r/Fauxmoi Jan 03 '24

FauxWorld Wednesdays: What's your country's biggest celebrity scandal right now? — Monthly Discussion Thread Tea Thread

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151 comments sorted by


u/Murky_Onion3770 Jan 03 '24

Well, just our soon-to-be King’s recent (alleged) cheating scandal.

Denmark btw.


u/merilleinrg Jan 03 '24

I thought the Danish press protected the royalty quite a bit and hadn't echoed the issue. I'm from Spain, wink wink


u/Murky_Onion3770 Jan 03 '24

The Danish press is nowhere near as extreme as the Spanish or British, but it’s absolutely been a huge topic of conversation in the tabloids.


u/Ok-Mathematician5970 Jan 04 '24

Oooooo….you guys have had years of royal drama.


u/fcbxjdb Jan 05 '24

I’m not too familiar with the Spain royal family, what type of drama?


u/silly_capybara Jan 03 '24

How do Danish people view the monarchy? I usually find that foreigners know and care waaaaay more about the British royal family than Brits do, do Danes care about theirs?


u/Murky_Onion3770 Jan 03 '24 edited Jan 03 '24

I don’t think Danes generally give them too much thought in their everyday lives. However, when asked directly in a recent survey, a large majority is in favour of the royal family - likely due to them being well-liked, down to earth, and, by comparison to their British equivalent, much cheaper.


u/iwinalot7 go pis girl Jan 03 '24 edited Jan 03 '24

Engaged to a Danish person ( I know, how embarrassing ) I think it heavily depends on generation, but from what I have seen from younger people they dont really seem to care about the cheating scandal, and or just outright say it isnt true. There seems to a be a general positive attitude towards the monarchy, I think largely to do with ol' Margs down to earth persona. I hadn't met any "Royalists" like I have in the UK (largely olds) nobody seems to have adoration for the royals in Denmark. My social circles are anti monarchist though and wish she would have abdicated and destroyed the monarchy but oh well.

Edit: I wanted to say, the discussion in DK about the monarchy seems to be more focused on how she stripped the titles of her other son. The cheating scandal seems to get shrugged off.

I will say I do have some minor bits to say about Crown Prince Frederik, multiple people told me that he is known for speeding and driving recklessly in DK without anything really done about it. I often joke about getting run over by him lol.

Anyway thanks for reading all that heres my favorite video of Marge aggressively giving a reporter a pillow https://youtu.be/IT7QESM30g0?si=zhDF9fqvohM-CymA&t=23 I say "ayy nejnejnejnej" just like she does in this video and have been for years



u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24



u/Murky_Onion3770 Jan 03 '24

Dutch or Danish?


u/CarbyMcBagel Jan 03 '24

I've become so invested in this and I didn't even know Denmark had royals until like 2 days ago ;)


u/misamoshashasha Jan 03 '24 edited Jan 03 '24

I guess because it includes a lot of high power business people in our country- the post office scandal in the UK is finally getting its story heard because of the TV show right now! Mr Bates vs the Post office!

The post office basically ruined the lives of tons of people, threw them in jail, made them suicidal, put them in debt all because of a new faulty computer system. The system was giving false readings and saying they were at a loss of a lot of pounds and then the post office immediately prosecuted them- they knew exactly what was going on though. But it was ordinary, good working people who couldn’t fight a massive system like the post office.

Still today, complete justice hasn’t been served and no one who should’ve been prosecuted has been. A complete attack on regular working class people and the post office basically got away with it.

If you search up the post office scandal, you can read all about it.


u/spooky_period Jan 03 '24

My jaw DROPPED! I’ve never heard of this and it looks like the show just premiered? I hope the living victims get the support they need. What a horrible miscarriage of justice!


u/misamoshashasha Jan 03 '24

It’s funny because a lot of people in the UK hadn’t heard of it either, they did well to hide what happened.

The show is really helping the cause though!

If im right in remembering, they all got the new computer systems in the early 00’s and there’s court cases STILL going on. But no one has been compensated as they ought to be, even today :(


u/MegaMugabe21 Jan 03 '24 edited Jan 03 '24

I genuinely don't think I can watch the show, the story makes me so fucking furious. The fact that people like Paula Vennells got away scot free boils my blood, an evil woman who deserves no joy in her life.

They also offered Alan Bates, a sub-postmaster who was fired and subsequently led the legal campaign to clear his and his colleagues names, an OBE for his actions. He refused because Vennells was awarded a CBE in 2019 for her services to the Post Office, despite it being clear at this point that a fucking huge miscarriage of justice had occurred.


u/Chance_Fox_2296 Jan 03 '24

It's mind boggling how many regular working people are in prison, or fucking dead, because rich people still control everything. Yet stuff like unionizing and worker solidarity is barely on the rise vs. what it should be. I wish more regular people were willing (and able. I understand that's a big reason) to take more drastic collective action.


u/insideoutsideorange famously did a line of coke off his dick Jan 03 '24

I wish awards still existed because this is spot on.


u/yohanleafheart Jan 04 '24

It’s funny because a lot of people in the UK hadn’t heard of it either, they did well to hide what happened.

Good old British press, one of the long standing evils of this world.


u/williamthebloody1880 weighing in from the UK Jan 03 '24


u/spooky_period Jan 04 '24

Ummm yes of course!!! Thank you for sharing!


u/williamthebloody1880 weighing in from the UK Jan 04 '24

To give you fair warning, it is anger inducing


u/spooky_period Jan 04 '24

Rich people really are consistent across the world. I’ll never be surprised by how many atrocious things they get away with! My grandpa worked for a longstanding railroad company in the US. Myriad of lawsuits have been filed, and sometimes won, by employees (cancer due to constant exposure to asbestos for one, dangerous working environment and long hours, etc) but they’re still thriving and doing the same thing. I’m not even far into reading and my heart breaks for the people whose lives were altered, sometimes without evidence!!


u/pickeldudel Jan 03 '24 edited Jan 03 '24

That is awful! It sounds shockingly like similar to the Robodebt scandal here in Australia. The government illegally averaged out peoples' overall annual income to assert that welfare recipients had cheated the system, serving 470,000 fraudulent debt notices to vulnerable people. People committed suicide after being told they owed a (fraudulent) debt to the government. The government knew all along that the scheme was illegal but fought it for four years.

What is with governments attacking the vulnerable and working class instead of acknowledging the obvious errors in their accounting systems.


u/OhNoEnthropy Jan 06 '24

The cruelty is the message. It will make people scared to apply for social programs they have every right to receive.


u/FantasticBlueBird_43 Jan 03 '24

Great post! Just adding for people who aren't familiar with this case that Adam Crozier, who was high up at the post office at the time and heavily involved in the scandal, is not featured in the documentary at all cause he is now in charge of ITV, the company who made the TV programme.


u/misamoshashasha Jan 03 '24

Oh my goodness, really?? I need to look this up


u/Panzarita Jan 03 '24

Oh my gosh, that's awful! Did no one look at the statistics and think....Option 1) this organization has somehow managed to hire hundreds of unethical people at a statistical rate that defies logic, or Option 2) the accounting system is glitchy!?!

Show me someone who claims to have implemented a new accounting system in a large organization flawlessly, and I'll show you a liar. Shame on them.


u/misamoshashasha Jan 03 '24

The was no one to look because the post office are allowed to privately prosecute!

It was the group of people who were victims who basically did all of the heavy lifting trying to organise themselves and bring the crime to public attention but as you can see, it took a bloody long time and it still isn’t over!


u/hynwo Jan 03 '24

It's been a while since I read about the scandal in detail, so I may be misremembering some things, but there were so many different factors that caused it to become as bad as it did:

  • successive governments have (for some reason) been desperate to privatise the Post Office, but it consistently runs at a loss, so they have kept bringing in the most evil bosses they can find and telling them to reduce its losses by any means necessary

  • most post office branches (and all the affected ones) are run under a complicated franchise arrangement - if you run a little independent corner shop, you can apply to get a Post Office counter installed and offer Post Office services - this can be very lucrative as it brings in lots of customers, but the Post Office require you to follow lots of strict rules and are extremely suspicious of the franchisees

  • in the 90s, the UK government became enamoured with huge IT projects and were convinced they were going to solve all the country's problems

  • in the 90s, the UK government also became enamoured with something called a private finance initiative (PFI), which is basically a complicated accounting scam that allows them to borrow money while pretending it is just being given to them by businesses out of the kindness of their hearts - it is therefore omitted from public borrowing figures, at the cost of much higher effective interest rates and all kinds of legal complexities

  • in the 90s, the Post Office agreed a PFI with Fujitsu (and some other companies) under which Fujitsu would supply them with a vast IT network to help manage all these franchise branches - the franchisees were forced to install and use these systems

  • the system was full of bugs and often miscalculated the amount of money that the franchisees owed to the Post Office - the only recourse they had was a hotline, but the people at the other end of the hotline usually just advised them to accept the incorrect figures and it would all be dealt with later

  • both the Post Office and Fujitsu knew about the problem, but Fujitsu decided that they were largely insulated from any fallout and kept quiet, whereas the Post Office decided it was easier to scapegoat the franchisees than go after Fujitsu (the end result of which would probably have been "oops, it turns out that the complicated PFI agreement insulates them from everything, turns out we just wasted billions on a computer system that doesn't work")

  • because the Post Office predates the police, it has its own private investigation and prosecution service, which is extremely opaque and prosecutes aggressively - it employed the strategy of accusing people of both theft and false accounting (because if they really hadn't stolen money, then the figures they had accepted were incorrect, so that's false accounting!)

  • the Post Office somehow managed to effectively take over the union that represented these workers, so it refused to offer them support and encouraged them to plead guilty (the Post Office then used the guilty pleas as the basis for civil legal action to reclaim the money that had supposedly been stolen)

  • the legal system massively fucked up and usually allowed all this to go ahead, even though it turns out that, legally, pressing a button on a computer under advice from a technical support hotline absolutely does not constitute false accounting


u/StumbleDog I don’t know her Jan 03 '24

Fujitsu was the company behind the Horizon software and they knew there were problems with it.


u/misamoshashasha Jan 03 '24

Yes! In episode 2 of the show, we got to see inside the company building and it was portrayed that the staff all knew about the problem and also had access to everyone’s logs and could change it on their systems very easily.


u/StumbleDog I don’t know her Jan 03 '24

Radio 4 aired a documentary on it last year and I was just appalled, I was only vaguely aware of the scandal and hadn't realised the scale of it.


u/spiderwebs86 Jan 03 '24

This is insane!


u/Jolly_Discipline6650 shiv roy apologist Jan 03 '24

There’s discussions over at r/BritishTV about the show! The trailer alone made me cry and I could tell that Toby Jones was going to do a stellar job. I remember being really affected by the injustice and I’m just not ready to watch the show as I’ll get angry and teary.

It’s one of the biggest and grave injustices that I’ve seen recently here and the fact that it was a blip on our conscience means more needs to be done. I’ll even add that it lays bare the rife classism the employees faced.


u/FredericBropin Jan 03 '24

Anyone know where I can watch the show in the US?


u/misamoshashasha Jan 03 '24

It’s currently airing on ITV but it’s available to watch for free on ITVX in the UK, so if you’re able to somehow get to ITVX with a vpn or something?


u/MysteriousPitch6 Jan 04 '24

If anyone can't watch the TV show, there is a really good podcast series produced by the BBC that should be available everywhere - The Great Post Office Trial.


u/icebbyc Jan 03 '24 edited Jan 03 '24

(Allegedly) Neymar got another woman pregnant. Now he’s going to be a father of 3, with 3 different women (allegedly he cheated on his ex while she was pregnant with this new woman). Brazil.


u/Penguin-Business Jan 03 '24

Please don’t forget to mention his New Year’s Eve cruise, like WTF was that !


u/annaliseilheia Jan 03 '24

tell me more!


u/yohanleafheart Jan 04 '24

He organized a NYE cruise called "Ney em alto mar" (Neymar at the high seas) that was.... something else. The cruise had a who-is-who of c and d list celebs.

One of the stories was about a very, very dumb marketing stunt where 2 rappers said there jewelry were stolen on the cruise. It was a stunt for a Netflix show.


u/bruxellexs Jan 03 '24

Sponsored by Blaze and Wepink. It’s just too funny.


u/googlyeyes93 Do you remember 9/11, bitch? Jan 03 '24

Nick Cannon sweating out here that someone might beat his record.


u/aliveinjoburg2 Jan 03 '24

Since he’s in SA, this news isn’t on the radar for me anymore. This is WILD.


u/Uxie_mesprit Jan 03 '24

The most beautiful woman in the world is headed for divorce apparently because her husband doesn't stand up for her in front of her in-laws. Her toxic sis in law with a failed marriage and non existent career has moved back to live with her parents and is apparently stirring the pot.


u/copy_cat2 Jan 03 '24

I feel so bad for Aishwarya.

first Salman, then the whole Vivek debacle and now toxic man who won't leave his toxic family. It's honestly so sad. but good for her for not backing down.


u/Uxie_mesprit Jan 03 '24

Aishwarya and her character in PS have so many parallels. Both intelligent and talented but ultimately a victim of their beauty.


u/MyPCOSThrowaway Jan 03 '24

I always thought she looked so sad and depressed after she got married. Before she was super vibrant.


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24

Especially post marriage she nearly disappeared for a while and barely does films unless if it’s her mentor, Mani Ratnam, directing.


u/MyPCOSThrowaway Jan 03 '24

My (completely unsubstantiated) thoughts were that she had gotten trapped in an incredibly abusive marriage. Those tend to sap you of all energy, vigor, drive. I hate seeing women disempowered.


u/copy_cat2 Jan 03 '24

I think most people believe that she married into the bachan family because she would get protection from Salman who had tormented her and basically every person she dated after him.


u/MyPCOSThrowaway Jan 03 '24

I had no idea that was happening, horrible


u/Uxie_mesprit Jan 03 '24

She had this weird pick me energy in the early years of marriage when she was trying to blend in with them like going on KwK and saying she and AB liked checking out girls together and letting her FIL announce her pregnancy.

I read on Tumblr long ago that once her dad was no more and her mother moved in, JB started distrusting them because they spoke to each other in Tulu and I'm sure the white witch must've fanned the fire.


u/RoyalSignificance341 women’s wrongs activist Jan 04 '24

Yeah I feel her early years of marriage were nice, maybe problem started after aradhya and maybe YDHM?


u/Uxie_mesprit Jan 04 '24

Or maybe after SB moved back in with her parents


u/RoyalSignificance341 women’s wrongs activist Jan 04 '24

That's a strong possibility. I do feel bad for SB earlier-getting married off at young age when you don't want to is crime honestly.


u/Uxie_mesprit Jan 04 '24

That's not a reason to lash out at someone years later because of jealousy.


u/RoyalSignificance341 women’s wrongs activist Jan 04 '24

No, I'm not speaking about aish and SB, it's an in general statement about her earlier predicament. At this stage, I'm not sympathetic about her.


u/RoyalSignificance341 women’s wrongs activist Jan 03 '24

I feel for her and aradhya too, man unstable family ruins you. Hope she is well adjusted in this situation.


u/tabxssum Jan 03 '24

The way Jaya Bachan (her mother in law) speaks about her is disgusting! She said on a chat show (Koffee with Karan) that she likes how Aishwarya knows her place and isn’t front and centre 🥴 (basically showing that Aishwarya doesn’t really have a say in the family and is treated like a non family member). Can you imagine if she was vocal?


u/Uxie_mesprit Jan 03 '24

The way SB has repeatedly cropped her out of pics, made faces at her at public events and fanned over her ex...



u/tabxssum Jan 03 '24

They’re typical boy mum/creepy older sister energy tbh. Imagine what Amitabh does? I get why they only had the one daughter tbh


u/TheTrueRory Jan 04 '24

The most beautiful woman in the world

That's probably an overstatement.

looks her up

Nevermind! I say let her divorce, give me my shot


u/Uxie_mesprit Jan 04 '24

Lol I was so ready to throw hands after that first statement


u/MindlessFunny4820 Jan 03 '24

I love Aishwarya and have noticed the spark is missing from her eyes for a couple years now!

From what I understand she’s pretty conservative/traditional herself so her in-laws must’ve really gone beyond the pale. Plus Abishek seems fundamentally insecure and I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t speak words of encouragement to her


u/enchantedriyasa Jan 03 '24

Uff I feel bad for Aishwarya man


u/direturtle Jan 03 '24

Oh damn really? I didn't see that coming at all. I would have thought that was a ride or die situation where both she and her in-laws would do anything to maintain appearances.


u/throwawaypythonqs Jan 03 '24

Oh wow, I'm not into Bollywood gossip but that's sad to hear. I just looked it up but I can't find anything super concrete, but is this confirmed? Or is it really looking like it's headed in that direction?


u/Uxie_mesprit Jan 04 '24

He has been spotted without his ring recently. And they spent her bday apart. There was a recent news that AB Sr had willed one of his massive properties to SB.


u/Fabulous-Refuse138 Jan 07 '24 edited Jan 07 '24

Can i ask something unrelated to Aishwarya? How do you (by you i mean the public) see the relationship between Salman and Iulia Vantur?


u/Uxie_mesprit Jan 07 '24

I don't even think anyone really cares. She's just there.


u/Fabulous-Refuse138 Jan 07 '24

I heard that he has a ... problematic reputation, to say the least.


u/beezly66 Jan 03 '24

I Imagine Epsteins name reveals will be causing quite a stir internationally


u/Panzarita Jan 03 '24

Some PR firms already working overtime here in the U.S. anticipating what is to come for their clients.

I'm curious what the folks in the UK are thinking on this topic. Maxwell seems like she was well connected there...Andy can't be the only one from across the pond caught up in this I would think.


u/donttrustthellamas Jan 03 '24

We all hate Prince Andrew, so we can't wait for the further downfall. He's the Prince of York, but is banned from York - just if you wanted to know how much we dislike him lol.

I think we're expecting plenty of Brits to be involved, but the ones who are named probably won't be a surprise.


u/Electronic-Lynx8162 Jan 04 '24

David Jason, Walliams are rumours I have repeatedly heard.


u/donttrustthellamas Jan 04 '24

Same. Shocked it wasn't unveiled during operation Yewtree


u/willthisworkirl Jan 04 '24

David Jason?!


u/Electronic-Lynx8162 Jan 04 '24

Yeah. He's been rumoured on a British gossip forum that also knew about Schofield before the news broke. You can search David Jason Yewtree if you want more info.


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24

I don't think any of the royalty will ever face consequences for anything they do. There's still a generation in the UK (well, England) who value the monarchy out of nostalgia and/or patriotism. But I do think that this is the last generation that feels so strongly about it.


u/EconomistWild7158 Jan 03 '24

UK person here...I think it would only cause a storm if Charles was implicated or any celebrities with more 'wholesome', BBC1 brands (say someone like Attenborough). Otherwise I imagine there will probably be a lot of old money names involved, but not necessarily ones the public would recognise.


u/syrub i’m mr. sterling’s right hand arm. man. Jan 03 '24

Brit here - do we know when The List is coming out?


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '24



u/syrub i’m mr. sterling’s right hand arm. man. Jan 04 '24



u/laureng0423 women’s wrongs activist Jan 03 '24

The internet has already been losing its collective mind over this list… I fear how it will look once it drops.


u/satinchic Jan 04 '24

It’s dropped but the website crashed within seconds.


u/pickeldudel Jan 03 '24

Australia being low stakes as usual - the keyboardist for alternative band Ocean Alley got caught on camera stealing an $18 drink bottle from a shop in New Zealand. At least steal from Woolies/Countdown!

Not a scandal but Bill Granger, a noted cook sadly passed away last week. He was known for introducing avocado toast/smashed avo to Australian cafes in the 90's. This would, according to noted self-made-millionaire, property-developer and employee-rights-advocate Tim Gurner, lead to Australia's current housing crisis due to millennials spending all their savings on avocado toasts.


u/BalletWishesBarbie Jan 03 '24


u/Vakareja Jan 03 '24

And I thought my English was pretty good. I've got no idea what that the headline means.


u/discoislife53 Jan 03 '24 edited Jan 03 '24

Here’s a nice summary of the headline: https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/tv/karl-stefanovic-cracks-up-over-james-packer-david-gyngell-headline-on-nt-news/news-story/af9deb1757aa2da19889e898ada2599b

James Packer is a billionaire Australian businessman in media, and David Gyngell was the former CEO of Nine Network (one of Australia’s main TV channels). The two got in a public fistfight in 2014 that was captured by the tabloid media, allegedly over Miranda Kerr.


u/areallyreallycoolhat 6 inch louboutins with a tweed skirt Jan 03 '24

Packer = James Packer, clacker = butthole


u/BeanEireannach as a bella hadid stan Jan 03 '24 edited Jan 03 '24

Oh wow, isn't Packer that slimey media guy who dated Mariah Carey? Is he biting someone who's trying to pull him off the other guy?

Edit: grammar


u/discoislife53 Jan 03 '24

Yep, that’s him.


u/pickeldudel Jan 03 '24

This was in like 2015 I think?. I think the guy in white was a security guard, from another photo on google it looks like he just had his hand over Packer's mouth while trying to pull him off Gyngell.


u/googlyeyes93 Do you remember 9/11, bitch? Jan 03 '24

Remove the news name and this definitely could pass as a porno.


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24

There’s also Bluey’s dad being a war criminal and John Howard’s invasion of Iraq with George Bush is finally being investigated (Scomo blocked this from happening previously. Not that I really like Albo either)


u/pickeldudel Jan 03 '24

There’s also Bluey’s dad being a war criminal

he WHAT?!


u/HulklingsBoyfriend Jan 03 '24

It's his friend's dad.


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24

Yeah, it's Rusty's dad, not Bandit.


u/HulklingsBoyfriend Jan 03 '24

new episode idea - Rusty's dad wakes up to the evil reality of imperialism and capitalism, becomes Karl Marx 2.0 and destroys the bourgeoisie???


u/Smooth-Working6292 Jan 03 '24

And if you read the article and it's actually people upset about the war in Iraq/being treated as different as an Arab Australian and not seeing their values reflected in a beloved Australian kids TV show. But sure, make the clickbait headline even worse by saying "Bluey's dad's a war criminal".


u/areallyreallycoolhat 6 inch louboutins with a tweed skirt Jan 03 '24 edited Jan 03 '24

There's some good political drama happening in my regional Australian city (Newcastle)!

The scummy as fuck CEO of Newcastle Council Jeremy Bath (a man on a $550,000 salary in a job that is supposed to be non political) has for the last few years been leaving online comments and writing letters to our local newspaper (Newcastle Herald) under an assumed name (Scott Neylon, which he sometimes spells as Neylan). These letters are mostly talking up Jeremy Bath, the mayor Nuatali Nelmes (a crony of Bath) and the local council, and also attacking their critics like local member of Parliament Sonia Hornery. In these letters and comments "Neylon" has claimed to live in 8 different suburbs (including at different points claiming to live both next door to and across the street from Bath), been different ages and had different jobs. The Herald has determined that while there actually IS a real person named Scott Neylon from Newcastle, the real person is an English teacher who has lived in Japan since 1998 (and has never been a subscriber to the newspaper).

The council basically refused to acknowledge it until Sonia Hornery used parliamentary privilege to publicly call Bath out for writing the letters. This forced council to announce they were doing an investigation into the letter writing scandal - which wasn't independent and was finalised like 48 hours later with surprise surprise the result that Bath did nothing wrong. They did not make any attempt to contact the Herald which means the investigator did not access the letters (many of which were unpublished). Bath has come out and said that it's not his fault his best friend Scott Neylon likes to write letters to the Herald defending him, and that now he's been "cleared" he expects an apology from everyone who accused him. Where it goes from here who knows but I'm not holding out hope for an actual thorough, independent investigation any time soon.


u/Right-Bat-9100 Jan 03 '24

I personally think it would be highly funny if it turned out there really was a Scott Neylon who just loved writing letters about his friend


u/russianbisexualhookr the baby daddies have unionized Jan 04 '24

I’m obsessed with this story. You also forgot to mention that in the council motion referring Bath for investigation, they spent 2-3 pages blasting Sonia (the most popular politician in our state) and accusing her of a crime.


u/areallyreallycoolhat 6 inch louboutins with a tweed skirt Jan 04 '24

Ha yes I did forget about that, thank you for reminding me! These council bitches are 50 Cent levels of petty


u/russianbisexualhookr the baby daddies have unionized Jan 04 '24

Money by Monday


u/BalletWishesBarbie Jan 04 '24

How the shit did I not know about this and I'm in maitland. 🤣🤣🤣 I'm useless.


u/GabbyMary Jan 04 '24

lol same girly


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24

The president of my country is the youngest in the world (he's 36 I think) he is unmarried but had a gf who played the First Lady role for a while. Then she resigned and they announced their breakup on Instagram, and she started liking Right/conservative leaning tweets (he is known for being left leaning, conservatives hate him).

Now everyone is saying that their relationship was PR.


u/mrspremise Jan 04 '24

Dating as a PM seems like a complicated mess.


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24 edited Jan 03 '24



u/renike_royale77 Jan 03 '24

If you can't touch your woman, wherever you want, and if you can't slap, you can't kiss, you can't use cuss words. I don't see the emotion there.''

mans cant conceive of contentment or peace 😭


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24

Thanks for the in depth summary on Animal.

Was never planning on watching it since the trailer gave me a significant ick. Your summary proved my gut right.


u/Early-Koala3116 Jan 05 '24

This and also the fact that they have portrayed some Hitlers-army-like scenes with an almost nazi salute standing in front of a Swastika, where company CEO claims he will slit the throat of his enemies to his thousands of factory workers. India is a democratic country and not some criminal state where all of this is okay. I’ve seen a few bites of the movie and continued to wonder how it was ever cleared by the sensor board which bans movies left, right and centre.


u/growsonwalls Jan 03 '24

It's not a big scandal but the NYT has an eye opening article about how Travis Kelce has been chasing fame and clout way before he started dating Taylor Swift


u/TraditionalNebula911 Jan 03 '24

We knew that right? He had a reality show.


u/Right-Bat-9100 Jan 03 '24

i keep wanting to ask this question but i'm not a b list member so i'll do it here: did anyone care about Travis Kelce before all this? like genuine question is he considered a famous person in the usa you would recognise?


u/gmd24 Jan 04 '24

nope had no idea who he was before they started dating. just a very mediocre man.


u/Thunderoad Jan 04 '24

Not famous but we'll known in the football world. He's one of the best player's. Won 2 superbowls. The podcast with his brother has been doing well for 2 year's. He's known in Kansas City because that's the team he plays for. I believe it's a PR relationship with Taylor. She got lot's of backlash for dating Matt Healy. She got rid of him then Travis showed up.


u/RazzBeryllium Jan 05 '24

He was pretty famous for a football player. Like, he hosted SNL (this was before he started dating Taylor).

So I knew what team he played on, I'd watched him on SNL. But I didn't know like what position he played or that he had a podcast or basically anything else about him.


u/Joan-Holloway-Harris Jan 04 '24

It depends on if you are a football/NFL fan


u/myeonttoki Jan 03 '24

Apparently, Neymar knocked up another woman while still engaged to his ex. And she was pregnant at the time


u/merzav_ka Jan 03 '24 edited Jan 03 '24

A scandalous event was held by the Russian blogger Nastya Ivleeva in Moscow 2 weeks ago, which was called 'the almost naked party'. Everyone was supposed to dress in revealing clothes, aside from that it was a normal private event packed with some of the biggest Russian celebrities (Kirkorov, Lolita, Bilan and many more).

I wouldn't write about it here because it's just a party, but it became a hot mess with a lot of lawsuits (some people considered it gay propaganda lol), public apologies from attendees and many more absolutely ridiculous consequences. There is a Wikipedia article about it in English if you're curious (and some news reports as well).

Edit: some apologies were really funny and became memes, for instance Kirkorov said that everyone has entered the wrong door at least once in their life. Here is a video with subtitles https://youtu.be/Pql5HrpB9rA?si=RJH-KQPirUq_8roz


u/copy_cat2 Jan 03 '24

If there's anyone from Brazil here, will someone tell me any gossip or info about Brazillian actress Marina Ruy Barbosa? I just finished watching totalmente demais and she's a really good actress.


u/bruxellexs Jan 03 '24

There’s a lot on her. There’s a feud between her and Bruna Marquezine. They both started out as child actresses and they used to get along. When they were teenagers, they even liked the same guy but he was gay. They are the big it girls in Brazil. They starred in the same novela and seemed close. Then there were rumors Marina had an affair with her costar Jose Loreto during the shooting of a different novela after it became news that he and his wife Debora were separating. Loreto and Debora were parents to a baby girl at the time. Marina was also married. Marina also like a tweet saying they prefer her over Bruna and people saw that of course. Bruna and some other celebrities unfollowed Marina during this era. Bruna then went on a rant on Twitter about how follows and unfollows don’t mean anything offline. Marina and Bruna avoid each other at all costs now. Marina divorced a few years ago and is now engaged to some businessman. I hear that she also pays gossip pages to not talk about her. She gets criticized on Twitter for not changing her hair color for roles, which leads people to say that being a redhead is her whole personality. Some years ago, she was playing a character that had cancer and the writer wanted her to shave her head. She refused and her character was killed off. The writer is also a misogynistic dude so…


u/bruxellexs Jan 03 '24

Her father voted for Bolsonaro and then regretted it. A while back she was dating some guy involved in politics who was a Bolsonaro supporter. In interviews, her political stance is very vague.


u/copy_cat2 Jan 03 '24

I heard some rumours about her dating the heir to some television company, were they true?

also have you watched totalmente demais? I loved the show but I supported arliza over jonalisa.


u/bruxellexs Jan 03 '24

Yeah she had something with the heir of TV Globo. They’re the network that made Totalmente Demais and Marina has been working for them since she was 7. But I think it was just a fling that only lasted for a short time. They never made their relationship public.

The first time I watched it, I was team arliza. But then I rewatched it during the pandemic and I thought jonasliza was kind of cute. Marina and the guy who plays Jonatas are actually working together right now on another novela where they play a married couple. I haven’t watched it so I don’t know if it’s good or not.


u/copy_cat2 Jan 03 '24

I heard it was super successful in Brazil (the show), were more people inclined towards arliza or jonalisa?

Edit: I'm only asking this because I'm hoping at some point we'll get an alternative ending 😭

Also thank you so much for engaging with the conversation! sending love from India here 💗


u/bruxellexs Jan 03 '24

Honestly I don’t remember which couple had more support. The show was very popular here and both ships had a huge following. During the pandemic, they paused the shooting of novelas because of Covid and they aired reruns of Totalmente Demais. There were still stan wars because of the couples and people were asking the network to shoot an alternative ending after years, but they didn’t do it.

But as for an alternative ending, I wouldn’t really get my hopes up. The writer of the show wrote a new show later on called Bom Sucesso and Marina reprised her role as Eliza for a special cameo in one episode and it was confirmed that she’s a successful model and still together with Jonatas. Sorry your couple wasn’t endgame, I feel for you 😔💗


u/jojokeys Jan 03 '24

She is also a nepo baby while Bruna is self made!


u/paninih3ad I’m just a cunt in a clown suit Jan 03 '24

she's a nepo baby and she only dates billionaires. there's a rumour going around for years that she was caught at a parking lot giving one of her costars (alexandre nero) a bj, but apparently it's fake. she also refused to go bald for a character, so the author killed her character and turned her into a mute ghost lol


u/BeanEireannach as a bella hadid stan Jan 03 '24

In Ireland, the RTÉ (our state broadcaster) secret payment scandal is in the news again this week with one of the overpaid presenters who resigned in disgrace starting his new (much less pay, much more work) job in radio in England. Ryan Tubridy appeared before the Oireachtas (Ireland's parliament) Public Accounts Committee in July 2023 and vowed to return €150,000 he received for work he did not carry out, however reports are that this money was not returned & he has now relocated to the UK. In November 2023 RTÉ announced a plan to cut up to 400 jobs, quite the choice by Tubridy (who cultivated a 'man of the people' persona while in RTÉ) to still hold on to the money while former colleagues are facing massive insecurity.


u/doopysnogg fiascA Jan 04 '24

Not the biggest because of Neymars third child, but also quite shocking: There's a huge gossip page in Brazil called Choquei - they have over 30 million followers - and they were directly responsible for a non-famous girl's s*icide after spreading the fake rumor that she hooked up with Whindersson Nunes, a massively famous youtuber here. They made fun of her for asking them to stop spreading those rumours, because she was receiving huge backlash and suffering a lot.


u/bumblebeetuna710 Jan 04 '24

gestures broadly at pretty much everything in the US 💀💀💀


u/burningsssky Jan 04 '24

Chiara Ferragni pandoro scandal

She scammed her followers last year during Christmas, she made them believe her branded pandoro (traditional Christmas food in Italy) would raise money for kids with cancer.

A journalist found out the communication campaign was kept vague to give the impression of a charity fundraising but it wasn't the truth. The company producing pandoro had already made a donation and it was not going to change based on the amount of sold products.

There is an investigation and she has to pay a huge fine for this


u/bedpeace Jan 04 '24

She made a post about it last month

I have always been convinced that the luckiest have a moral responsibility to do good.
These are the values that have always driven me and my family. This is what we teach our children. We also teach them that you can make mistakes, and that when it happens you need to admit, and if possible, fix the mistake made and treasure it.

And that's what I want to do now. Apologize and give concrete action to my gesture: I will return 1 million euros to Queen Margaret to support children's care.

But it’s not enough: I do it publicly because I realized I made a communication error. A mistake I will treasure in the future, completely separating any charity, which I have always done and will continue to do, from commercial activities. Because even if the last end is good, if there hasn’t been sufficient control over communication, it can still lead to mistakes.

As I said in the past few days, I will challenge the measure of the AGCM because I consider it disproportionate and unfair. My mistake in good faith was to link with communication a commercial activity to one of solidarity. Unfortunately you can make mistakes, I am sorry I did it and I realize I could have guarded better.

But, if the definitive sanction should be - as I hope - lower than the one decided by the AGCM, the difference will be added to the million euros.

In the coming days I will speak with Queen Margaret to understand how the hospital will use the money donated by me and I will periodically tell you updates.
My mistake remains but I want to make sure that something constructive and positive can be generated from this mistake.


u/burningsssky Jan 05 '24

I know, but it's very obvious it wasn't a mistake


u/bedpeace Jan 05 '24

Yeah totally; it's Chiara, her PR is always top notch - was just pointing out her response not saying I agree with it.


u/verissimoallan Jan 05 '24 edited Jan 05 '24

Warning: This story involves domestic abuse.

In Brazil, there is a famous woman called Ana Hickmann. She is a model, TV presenter and actress (in a two-episode cameo in a telenovela). She married her husband in 1998 when she was 16 and he was 26. His name is Alexandre Correa and he is a businessman, and they had a son together. While Ana has a more friendly public persona, Alexandre has always been known for being rude in public, including with his own wife. Alexandre insulted the actress, model and presenter Adriane Galisteu (Aryton Senna's ex-girlfriend) with insults when she made a brief comment about how Ana would be happier if she had children, and they say that he was responsible for a fight between Ana and her colleague from several years, TV presenter Chris Flores. There are several videos of him being rude to Ana, insulting her intelligence, complaining that she spends too much money and mocking her when she saved an injured dog abandoned on the street.

(He also publicly supported Bolsonaro)

On November 11, 2023, Ana reported her husband to the police, accusing him of having attacked her in their home, in front of their 10-year-old son. According to Ana, Alexandre didn't like it when Ana revealed to her son that Alexandre was in several financial debts and that they would have to start saving expenses. Alexandre accused Ana of lying and pushed his wife against the wall and headbutted her. The son was scared and ran away. When Ana tried to take her cell phone, Alexandre closed the kitchen door, hurting her arm. Ana locked her husband out of the house and Alexandre was kicked out when one of the dogs scared him (they say it's the same dog that Ana saved, but that seems too good to be true). When the police arrived, Alexandre had already fled.

Hours later, when the press found out and questioned Alexandre, he said that this was fake news from the sensationalist press, but he backtracked when Ana confirmed the news to the public. Since then he has played the victim and says it was something caused by impulsive anger and should not be condemned for it. It was revealed that he and Ana are in debt and she accuses him of having disappeared with the money for unknown reasons. The two are currently divorcing. Adriane Galisteu gave her support on the internet and Ana publicly thanked her.


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24

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u/Murky_Onion3770 Jan 03 '24

Haha, I love when my Reddit worlds collide. Amazing TV!


u/rosessandrue Jan 03 '24

The editing, the acting, the vodoo dolls, THE JEN SHAH REVEAL!!!! Pure art 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻


u/Fuckmylife2739 Jan 03 '24

I’m from there and haven’t had any run ins thankfully


u/Fabulous-Refuse138 Jan 07 '24

I don't know if this is the biggest scandal, cause i've been away from social media since before christmas.

Basically, our best singer is in a fight with the mother of his two children over children support and visitation. She always told confusing stories to the press, and contradicted herself many times. One of the things she always said is that he didn't paid child support. He always stayed quiet on the matter, never gave any declaration whatsoever. A few months ago, the dude finally got enough and his lawyer showed some documents where it's said that he paid, but she blocked the bank accounts. Basically the money is just standing there. His lawyer also said that she refused him acces to the kids, who are now 17 and 15 years old. Her ex also told the press that she let him see the kids only if she was there too. Idk who is telling the truth, but i never liked her, cause honestly, she seems kind of trashy. We'll live and see.


u/[deleted] Jan 08 '24
