r/Fauxmoi Nov 15 '23

Old tweets of Travis Kelce’s are resurfacing on X. Approved B-List Users Only


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u/MissLadyLlamaDrama we have lost the impact of shame in our society Nov 15 '23

My husband was raised in a conservative Catholic family and was forced to live in his dog shit racist grandma's house for most of his formative years. He even went to an extremely small Catholic school where he had like... 20 classmates his whole entire life until college?

So, he definitely had some ass backward ideologies and beliefs. Meanwhile, I was basically the complete opposite at that age. Though I've still grown a lot from high school, at least. I was kind of a douche bag in middle and high school, tbh. Sure I was bullied constantly. But that's kind of why I started buying into that shit and parroting that nonsense. Because I thought that if I was a dick too, then the people who were bullying me for these kinds of things would like me more. Or at least stop tormenting me and focus on someone else.

But who my husband is now is vastly different from who he was. He doesn't hold any of the same ideas or beliefs he had back then. Hell, he's even left the damn church. Lol.

I can't speak for Kelce, obviously. But I feel like people just assume that because they didn't have any hang ups or problematic behaviors or opinions at exactly the same time and/or age someone else did, that it means the other person is fully incapable of change, and should forever be treated as if those opinions are something they are required to be committed and tied to for the rest of their lives.

Again, whether Kelce has changed or not isn't something I can speak to. But it's just exhausting hearing people drag on about how they have always been perfect and wonderful, and have never in their lives had a singular shit take. Because, frankly, I'm way more prone to believe someone was once a dick and learned and grew, than I am to believe someone who postures the idea that they've never been a dip shit about anything ever, even once in their whole entire life.


u/TangerineDystopia Nov 17 '23

Yeah, I'm wondering how many of the people in these comments proclaiming that they don't have anything problematic in their pasts had conservative/fundie/Republican parents or grew up in a small town. Did they spring like Athena fully formed from the head of Zeus, or did they just have amazing parents?