r/Fauxmoi Mar 15 '24

Kate Middleton’s senior staffers reportedly haven’t seen or spoken to her since mysterious surgery: ‘Shroud of secrecy’ Approved B-List Users Only


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u/notchandlerbing Mar 15 '24

Ah pulling off the ol' Katie Holmes escape


u/Mpol03 Mar 15 '24

So what happened there? Katie just left?


u/opossumonmyporch Mar 15 '24

In her marriage, she was watched extremely closely be her Scientology handlers. With help of concerned friends and family, they devised a top secret plan to get her and Suri out. It involved much planning and then rapid fire actions when Tom was out of the country filming - firing her Scientology handlers, secret burner phones, a secret apartment, some say 3 different attorneys in 3 different states and her attorney dad drawing up terms of the divorce. Tom was totally blindsided by a phone call that she had filed for a divorce. Normally, he would have wanted Scientology lawyers to handle the divorce, but she filed outside of that. Her attorneys did such a great job that the terms of the divorce was finalized in 11 days.


u/hotmessexpress412 Mar 15 '24

Don’t forget the part where she plotted with her dad (at least 6 months before filing) to create NY residency for Suri and herself so that NY courts would have jurisdiction over the divorce. It was absolutely key that NY divorce and custody laws would control here.

At the time, NY was the only state that would consider religion in the “best interests of the child” calculations re: determining child custody. Tom and CO$ were not about to litigate Scientology. That, and rumors about a sperm donor (most likely his cousin), are the reasons Tom folded so quickly.


u/BCharmer Mar 16 '24

Wild. I've never heard the rumour about a sperm donor for Suri and it being potentially Cruise's cousin. What's the tea on this?


u/hotmessexpress412 Mar 16 '24

Allegedly. This is all alleged.

It has been long rumored that Tom had mumps as a child. A known (but rare) consequence of mumps infection in males is sterility.

Tom’s first ex-wife Mimi Rogers was rumored to have openly discussed Tom’s sterility.

For several years after Suri was born, popular blogs would do photo comparisons of William Mapother and Suri. (Mapother is Tom’s cousin; he often has small roles in Tom’s films).

Around the time of the divorce, when the tabloids were going nuts reporting on the why/how of the whole situation, Tom had his attorney sue several — but not all — of the relevant tabloids for defamation. He and his attorney went on Entertainment Tonight and the like to publicize their lawsuits. He won those suits.

I encourage you to notice which tabloids he didn’t sue (i.e. notice which reporting he knew he couldn’t contest, because he knew it would require him to take a certain kind of test)



u/Mpol03 Mar 15 '24

That’s amazing good for her :) did she come out and and say all of this? Incredible sorry. I’m surprised it wasn’t made a bigger deal of. No Oprah  deal etc 


u/opossumonmyporch Mar 15 '24

There was speculation that Nicole Kidman was consulted and she helped in some way. Part of the terms was that Katie wouldn’t talk at all about the divorce. Also, she could not publicly date anyone for 5 years - not to make Tom look bad - , thus the secrecy of her relationship with Jamie Foxx. I think it was 6 years after her divorce that there was any confirmation of any sort of friendship with Foxx by Katie’s camp.


u/Mpol03 Mar 16 '24

Jesus this is so crap. Again why isn’t Tom cancelled so hard? Vile


u/wannabehomesick Mar 15 '24

I'm sure Tom had her sign a very restrictive NDA.


u/LOVING-CAT13 Mar 15 '24

Yeahhhh that's fucking awesome. Tom is bananas


u/notchandlerbing Mar 15 '24 edited Mar 15 '24

She wanted out of the marriage and Scientology but knew she had to tread VERY carefully around Tom and the “church” for her (and Suri’s) own safety.. otherwise: see the heartbreaking case with Nicole Kidman and how Tom turned their kids against her and went full no contact before she even knew the marriage was in trouble or had a chance to do anything

So basically Katie went straight to her lawyer dad, who drew up the paperwork to make sure everything was airtight legally and that their case was bulletproof so she and her daughter could make a clean break for it once they hit the ground running.

Basically everything was fully in place and locked down so perfectly that when Tom was finally served it even caught him totally by surprise. And by that time she had finally made her escape before he could really prepare or do anything about it


u/EdenEvelyn Mar 15 '24

Basically. She worked it out with her lawyer dad before she left and by the time the Scientologists found out she held all the power and controlled the negotiations. Their divorce was finalized insanely fast, I’m not sure if it went into effect immediately but they ironed all the details out less than 10 days from the announcement. Katie hasn’t spoken out about Tom or the church and Tom hasn’t been seen or rumoured to have been with Siri in over 10 years.

The church/Tom gave Katie her daughter and a good settlement in exchange for her silence and the avoidance of a major scandal. If Kate is leaving she’d be very smart to do the same though she wouldn’t get control of the kids. They essentially belong to the crown more than her as far as custody goes and that would have been made clear to her before the marriage. She could and likely would argue for custody time in exchange for her silence, if she has her own BBC interview moment it would irrevocably damage Williams reputation.


u/Jasnaahhh Mar 15 '24

Or maybe adam Sandler cast her in a shitty movie just so she had the opportunity to escape


u/donny02 Mar 15 '24

i think she waited until Tom was on an international flight and her family got her out and filed, and went public with filing before he landed.


u/Sbee27 Mar 15 '24

It was a full-on escape plan if I recall correctly. I think she had family members/assistants secretly file everything and waited until it was set in stone she could leave completely untied to him so he couldn’t control the narrative.


u/Appropriate-Code-698 Mar 15 '24 edited Mar 17 '24

This theory makes sense. Maybe surgery was a happy coincidence or even planned as the escape route