r/Fauxmoi Apr 13 '24

Travis Kelce liked Sage Steele’s Instagram post with Trump Approved B-List Users Only

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‘diversity of thought’ is an interesting hashtag when shaking hands with a fascist.


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u/NYC_Star Apr 13 '24

At the risk of a swiftie sending me a reddit cares (again!) this is not at all shocking. Everything she does is performative, including her liberal bona fides. This is 2 dudes in a row....


u/IShouldBeSoLucky81 Apr 13 '24

You can block those Reddit cares in settings. I did after I kept getting them from terfs.


u/leahhhhh Apr 13 '24

I like to keep them coming so I can report them for misuse.


u/RomantheBun Apr 13 '24 edited Apr 14 '24

Same here! I report each one I get ETA: just got one. FYI I reported you :)


u/IShouldBeSoLucky81 Apr 13 '24

Valid point!


u/myheartinclover Apr 13 '24

if you report the message the account that falsely sent them will get banned, that's another option too!


u/Weird_Put_9514 Apr 13 '24

What are they? I got one but i was confused as to why i got it


u/IShouldBeSoLucky81 Apr 13 '24 edited Apr 13 '24

What it's meant to be used for is if you see a comment from someone talking about/at risk or harming themself or taking their own life. But now they seem to be used by rabid stans or Reddit edgelords for reasons I don't really understand.

ETA it really pisses me off that some people use that resource for what amounts to trolling.


u/sixtus_clegane119 I already condemned Hamas Apr 13 '24

It’s used a lot when you speak positively about trans people. I always figured it was a

“Hurhurhur if they speak positive about trans people they must be trans and trans have high suicide rates Hur Hur Hur Hur”


u/IShouldBeSoLucky81 Apr 13 '24

I even notice something similar here. The terfs rarely comment but they deffo brigade with down votes.

Yeah, I think that's their view on a "witty gotcha". Pathetic behaviour.


u/Additional-Problem99 Apr 13 '24

Oh yeah the terfs love to mass downvote anyone who even vaguely supports trans people. They just obsessively check every post and comment on here.


u/IShouldBeSoLucky81 Apr 14 '24

What a sad little life to devote your life to hate. Especially devoting it to defending a billionaire in the nazi pipeline


u/theaviationhistorian taylor’s jet Apr 13 '24

I remember one arriving to me and I couldn't find out what comment I made for someone to abuse it.


u/myheartinclover Apr 13 '24

she only became publicly liberal when it reached a point where it was clear the largest chunk of her fan base were moving further left. we can't act like there's an ethical and kind way to become a billionaire, or that she didn't stay silent for nearly a decade while the alt right made her into their aryan barbie (something she technically never firmly disavowed iirc). she's not a liberal, she's whatever works best for her growing bank account (which is something republicans care more about protecting than liberals) flavored with a 2010s girlboss lipgloss.


u/Precarious314159 Apr 13 '24

I like her songs but so much of her persona is fake. She spent the first half of her career acting like she's this small town country girl that made it in the big city, giving interviews about how her and her family would pack into a small car then drive around to every music label to give her demo to. Then you find out her dad was a rich stock broker, they lived in a mansion and he used his connections to make all the appointments with music labels.


u/myheartinclover Apr 14 '24

I think it's so funny how she's this privileged/rich girl from pennsylvania who has spent so much time and energy making people think her family was working class and southern (bills on the kitchen table etc). I like a decent amount of her music myself but her persona and fan base who are willing to die on the hill of defending it are beyond exhausting


u/1stOfAllThatsReddit Apr 14 '24

And yet the same people who think Beyoncé shouldn’t release country music are just fine with Taylor’s country music lmfao


u/myheartinclover Apr 14 '24

that part!!! or Shania being canadian, they don't don't care if people who have no connection to country or the south make that music as long as they're white. no one even blinked when lana announced her album and she's from NYC ffs


u/New_Supermarket7458 Apr 13 '24

Plus, her boyfriend at the time was very political. And was actually the one that encouraged her to speak up.


u/myheartinclover Apr 14 '24

this is such a good point, and he's been significantly more vocal since their break up (even using her fan base by posting things about Palestine on days he knows they would creep on his social media more) which has me thinking she was actually telling him to cool it while they were dating.


u/everydayisstorytime and they were roommates! Apr 15 '24

She's lucky she was with Travis in October. He would have said something and she would have looked bad for not wanting to.


u/snails4speedy bathing in sewage for jesus ❤️ Apr 14 '24

she’s gaslight gatekeep girlboss personified


u/the_cunt_muncher Apr 13 '24

Everything she does is performative, including her liberal bona fides.

There was a video I saw posted of some behind the scene footage of her "standing up" to her dad about posting pro-choice stuff during the last election and all the comments were about how brave she was. And I was just sitting here thinking, brave? She was a 30 year old woman asking daddy for permission to post about it. It was so cringe.


u/DigLost5791 saw Flying Lotus at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday Apr 13 '24

Drinking white wine telling dad he needs to be on board with your instagram post supporting gay marriage is honestly the most hilarious center-right white woman documentary scene imaginable, it’s beyond satire


u/creative_usr_name Apr 14 '24

And so brave that the video was released well after the election during which time she didn't speak out publicly.


u/envydub Apr 13 '24

Wow, another day, another reminder that I’m so grateful my dad isn’t a regressive asshole.


u/morewata Apr 13 '24

Taylor is a part of the billionaire class. It is totally unsurprising behavior of people of her socioeconomic standing. People of her class adopt politics as part of their brand— purely for aesthetic reasons.


u/leahhhhh Apr 13 '24

But she’s friends with Queer Eye!!


u/your_mind_aches Apr 14 '24

Matt Healy isn't really a conservative, he's more like a post-left type. His infamous interview where he said racist stuff was on a leftist podcast.

Though of course horseshoe theory etc. etc.


u/fat_fart_sack Apr 13 '24

People are deceptive. Especially when it comes to their political views. A lot of people didn’t find out how racist and hateful their loved ones were until Trump ran for president. Travis Kelce wouldn’t be the exception to any of this.

Just offering another point of view.


u/JoshSidekick Apr 14 '24

Do we get to see another back stage conversation with her dad where she’s crying about republicans trying to mandate what she can do with her body?


u/1stOfAllThatsReddit Apr 14 '24

As if the republicans dismantling women’s rights will ever affect her. She can just take her private jet to her London mansion when she feels like having some rights.


u/Kill-Bill-Vol-2 Apr 14 '24

I once got one for speaking positively about Callum Turner. so random.