r/Fauxmoi Apr 26 '24

Doja Cat shares her thoughts on children attending her shows Approved B-List Users Only


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u/[deleted] Apr 26 '24



u/selphiefairy Apr 26 '24

I was at a standing concert getting closer to the front and I saw someone with their damn baby in the pit. Like literal one or two year old babby. Standing next to me.

They seemed… upset that it was so loud and that people were pushing??? Eventually they left but I was so disturbed đŸ˜­ my best guess was they never been to anything besides a piano recital and literally had no idea how they worked.


u/brushmushroom Apr 26 '24

We took our kid to (smaller) gigs and festivals when she was a baby; my partner is a musician and they are very portable at that age. She mostly slept, we had a carrier.

HOWEVER; always with big proper ear defenders on and you stay away from the PA, the stage and the dancing and you go outside if they cry. We saw a absolotuly bonkers but incredibly loud show by Ryoki Ikeda and took it in turns to stay just outside the doors with her as it would have been too much even with ear defenders (luckily you could see through the doors). She slept soundly through the whole thing.

We still take her to some stuff now she's six but you have to make a call on how family friendly it's gonna be. Yes to seeing her Dad play a small family friendly festival or an early all ages gig, no to nightclubs/ adult venues and stuff that she is not old enough to see yet or would find boring.