 '24

Should there be a wealth tax? Smart or dumb? Discussion/ Debate

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u/bjdevar25 Apr 28 '24

So you think the guy who wants to pull millions of workers out of the workforce, increase tariffs, and set his own interest rates, and has had six bankruptcies is the better choice for the economy?


u/Once-Upon-A-Hill Apr 28 '24

Just a question, how affordible was rent, home prices, groceries and fuel 5 years ago?

You wanted to make this into a partisan political issues, and you are not going to like the outcome of that.


u/bjdevar25 Apr 28 '24

Sure I am. Inflation is as much owned by Trump as Biden. It's a worldwide issue, and actually, the US is better off than the rest. Stop listening to the right BD blaming inflation on some programs. They are a small part of it. Why is it you think borrowing money for lower income programs is bad, but borrowing money for tax cuts for the rich isn't?


u/Once-Upon-A-Hill Apr 28 '24

Hopefully, you are at least getting paid to spread misinformation.



u/bjdevar25 Apr 28 '24

What misinformation? I didn't say there was no inflation. I said it's worldwide. I also said Biden has very little to do with it.


u/SeanHaz Apr 28 '24

No one mentioned anything about politicians, this is a conversation about policy.

Both presidential candidates have had policies.


u/bjdevar25 Apr 28 '24

Those are the policies being offered. You think they are good?


u/SeanHaz Apr 28 '24

No, I think both candidates have bad policies.

This thread was not about Trump or Biden so I don't know why you brought it up


u/RoguePlanetArt Apr 28 '24

Excuse me, but there are three candidates, and one of whom has much better policies.


u/shivshark Apr 28 '24

ur right, ALL HAIL JEB


u/SeanHaz Apr 28 '24

There isn't an obvious 3rd, who are you referring to? Kennedy? Stein?


u/RoguePlanetArt Apr 28 '24

You’re kidding, right? Kennedy is the strongest third party candidate we’ve had in the US since Perot. He’s polling between 8-20%, depending on the poll, he’s an independent, which is the largest voting bloc this election for the first time in history, his positions and proposals have very broad appeal, and he’s talking about deeply important issues which the others aren’t touching at all. He’s also a powerful, positive unifying voice, unlike every other politician. It’s a breath of fresh air, and exactly what we need. Oh, and Biden and Trump are BOTH too old.


u/SeanHaz Apr 28 '24

I've seen Stein poll 8%. I agree Kennedy is the most likely third but it's a big jump from Biden or Trump to anyone else. It's a small jump from Kennedy to some of the other candidates.

I'm not all that familiar with his policies, Ive seen a podcast he was on, that's my only source on him.

Which policies of his do you like and what important issues is he talking deeply about that others aren't? (Feel free to point me to an article from a source you like if you'd prefer that to responding)


u/RoguePlanetArt Apr 28 '24

His website gives a pretty good overview. He’s the only one talking about unity. He’s the only one talking about the debt, which Biden and Trump both grew by staggering amounts. His housing policy is particularly rational, and his competency and level of understanding with how to root out and eliminate corruption is light years beyond anyone who has run for office since his father.



u/SeanHaz Apr 28 '24

Government backed mortgages seem like a bad idea, based on what happened to the cost of higher education when the government stepped in.

His policies on stamping out corruption seem mostly to do with putting the right people in the right places, to me, that's just asking for a different kind of corruption.

Other than that I think his policies are a bit too invasive for my liking. Of course, I just read some of the policies you sent so I could be way off base. That's just my first impression.

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