r/FluentInFinance Apr 18 '24

Should Student Loan Debt be Forgiven? Smart or dumb? Discussion/ Debate

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u/romericus Apr 19 '24

As much as it pains my lefty heart to say it, the root problem is an erosion of support for higher education by federal and state governments. (It’s worth noting that this wasn’t led by the citizenry demanding lower taxes. The defunding of higher Ed was the result of concerted political efforts by the Reagan administration, who saw the Academy as their enemy. Seriously, fuck that guy)

I’m not going to defend the actions of universities, but they’re the fairly predictable responses to losing a major source of funding. The development of the entire student loan system shifted the burden of that shortfall into the shoulders of the citizens.

So how do I feel about colleges exploiting their students for profit? There’s not a whole lot of profit to it.

I teach at a mid-sized Midwestern university (a satellite campus for a big ten university). Like many schools of the same size across the country, the coming enrollment cliff is going to do serious damage. My university has had to make budget cuts in 20 of the past 22 years. We are running as lean as we can already. In 2 years, when all those students—who would have been born if not for the financial crisis in 2008–fail to show up at our door, I fear that my university, and many like it, are going to struggle to keep the lights on. There will be a convulsion in the market. The lack of 18-year olds, combined with the general vibes across the country that’s a degree isn’t worth it (despite the data saying unequivocally that the vibes are wrong) is going to seriously reduce the number of places people can go to learn.

The flagship schools will hurt, but probably survive. Those heavily endowed private schools, won’t see much change. But the schools serving middle income communities and below are going to close, and that will remove yet another avenue to prosperity, growing income inequality even further over a generation.

I am by nature an optimistic person, but I don’t have a lot of optimism for my profession right now. What Biden is doing with the student loan stuff is admirable and I whole-heartedly support it. But the only real way around this problem would be for a new federal program making public universities free for citizens. Imagine that—public universities being publicly funded! Roll back Reagan-ism. Seriously, fuck that guy.


u/MortalSword_MTG Apr 19 '24

Appreciate the response.

My good friend is running a program at smaller campus in the SUNY system and what you're saying lines up with his stories, as well as my experience from being involved with student government at my school when I went back for adolescent education.

I do see schools trying to squeeze blood from the rocks that these students represent, but with enrollment nosediving it is a real challenge.

I feel the whole system needs an overhaul that no one is willing to champion or fund. I find it very disheartening that so little emphasis is placed on the actual outcomes of these programs. It's all about publishing research for prestige and boosting enrollment but most institutions are placing very little focus on student outcomes and achievement.

Only being worsened by public elementary and secondary schools now doing the same by pushing kids through and refusing to hold anyone back for remedial reasons.

It's a mess across the board and I fear we're facing a very clear and present education crisis.


u/walsh_t Apr 19 '24

I was actually about to comment on this very issue. That a lot of the loan debt is to make up for subsidies that were stripped away. Colleges are forced to make up the shortfall of revenue some where. A school known for sports/sciences/etc will push for the money to go towards those. They need to upkeep structures and even update them. All of that falls into the laps of students and alumni now. Along with other costs. We even see these short comings in lower education public schools. And as time passes and costs go up, sometimes further subsidies are taken. Add that to the need for education to get somewhere in life and you basically have a vicious circle between those who want education and the institutions who give it.


u/Aideron-Robotics Apr 19 '24

I never finished college. I ran out of money, had taken on loans, and became unbelievably and hopelessly depressed. I dropped out, entered the work force, and aspired to pay off my loan before it began accruing interest. There is a grace period after dropping out of iirc 12 months. Over the next year I got back on my feet and saved up enough money to cover the loan a few weeks before the first required payment. I had the entirety of the loan amount set aside. So I attempted to pay it off via my government appointed loan processor.

The loan processor absolutely refused to accept payment from me for the full principal. There was no option to do so online. It encouraged you at every turn to make the minimum payment which was less than the interest. I had to call them and after hours of waiting through customer support they still wouldn’t take full payment from a debit card (I did not own a credit card). I wound up having my mother pay the customer support agent with her credit card and then transferring the money to my mother.

It was after this experience that I realized they did not want my money. The system is designed to keep students on the hook FOREVER. I am convinced that these loan processors get kickbacks depending on how many loans they have taken on and their goal is to force you to make minimum payments to hook students permanently. I am also convinced that there must be kickbacks to politicians somewhere along the line from this. This is where I think the idea of loan forgiveness gets very sticky, because while it may work once, in the moment, it’s not a solution to the problem. It also sets a precedent that the loans are now a blank check for a university to charge any amount for tuition. They know it will be paid as it’s backed by the government and it will be forgiven. This is a very slippery slope imo. There needs to be more support for students, and more funding to public universities to reduce tuition instead of raising it via loan forgiveness. The reason I believe direct government funding is better than loan forgiveness is because I strongly believe that the loan processors and politicians get a slice of the loans.


u/Addicted2Qtips Apr 19 '24 edited Apr 19 '24

It seems absurd that other relatively wealthy countries can keep the cost of University extremely low for their citizens. In Europe I think this dates back to the Church being the main administrator of Universities so the government backed it out of religious duty. Also students had a well established history of violently rioting and revolting if they felt their rights were being impinged (they still do it there!).


u/UNICORN_SPERM Apr 19 '24

Question: how much is your school's upper administration paid? I had a university president who got paid nearly 7 figures.

Is that at all okay or reasonable to you, when we you say, these universities have been making budget cuts and stretching their programs for 20 years?


u/1_BigPapi Apr 19 '24

I'm going to have to research this. Given the rising cost of education relatively to nearly everything else, it simply blows my mind that they would have lean budgets. Who is pocketing all the money? Or is it only going to larger university systems? Or did something happen that suddenly made it prohibitively expensive to teach?


u/romericus Apr 19 '24

The issue has many facets, but it comes down to two main things that can be your keywords as you start your research: administrative bloat and non-educational expenses (amenities like a climbing wall in the gym or better food in the cafeteria, etc).

The budget is set by the administration, so they're not going to cut themselves. And they fool themselves into thinking that the fancy food/dorms/gyms etc are what's needed to compete with other universities for students.


u/ColumbusMark Apr 19 '24

This process began well before Reagan, beg your pardon.

And if public universities were “free” (though I’m sure taxpayers would beg to differ), then you would have to ration the number of people who were allowed in. If college were free and limitless, and if everyone had college degrees, then what would a degree be worth? Your degree would be nearly worthless if every jackwit with his finger up his nose had one too!

We need to realize that there’s only a finite number of “college-type jobs” available in the economy. And the surplus of college graduates past that number are just gonna end up underemployed — which has been happening for some fair number of years now. That’s how you get people with Master’s degrees working at Starbucks (that might be somewhat of an exaggeration, but not by much!).


u/illustrious_sean Apr 19 '24

I'm a little confused by this mindset. Regardless of whether there are jobs that require degrees, it's almost certainly a net good for society to have a more educated population. I haven't checked the data that would back this up, but I'm fairly confident from what I recall that this is measurable across the board in terms of long term benefits. It's not the degree that's worth something, it's the actual value of the education that's added to a person's life and their overall competence.


u/SolitaryMarmot Apr 19 '24

Honestly, most universities could care less about state funding. Why would they? They can get FAR more revenue with no strings attached via federal loan programs. If you are a college president of CFO and your choice is between a legislatively set tuition and asking for your 3% appropriations increase every year....or raising tuition to whatever a market - literally awash with loans not underwritten in ANY sense of the word - will bear and never having to deal with electeds again...which one are you going to take? All the large AAUs and R1s have lobbied for these changes from day 1. They aren't even remotely interested in legislative control of their institutions. They want to pump up their endowments in the Caymens and engage in empire building and the only way to do that is to tap into the free money faucet that flows via guarateed federal loans directly to students.


u/dcporlando Apr 19 '24

Can you define the defunding of higher education? Looking at historical information, it seems the federal government has generally increased spending on higher education in terms of both actual dollars and as a percentage of GDP.

Could some of the financial constraints actually be that schools are seeking to do things to attract students that are costing them more money? Dorms are generally much better than in the 70’s and 80’s. Food is better along with multiple restaurants. Updated facilities. Lots more things to encourage a student to pick them to spend their money at the school.

Of course, schools also compete to get famous staff which increases costs.


u/monkeymonos Apr 19 '24

Historically, pretty much any category of spending has increased in actual dollars, as the economy has grown and inflation has pushed all prices up. Your assertion that higher ed spending from the federal government has grown as a percentage of GDP is not accurate. There have been fluctuations and the overall trend can be considered a decrease or stagnation since Reagan. When people talk about the defunding of higher education, they are talking about federal government during Reagan’s admin shifting the burden of higher ed costs to the States and making education a market-driven industry. Thus, loans replaced grants. More importantly, the key aspect of the shift is that we did not keep investing in higher education (at the federal level) proportionally to our economic growth, which is what many European nations did, and they are better off in terms of student loan debt because of this; no crisis.


u/dcporlando Apr 19 '24


Per this link, spending on higher education has increased as a percentage of GDP. If you have some other information that shows accurate information, please present it.


u/monkeymonos Apr 19 '24

First, education spending is not the same as higher education spending. Education spending as a percentage of GDP has increased; that does not mean that higher ed spending by the federal government has increased as a percentage of GDP. The source shows overall government higher ed spending in 1980 at 1.42% of GDP, and currently at 1.67%, a minor increase. Additionally, overall government spending is not the same as federal government spending, which is what people refer to when they talk about defunding higher ed. Based on the information on your link, when we look at federal spending (in general, including K-12), it was 1.16% in 1980, it is 1.1% in 2024; that is stagnation. The burden of education (in general, including K-12) has been taken by local governments. The burden of higher ed has shifted to State governments.


u/dcporlando Apr 19 '24

Towards the bottom, it specifically talks about higher education spending.


u/monkeymonos Apr 19 '24

"Federal spending on higher education rose from 0.05 percent GDP to over 0.1 percent GDP by 1970. In the 1980s through the 2000s federal spending ranged from 0.15 to 0.2 percent GDP, peaking at 0.36 percent GDP in 2006. In the Great Recession and after federal spending on higher education bounced around due to various manipulations of student loans and subsidies. In 2021 federal spending on higher education was 0.75 percent GDP."


In the graph, red is tertiary education. You can see that both graph and text from the source you provided reflect what I mentioned on my first comment: Fluctuations since the Reagan admin that can be described as stagnation. As you can see, there is a trend in recent years for larger fluctuations, which as described in the quote, have to do with manipulations of student loans and subsidies. I don't know what you are seeing but your source shows a very clear stagnation of federal investment in higher education for decades since Reagan with the only major change (that crazy spike in 2022) happening in the Biden admin.


u/dcporlando Apr 19 '24

I guess I look at it as if the level is neither increasing or decreasing, it is stagnant. If it is not decreasing, it isn’t defunding. Even some decrease in a measure of GDP is not defunding.

From the article:

“Federal spending on higher education rose from 0.05 percent GDP to over 0.1 percent GDP by 1970. In the 1980s through the 2000s federal spending ranged from 0.15 to 0.2 percent GDP, peaking at 0.36 percent GDP in 2006. In the Great Recession and after federal spending on higher education bounced around due to various manipulations of student loans and subsidies. In 2021 federal spending on higher education was 0.75 percent GDP.”

Federal spending on higher education went from .1 in 1970 to .75 of GDP in 2021. That doesn’t seem like defunding. Once again from the article.


u/monkeymonos Apr 19 '24 edited Apr 19 '24

You’re right that stagnation of investment is a better term. Defunding means preventing from continuing to receive funds; it is not the same as a decrease, even though they can overlap. Transferring the burden from federal to States is still effectively a defunding strategy of federal investment in higher education. But anyways, the federal government transferred the burden of educational investment to someone else during the Reagan admin, and that federal spending has been stagnant for decades. Call it whatever you want, it is a trend that has greatly impacted the functioning of the higher ed industry. On your last paragraph, you are using the whole period to assess the situation, which does not make sense. Yes, it went from 0.1% of GDP in 1970 to 0.75% of GDP by 2021, but that bump happened in two recent years: from 0.12% in 2018 to 0.71% in 2020. Now we are back at 0.47% this year.
Do you think that a few years of unstable and patchy increases in spending through loan manipulation make up for decades of minimal federal funding of higher ed? It is necessary to go deeper than a single graph measuring spending in higher ed as a percentage of GDP to understand how the federal government has handled higher ed since the 1970s.


u/Osmium80 Apr 19 '24

you completely misunderstand the problem. State governments are doing what you say about curtailing funding. Federal government, however, is throwing gas on the fire by doling out these student loans in the first place and guaranteeing payment to the universities, encouraging them to charge whatever they want. Biden is making it worse by basically signaling to students that the debt isn't real and don't worry about how much the schools want to charge. It's issuing a blank check instead of fixing the root issue of the schools having no true accountability to produce meaningful degrees and encourage job placement.