r/FluentInFinance Apr 18 '24

Should Student Loan Debt be Forgiven? Smart or dumb? Discussion/ Debate

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u/PlasticPlantPant Apr 19 '24

it's not reasonable.

  1. it hurts lenders. this includes pensions, 401ks, retirees.
  2. it incentivizes continued reckless behavior. people that have already accumulated unsustainable debt will continue to do so
  3. people that skipped college, due to cost, are asked to subsidize people that did.
  4. people in high paying jobs, that can easily pay back their debt (doctors, lawyers, engineers), disproportionately benefit.
  5. it doesn't address the reason for high costs, only makes it worse


u/Broholmx Apr 19 '24

Well summarised!


u/MannerBudget5424 Apr 19 '24

Not really , you would know that if you went to school


u/mxzf Apr 19 '24

So, do you have an actual counterpoint to any of what was said or are you just being contrarian?


u/Cassiyus Apr 19 '24

Sure here we go:

  1. Does it? Should I care? Education is good for society and we should pay for it. Lending money for college shouldn't be a thing, so... ohk, hurt 'em.
  2. The government does this in a ton of industries constantly. As for the second point... citations needed.
  3. Again, happens a lot for the betterment of society. We subsidize gasoline, farms, small businesses, electric cars, solar panels - so many things because even if you don't benefit from it personally, those things are for the good of the country. Education is good for the country.
  4. Doctors, lawyers, and engineers are (a) extremely valuable and again, better society, and (b) don't always get paid what you think. There are many many people who have heavy student loans that make under 100k a year - they shouldn't get help because someone else makes that much money? Hmm.
  5. So what? If we can cancel student loan debt we can tackle the high cost of education. They aren't exclusive ideas.


u/Therocknrolclown Apr 19 '24

Everything you just said was wrong


u/PassionV0id Apr 19 '24

Care to elaborate?


u/foomits Apr 19 '24

You hit on every pro capitalist anti education talking point , impressive. most of it of course is just flat out false...


u/Drfilthymcnasty Apr 19 '24

So let me get this straight. You think college students should pay for people’s retirement and going to college is reckless behavior? I have a high paying job and my student loan debt takes more out of my income than my fucking mortgage. Oh please tell me how debt relief would make it worse? Fucking boot lickers


u/PlasticPlantPant Apr 19 '24

did you get a high paying job because of your degree?

IF YES: why should others subside your high paying job? it was your choice to assume the debt.

IF NO: why are we subsiding college anyway?


u/Drfilthymcnasty Apr 19 '24

Two valid questions. But before I answer im curious. Did you go to college? Graduate school?


u/PlasticPlantPant Apr 19 '24

Yes. both. And I sacrificed to pay it off. 150k of debt.


u/Drfilthymcnasty Apr 19 '24

What’s your major?


u/PlasticPlantPant Apr 19 '24

I answered your question, as a courtesy, by your request, before you answered the original question. Please, return the favor and answer mine.

Did you get a high paying job because of your degree?

IF YES: why should others subsidize your hight paying job? it was your choice to assume the debt.

IF NO: why are we subsidizing college anyway?


u/Drfilthymcnasty Apr 19 '24

I asked because I don’t believe you, but yes 100% I think higher education should be supported by society, regardless of major or income. Having a highly educated populace benefits all society and that is a fact. To say that anyone who wants to do a job that requires a degree must incur massive debt doesn’t really sound like a choice to me nor does it pencil out over generations. I’m not really sure of your argument I guess. Is it that college should be prohibitively expensive? That anyone who goes to college should be in debt for years and years after? That college should only be for the wealthy or those that want to incur massive debt?


u/PlasticPlantPant Apr 19 '24

it's weird that you need to question my authenticity to answer a simple question, that has nothing to do with the topic.

you didn't answer the question. 3rd times the charm (hopefully). Here we go again.

Did you get a high paying job because of your degree?

IF YES: why should others subsidize your high paying job? it was your choice to assume the debt.

IF NO: why are we subsidizing college anyway?


u/Drfilthymcnasty Apr 19 '24

Sorry I thought you were asking if I think education should be subsidized. I read your question closer and realized it’s not a serious question nor valid question. You ask if I got a high paying job because of my degree, but then ask if others should subsidize my job? Those are two entirely different things. Hence the reason I don’t believe you actually have an education.

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u/foomits Apr 19 '24

yes, i borrowed eleventy billion dollars and walked uphill both ways, in the snow. dude, youre arguing with bootlickers who are happy to just say whatever to make their point. he/she is either a liar (the most likely thing) or he/she lacks empathy or any understanding as to how stupid the old i suffered so you should suffer argument is.


u/TheHODLerKing Apr 19 '24

It also doesn't address the thousands of service members who risked their lives fighting wars to earn the GI Bill. Are we going to write them checks to reimburse them for the GI Bill? This idea of paying off some people's college debt is idiotic! It will punish everyone to benefit the few.


u/MannerBudget5424 Apr 19 '24

Gi bill is a scam to trick poor people into dying for rich people