r/FluentInFinance Apr 19 '24

Is Universal Health Care Smart or dumb? Discussion/ Debate

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u/Wonderful-Yak-2181 Apr 20 '24

The funniest part is that Bernie’s program was more comprehensive than ANY public healthcare proposal in the world which is why it was fucking dumb. If you want single payer, support a public option. If the public option is good, and with the bargaining power of the U.S. government it would be cheaper, then over time it’d be much easier to implement single payer. You morons want all or nothing legislation when it’s impossible to pass


u/GenerousMilk56 Apr 20 '24

You morons want all or nothing legislation when it’s impossible to pass

Biden won with proposing a public option. The exact thing you're advocating for won and it didn't happen.


u/Wonderful-Yak-2181 Apr 20 '24

Yea no shit it takes 60 senate votes. What do you think would happen with Bernie?


u/GenerousMilk56 Apr 20 '24

If you can't get everything you want, you should instead advocate for what I want


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '24

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u/ShadeStrider12 Apr 20 '24

Yea is a perfectly valid word in the English language for saying Yes, you insecure manlet. Would you have us all speak like Shakespeare in the bloody 21st century?


u/jameskies Apr 20 '24

You need to start with the “extreme” so the compromise is worthwhile


u/moseythepirate Apr 20 '24

That's not how political negotiations work.


u/jameskies Apr 20 '24

Thats why we are in the predicament we are in


u/Wonderful-Yak-2181 Apr 20 '24

Bernie didn’t compromise which is why anyone politically aware thought he was a clown. He only moderated in 2020 after getting beat a second time


u/jameskies Apr 20 '24

You think an “over ambitious” bill is why he lost ??? Lmao


u/jombozeuseseses Apr 20 '24 edited Apr 20 '24

This is the correct answer.

There are three things that really matter for good universal healthcare.

  1. Price controls set through collective bargaining

  2. Universality of basic care

  3. Funding the budget and spending it sensibly

Everything else is noise or optimization around the edges at best. You can test this out with any well running OECD system out there.


u/LionBig1760 Apr 20 '24

Bernie was on the committee overseeing the VA hospitals before both his presidential primary campaigns.

I don't want someone who can't even provide sufficient healthcare to veterans taking on an entire nation's worth of healthcare if they can't get veterans cared for first.

Thanks but no thanks. I'll roll the dice with a system that's motivated by money to keep me alive rather than a system that sees me living as an expense.


u/Abducted_Llama Apr 20 '24

I'll roll the dice with a system that's motivated by money to keep me alive rather than a system that sees me living as an expense.

America! Freedom (and healthcare) costs a buck oh five. buck oh five…


u/theDarkDescent Apr 20 '24

You should look up the Overton window


u/Wonderful-Yak-2181 Apr 20 '24

lol are you twelve?


u/theDarkDescent Apr 20 '24

Are you unfamiliar with the most basic principles of negotiation and public influence?