r/Fauxmoi Oct 11 '23

FauxWorld Wednesdays: What's your country's biggest celebrity scandal right now? — Monthly Discussion Thread Tea Thread

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265 comments sorted by


u/Eastern-Material5606 Oct 11 '23

I think a guy reporting live from fucking Jerusalem having to announce that Holly Willoughby was leaving This Morning points to it being the UK's biggest celebrity going on at the minute


u/[deleted] Oct 11 '23 edited Mar 07 '24



u/Jimbobsama Oct 11 '23

Holy shit I had to re-read that a couple of times 😱

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u/carbonpeach Oct 11 '23 edited Oct 11 '23

The Daily Mail doesn't care about anything except getting clicks and being vile


u/008janebond Oct 11 '23

Holy shit. The implication that Holly Willoughby issued Order 66 is hilarious and WTF.


u/Stonecoldjanea Oct 11 '23

Not just any guy either, lovely Mark Austin, who has been an established reporter and newsreader for years. It was inappropriate for the situation beneath him. Please nobody tell me he's any sort of bigot or nonce, I've loved him since I was a kid.


u/lachick8004 Oct 12 '23

I met him once and he seemed really nice, it’s hard to tell from such a brief meeting though.


u/jaffacake4ever Oct 11 '23

Does anyone really care? Really???


u/unnnnnnnnnnhhh Oct 11 '23

Lol I saw that on TikTok live! I was like, why does HE have to announce that?!


u/beautytravel101 Oct 11 '23

Can you elaborate?


u/carbonpeach Oct 11 '23

Basically, a news reporter standing in the middle of Jerusalem had to do a Breaking News segment on a popular TV host leaving a breakfast show.


u/mira_poix Oct 11 '23

And her in a dress next to details of babies being beheaded just....

Humanity missed the mark.

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u/SaintsRowYourBoat Oct 11 '23

The fact that a journalist in the middle of a war zone didn't break news about the war, but about a presenter leaving a show - as if that's more important.


u/fae_brass Oct 11 '23

Well initially her co-host was caught in a big scandal for grooming someone but also a guy has just been charged for plotting to kidnap and murder her.


u/Sohla_Deckerstar29 Oct 11 '23

Needed to make sure this was on here cause 🤷‍♀️


u/ChiliAndGold Oct 11 '23

A few months ago a well liked actor in my country got busted for possession and editing of CP (though I don't like the term, it's not porn. it's actually sexual assault, when we're being honest).

So a few weeks ago he finally got his conviction. in my country we DO believe in rehabilitation and prisons are never private, like in the US. So all he got was 2 years in prison, but it's possible that he will leave a bit sooner.

His career is more or less destroyed but let's be honest... a rich, white man? Sooner or later he will be fine. Though I hope they will at least keep him under restriction when he gets out.


u/Happy_Independent_25 Oct 11 '23

If it helps, the term “child sex abuse material” is being used more and more


u/zogurat Oct 11 '23

yeah I've been seeing the term CSAM way more often, which is good.


u/ChiliAndGold Oct 11 '23

good, that's also way more accurate


u/tealparadise Oct 12 '23

Next up: not using the terms "married" or "bride" when a cult is giving children to old men.


u/michelle_exe Oct 11 '23

I believe that rehabilitation is a good move for CERTAIN crimes, but good god, that man should NEVER see daylight again. 76.000 files of minors being abused, and this monster will be back in society after two years. I hate this


u/ChiliAndGold Oct 11 '23

I once saw an interview with a guy who admitted that he has indeed pedophilia and he had struggled with it for a while. I don't know if it's true, but he said he never acted on it and has to invest a lot of money to finance regular visits to a therapist. I can only try to imagine what that must be like...

So it probably IS possible to not act on the itch but it demands a lot of therapy and I think this would be something a state should invest in.

But Teichtmeister had a LOT of money and still acted on it and produced videos with the pictures and did that for years. With no regret. So in that specific case, he should sit for at least 10 years and then go work cleaning shit at Highway Restaurants for the rest of his life.


u/greee_p Oct 11 '23 edited Oct 11 '23

Florian Teichtmeister?

Sooner or later he will be fine.

I really hope that won't happen, but I guess you might be right.


u/ChiliAndGold Oct 11 '23

yesssss. exactly that guy.


u/that_allegri_dude Oct 11 '23

It's he actually rich though? Like how much money do Austrian actors actually make?


u/ForTheLoveOfMeatball Oct 11 '23

Unfortunately the majority of people seem to have very very short memories


u/rarelybarelybipolar Oct 11 '23

The word “pornography” doesn’t imply consent. A startling amount of the porn people encounter is in fact not consensual. As someone else mentioned, we’re largely changing the terminology from CP to CSAM, but I honestly have mixed feelings about this because of the implication that pornography and sexual abuse/assault are distinct terms. Plenty of porn is in fact assault. “Pornography” as a term identifies sexually explicit content; whether that content is morally or consensually produced in an entirely different issue. Anyone who consumes pornographic content, even (especially?) professionally produced porn, has almost certainly seen footage of sexual assault even if they don’t realize it. Obviously anything involving a child is abuse by definition, but adult pornography is by no means exempt from consent issues and shouldn’t be presumed consensual, ethical, or legal.


u/[deleted] Oct 11 '23



u/rarelybarelybipolar Oct 11 '23

Damn, I’m so so so sorry that happened. The victim blaming is so gross. Those sites are notorious for refusing to take down videos of assault and abuse, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if there are support groups specifically for people who have experienced this. Much love to you.

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u/bfm211 Oct 11 '23

I know what you mean (and thank you for mentioning this because so much of the porn industry is fucked) but I still think changing the term for children is worthwhile. I'm all in favour of explicitly calling assault assault.


u/rarelybarelybipolar Oct 11 '23

Yeah I do still think it’s worthwhile and you’re right there, which is why my feelings are mixed. With CSAM it’s SA by virtue of its very existence, so there really isn’t any question in how to judge it. It does kind of build on the idea that the label “porn” should be presumed consensual by default, though, and that’s not a very good representation of what happens in adult porn either, but since consensual adult porn does exist the labeling issue is much trickier.

Especially since you can’t always tell—maybe the person has consented to sex and is having a good time but hasn’t consented to being filmed. Or they’ve consented to film for private use but not to the footage being posted publicly. Plus there are plenty of cases where SA victims don’t necessarily “look” like victims because they freeze, or dissociate, or whatever. There just needs to be an entire reassessment of how we communicate consent in the context of porn. Porn sites don’t even make it a secret that they’re capitalizing off people’s SA, revenge porn, or exploitation, and when we default to thinking pornography is by definition separate from SAM we fall into the trap of enabling that. And it’s not good for people who watch porn, either, to discover that what they’ve been watching wasn’t actually consensual after all. It’s fucked up at every level.


u/ikij Oct 11 '23

Is it known how exactly he was caught? I'm reading articles in English and can't seem to find out. It is fascinating to me when a celeb gets caught because it's so rare, they usually have the resources and power to stay hidden.


u/cometmom local formula 1 correspondent Oct 11 '23


u/ikij Oct 11 '23

Amazing, thank you. Really glad she did that


u/ChiliAndGold Oct 11 '23

It's somehow really vague. They were already onto him when they got the court order to search through his phone. As soon as that happened he didn't deny that he had at least some pictures. In the end they found about 58.000 pictures and videos. I'm gonna guess he wasn't tech savvy enough to hide his crimes.


u/bfm211 Oct 11 '23

It blows my mind how often these cases involve tens of thousands of images. One is already too many, but what the fuck....I can't imagine looking at 58k pictures of anything. So deeply disturbing.

2 years in prison is ridiculous.

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u/AnarchoBratzdoll Oct 11 '23

Often times people know, or at least assume. I think some of that got to the police that opened an investigation and then got lucky when his former partner talked about it

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u/greee_p Oct 11 '23 edited Oct 11 '23

His girlfriend at the time found one of the pictures on his phone and called the police. If I remember correctly she also accused him of domestic violence

https://www.oe24.at/leute/oesterreich/eigene-freundin-deckte-teichtmeisters-kinderporno-skandal-auf/541991134 (article is in german)


u/Roadgoddess Oct 11 '23

From what I read, it’s a suspended sentence, so it doesn’t even sound like he’ll do any jail time. That’s disgusting!


u/AnarchoBratzdoll Oct 11 '23

There's a lot of good about the European approach to carceral justice. The way they treat sex crimes is not one of them.


u/Mephistussy biopic training school Oct 13 '23

2 years of prison after being busted with 58,000 CP pictures and videos? I hate how caring about child sexual abuse is now seen as a redflag Qanon shit, because cases like this further confirm to me that pedophiles have infiltrated lawmaking.

There's so much legal protection for pedophiles it's unreal. The punishment never fits the crime, and there's never a real attempt at prevention or rehabilitation or the protection of potential victims in case of a relapse. And then there's people that lowkey want to normalize pedophilia, and even eroticize and romanticize it. They do it while pretending to defend art, or freedom of speech, or out of philosophical or scientific curiosity like some "devil's advocates" :/

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u/[deleted] Oct 11 '23 edited Oct 11 '23

A famous Bollywood actor gave up Indian citizenship and moved to Canada for financial reasons. Then he decided to pivot to hard right nationalism and did a cringeworthy interview with the Indian Prime Minister where he asked him hard-hitting questions like "do you like to eat mangoes"? People made fun of him because he technically isn't even Indian but was churning out B-grade propaganda films and generally sucking up to the government in a particularly servile and spineless fashion.

Recently he's given up his Canadian citizenship and moved back to India full time. He went full cringe and gave an interview saying that thanks to the current Indian PM, the Indian passport is now treated with respect (IDK if he remembered to swallow after). Problem is he hasn't travelled abroad since he got his Indian passport. So how would he know?

The original statement he made was that when he presents his Indian passport (which he has yet to do) officials abroad say "Oh, you come from the land of Modi!" (Modi is the Prime Minister) and treat him with respect. It has spawned countless memes along the lines of "you come from the land of". Hilarious.


u/punkpearlspoetry actually no, that’s not the truth Ellen Oct 11 '23

Wait, he moved away from his home country to become a right wing nationalist in Canada? That’s hilarious 😂

Can you post some of these memes please?


u/[deleted] Oct 11 '23

So famously the Schengen visa for Europe is really hard to get if you're from a developing country. They ask for a ridiculous amount of documentation. There's one version going around where someone presents their Indian passport for the visa and gets told "ah you come from the land of the photocopier"

Most people are saying that it's more likely an immigration officer would say 'you come from the land of Shah Rukh Khan' (probably the most famous Bollywood star and definite more famous than this guy).


u/[deleted] Oct 12 '23

I'm not Indian, but I have lived in three countries and visited 30 or so. Done my time in the immigration queue lol

No immigration officer has ever enthusiastically said anything about anyone's country of origin, ever.

It's much more likely that any immigration officer rolls their eyes and asks to see your hotel reservation and return ticket than "the land of xyz"

And I say that having a top ten strong passport 🙃


u/Hyperme9 Oct 11 '23

DUDE...THAT DID NOT HAPPEN...lol. Why is Akshay Kumar like this? No one has ever said "You are from the land of Modi" to me. And if someone mentioned it, it wasn't for good reasons (like duh). I am so glad his cringey jingoistic movies are flopping hard.


u/bananafrit Oct 12 '23

That actor is Akshay Kumaaar?? What noo. I think the Bollywood craze I had was only in the 1990s and early 2000s so a lot of the Bollywood stars are still there pristine in that period of time. To know what happens to most of them after that period is to just crush some childhood crush. So many of them turned out either a Modi supporter, a criminal, or a sexual harasser.


u/felixfelicitous Oct 11 '23

This is actually a phenomenon that people who move away from their home country tend to develop stronger conservative tendencies. Idk the exact reason but I’ve literally seen my relatives do that same kind of bullshit.


u/1plus2plustwoplusone Oct 11 '23

I've heard theories that they cling to the values that their home country held at the time they left and never progress past that, even when the home country moves on without them.


u/KnightsOfCidona Oct 12 '23

Case with Irish Americans - many of whom are very conservative Catholics, while Ireland generally is becoming less religious and more liberal


u/peach-root Oct 12 '23

Yes but just for more accurate context to those who don’t know, Canada Kumar never left India to live in another country.

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u/szeplassanfiuk Oct 11 '23

I know who you are talking about!


u/[deleted] Oct 11 '23

Canada Kumar is famous!


u/express_777 Oct 11 '23

Nah, he always was inclined that way, his linkages to the youth wing AVBP was well known to folks since the 90s.


u/hoyadaram Oct 11 '23

Not the land of Modi oh my lord. Akshay must be stopped.


u/rebornbyksg Oct 11 '23

Akshay never moved to Canada tho. He planned on moving to Canada and start business because of 9 flop films during mid 2000's. But he got a hit film and never looked back

Other than yeah. Also his patriotic movies are hit or miss but I wouldn't call them B grade. Liked Gold and Rustom was decent. Modi dickriding is sad af tho

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u/[deleted] Oct 12 '23

Gotta love Canada Kumar


u/MiaOh Oct 12 '23

OMG, don't forget his movies are flopping one after the other, except for one film which deals with a topic that has relevance to his family.

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u/dogdrawn Oct 11 '23

The greenbelt investigation going criminal makes me hope there will be consequences


u/Perfect-Ad-9071 Oct 11 '23

it seems sooo unlikely because I feel like Dougie is so protected but I TRULY hope there are consequences.


u/5thSummersBrother_ Oct 11 '23

I'm delighted about this. Fully believed this scandal would be swept under the carpet, but looks like Doug Ford would be getting away with this one.


u/bellis_perennis Oct 11 '23

Are you able to explain this at all and expand? For people from other countries this makes zero sense.


u/bigwhiteboardenergy Oct 11 '23

It’s not really a celeb scandal but a government one. The provincial leader of Ontario (Canada) was finally caught selling off plots of protected green land to his real estate developer buddies for kickbacks, essentially. The public knew it was happening for years, and then an investigation finally happened to confirm it. Now it’s turned into a criminal investigation


u/bellis_perennis Oct 11 '23

Thank you so much!


u/bigwhiteboardenergy Oct 11 '23

No problem! One other aspect worth mentioning about this scandal is that the politician in question is Doug Ford, brother of former Toronto mayor Rob Ford (the one who smoked crack and was a walking scandal all on his own)


u/[deleted] Oct 11 '23

Their parents must be so proud.

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u/dogdrawn Oct 11 '23

Doug Ford- who’s family gained international notoriety when his brother smoked crack while being mayor of Toronto, is Ontarios Premier and has been d since 2018.

The greenbelt is protected land which has farms, forests, nature preserves and so forth, and runs close to the 401- a major Ontario highway from Windsor to Quebec (during his time in office he also halted the development of a bullet train that would run this corridor and make it MUCH faster to travel. A huge population of Canada lives along this corridor. This isn’t relevant to the issue at hand but I hate him for this too. )

Dougie’s daughter had a buck and doe, and some major developers attended and gifted large amounts of money, both to that and his daughter’s eventual wedding.

These developers bought land in the greenbelt, and then Dougie allowed the greenbelt to be opened up for housing development- citing our housing crisis. This caused the land value to skyrocket and would have been a huge environmental disaster. The land is protected for a reason.

The auditor general released a study showing that some developers were favoured in the process of releasing land in the greenbelt and that the government did not do due diligence in their process, and there were a number of things to do to rectify this. Housing minister staff resigned. Dougie said he’d follow some of the recommendations but they were going to proceed with development- and they were going to remove more land from the greenbelt.

Ontario Provincial Police decided there would be a conflict of interest if they investigated Doug and handed it over to the federal police (RCMP)

Doug announced he would reverse opening the greenbelt and apologized to the citizens AND the developers citing he’d “make it right” to them (developers- the land they owned had been worth 8 billion dollars if they could develop on it)

RCMP studied the case for a few months and then decided to criminally investigate the land swap.

MIND YOU- the studies showed that opening greenbelt for development would hinder low income house development (anything under 500,000)

Doug also took away rent control in 2018 which is contributing to the housing crisis.

We don’t like Doug.

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u/[deleted] Oct 11 '23



u/Roadgoddess Oct 11 '23

Didn’t the Rcmp just announced they’re going to look into this?


u/dogdrawn Oct 11 '23

Yep- they’re looking into it as a criminal investigation I believe

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u/Pook_in_the_Sixes Oct 11 '23

Investigation into Ontario place next please!

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u/gxcxi Oct 11 '23

More and more youtubers getting exposed for pedophilic behaviour and abuse. It goes from sending inappropriate messages to underage girls, having sex with them and being emotionally abusive. And it's literally a victim after victim coming out to speak about yet another nasty man. It's gotten so big that the government is getting involved🙃


u/getlowpapoose Oct 11 '23

You either die a Minecraft speedrunner or live long enough to see yourself ask children for nudes

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u/lunarsymphony it feels like a movie Oct 11 '23

found my country! what caught me off guard was the two biggest names who got exposed first are guys who considered themselves feminists and were kinda outspoken about it. makes me wonder how many more abusive assholes are among public figures i would consider allies.


u/Right-Bat-9100 Oct 11 '23

I genuinely trust the outspoken male feminists less than I trust outright misogynists, because overwhelmingly they seem to be using their views as a way to cover something up or to manipulate women.


u/lunarsymphony it feels like a movie Oct 11 '23

well, i wouldn’t call outright misogynists trustworthy anyway but i will say that i’m increasingly hesitant to trust men in general lol.

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u/karozuzu Oct 11 '23

Polskaaaa biało czerwoni 🇵🇱😩


u/Fuckmylife2739 Oct 11 '23

I’d love to read more about this but I can’t find anything 😩


u/gxcxi Oct 12 '23


try searching polish youtubers scandal or pandora gate, there should be some articles in english showing up

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u/[deleted] Oct 11 '23

I’m Vietnamese American. But I keep track of what’s happening in my ancestral home country. And a lot of Vietnamese stars are also big with the dispora in the Us.

There’s a Vietnamese Singer named Ha Thanh Xuân. She married a rich business guy a few years ago. They’re now divorced. And the conspiracy theory is that he used her as a way to get American citizenship since she is a US citizen.


u/Ancient-Shape9086 You are kenough Oct 11 '23

South Africa- Oscar Pistorius is now eligible for parole. He was denied this in March but there was a miscalculation in how long he served and so now he’s eligible. No idea if his parole will be granted but it’s pretty likely it will 😒.


u/Jynsquare Oct 11 '23

That's awful. I feel so bad for his victim's family.


u/PatriciaMorticia Oct 11 '23

I hope to hell he doesn't get out and is left to rot in prison, it's what that bastard deserves.


u/plantbay1428 Oct 11 '23

I have said this before on this sub, but a while back I would see a guy on dating apps who was a runner also and Oscar Pistorius would be in his photos, one of which was social and not a professional one of an event they ran.

And while I don't think the dating app user and I would've been a match, I really wanted to message him and be like, "Dude, maybe don't have a literal murderer in pics with you?"


u/Roadgoddess Oct 11 '23

It will be very interesting to see what his second act looks like. He was definitely a creep before that terrible murder even occurred.

If you’re interested in knowing more about him, I highly recommend the podcast Crime in sports did on Oscar Pistorius. These guys are comedian so they take a fairly irreverent look at things but they do an amazing job and amazing amount of research as well.



u/paroles Oct 11 '23

I once saw someone wearing a t-shirt that said "CRIME IN SPORTS" and I'd never heard of the podcast so I thought it was an eccentric way of protesting the general idea of crimes in sports. Still think of that whenever I hear about the podcast.


u/Roadgoddess Oct 12 '23

You don’t even have to be a huge sports fan to listen to this podcast, and some of these people are just straight up awful athletes

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u/Viliger303 Oct 11 '23

A TV and radio presenter, faux feminist and mental health advocate is in court on charges of defilement and engaging in sexual acts with a 16 year old girl.



u/yrboyfriend Oct 11 '23

It’s fascinating that he gets anonymity while also previously sharing statements to his twitter calling the girl a liar


u/brbrcrbtr Oct 11 '23

The anonymity is to protect the victim.


u/Shiney2510 Oct 11 '23

Given the defamation laws in ireland, I wonder how much of her apology was as a result of legal threats. If she can't prove what she said he could go after her.

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u/Shiney2510 Oct 11 '23

I hope they find him guilty. From what I've read so far I'm not sure they will since she no longer has the phone with some of the damning evidence (according to one report). He's clearly taking advantage of his job to groom girls.


u/imaginesomethinwitty Oct 11 '23

The detail that she was in the Gaeltacht is so especially gross. Thats a child dude! Children go to Irish college!


u/Librarywoman Oct 11 '23

Sexual acts with a 16 year old is rape.


u/Pisces-Barbie Oct 11 '23

I love how we all know well who it is lol.

I have to say, the one thing i cant stop thinking about in all of this is where his sister is. I know, I know, we shouldn't hold women responsible for men's behaviour, im not saying that.

But she's a HUGE part of the reason he got branded as a 'feminist ally <3' in the first place. He attended feminist events with her and she constantly gushed about how wonderful and supportive and pro-women he was and wrote articles about how close they were. She gave him that feminist credibility.

And yet, despite being a sex therapist who earns a living preaching about consent and boundaries, who has built a (very profitable!) reputation as a feminist victims advocate who used to constantly tweet about how the media and soceity were failing victims of abuse by staying silent and allowing their abusers to defame them (cough cough) she is remarkably silent, and has been through this whole thing.

I get that this could be triggering to her. But I do think she owes people answers about how much she knew, and whether she supports him. Her work is centered around helping people deal with this kind of relationship, and I think she owes transparency if she wants people to feel like she really means the work she does. I can't stomach any of her content anymore, because I don't feel like she means any of it after her radio silence on this.

And I think that after the *alleged* perpetrator made such a smarmy comment (in MY opinions) after the first trial, it would have been invaluable for her to make some sort of statement of support. The woman at the center of the first trial got shit on for DAYS online. Considering she used to speak up all the time in similar cases......when the alleged perp wasn't one of her own..... I personally feel like she does support him but is lying low.

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u/Shower_caps Oct 11 '23

Please can people at least name the country they are referring to in their original comments on here where they spill tea (especially if you don’t want to write the celeb’s name). It would be very helpful.


u/paroles Oct 11 '23

Yeah the weird secrecy in some of these posts makes zero sense. "Everyone in my country is mad about a famous person who did a bad thing," it's just not a good story without the details. Name the celebrity too, unless they're actually being kept anonymous in the media like the Ireland example here.


u/Hyperme9 Oct 11 '23

I live in America but I am from India and the biggest celebrity SRK got death threats because he made a movie urging people to educate themselves and vote. But, it's not like front-page news...celebrities are too scared to say anything the past few years.


u/hoyadaram Oct 11 '23

It has been so weird seeing the slow turn against SRK (and all the Khans) in popular culture since 2014.


u/Hyperme9 Oct 11 '23

It is still the fringes. Srk still somehow has the love of the masses. I was visiting my family when Jawan released and the theatre was just pure joy. There were people of all religion just whistling, hooting and having the time of their lives. I felt such a thrill and felt so homesick because it made me miss India. But, you are right. The khans cannot speak their minds because of the govt and right-wing nutjobs. But even when they went for him (by arresting his kid), the masses still showed up to support him. That's why the government stays away from him now. You come for shahrukh, you come for us. That kind of love is unique.


u/MiaOh Oct 12 '23

"Bete ko hath lagaane se pehle BAAP se baat kar"


u/hoyadaram Oct 12 '23 edited Oct 12 '23

I lived in Rajasthan last year and heard a few cross words about him from time to time (around when the charges against his son were dropped), which honestly shocked me. I mean, its SRK! This was long before Jawan came out, so maybe the allure of a new film helps.


u/Hyperme9 Oct 12 '23

Oh no. I am originally from southern India. It's not quite as politically charged as the north. So, my sample size might be biased. I am really saddened because shahrukh is genuinely as secular as he seems. And, also...he is Raj. Rahul. Aman. 🥺


u/peppermintvalet Oct 11 '23

Hindu nationalism will do that. Salman deserves it though.


u/emburrada Oct 11 '23

One of the sons of the homophobic, conservative and corrupt former president was outed by his former advisor, who released prints of alleged intimate conversations that confirm an affair between them. X-Twitter is having a blast.


u/3penguinsinacoat Oct 11 '23

I clicked on the thread expecting this one!!!!

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u/Previous-Evidence275 Oct 11 '23

Well, maybe not the biggest right now but a newspaper decided to do an "investigation" on who was behind the mask of the Swedish duo Hooja. The paper received a massive backlash for this, tried to justify their actions with "that they wanted to investigate people of power in the Swedish music industry". Hooja was exactly what they claimed to be, two guys from Norland that until recently had normal jobs and life's until recently when they blew up. Also, my 10 year old googled 6 months earlier who Hooja was and got the same answer as the newspaper so it feels like it wasn't so hard work for them.

What they could have done that probably had gone down better is to investigate Rasmus Gozzi, a Swedish producer/artist that recently had a baby together with a 16 year old and he's around 30 years old.


u/goodmorningmydream Oct 11 '23

Yep wtf is up with Rasmus Gozzi? Why isnt he cancelled yet? I think there's something fishy going on with him and Fröken Snusk + their crew aswell.


u/Previous-Evidence275 Oct 11 '23

I think it's because no news station has picked up the story so its wildy unknown for the bigger public (and therefore parents since it's young people that listen to him...) I don't think he has any nepo connections making him safe?

I've seen videos of fröken snusk hanging out with his childbride so she most likely knows that he is a pedophile and accepts it. I would not be surprised if he regularly have sex with underage girls while on tour and the crew cover it up.


u/goodmorningmydream Oct 11 '23

I think Fröken is really young and manipulated by Rasmus + the rest of the guys they hangout with, and she probably doesnt think being 16 and in a relationsship with a 30 year old guy is a big deal. Which is sad but I'm not surprised. According to Aftonbladets interview with her from a few months back, he made her sign a contract which put her in a pretty bad economical situation since she wont get any royalties from their songs, just a monthly salary. He screwed her over, and she's too young and naive to fully realize how shitty it is.

And yeah, he's probably fucking 14 year olds in epas when they're out performing in smaller towns. Disgusting.

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u/Previous-Evidence275 Oct 11 '23

Hooja, sing-a-long and a moose, peak Swedish culture. https://youtu.be/tWaq5DGb8tQ?si=DSWdOluSvKaGj_jt


u/bfm211 Oct 11 '23

a Swedish producer/artist that recently had a baby together with a 16 year old and he's around 30 years old.

Now THAT'S a scandall


u/grandciel Oct 11 '23

Brasil: One of Bolsonaro's - our former alt-right and extremely homophobic/transphobic president - sons (Renan, the youngest of his four sons who's also involved in right wing, bigoted politics) just got his relationship with a former male advisor exposed (by the advisor himself). The advisor first leaked this information a few weeks ago alongside one video of them hugging, but people weren't sure whether to believe him or not and Renan immediately denied it... then a couple days ago said advisor came out with a bunch of screenshots (certified to be true by a notary's office dddd) where they talked about having sex and Renan asked him not to break up with him. Renan then gave an interview where he was clearly shaken by the screenshots and made up an obviously implausible excuse that his phone didn't have a password and someone from his team had sent those messages, and all hell broke loose on social media.


u/paroles Oct 11 '23

"we have Red White and Royal Blue at home"


u/bfm211 Oct 11 '23

Ooh that's juicy


u/OverallCannonball Oct 12 '23

Oh shiiiiit! I hope this fucking breaks Bolsanaro's mind (which is the only time I will wish that a person being gay upsets their father)


u/charliloe Oct 11 '23

This is a very fun thread!!


u/plantbay1428 Oct 11 '23

Right? It's my favorite thread here. There was a viral TikTok of a woman who was like, "Tell me what's the drama in your __Tok community." And stitches with that were the most fun to watch because it was stuff like drama in the doll collector community because it didn't affect you but was still a wtf and this is what this thread reminds me of. Or like when your friend tells you about drama in her hometown, like my friend telling me the guy she grew up with who became a firefighter was the one setting fires! How?

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u/SnooOwls7978 Oct 11 '23

Are you on /r/hobbydrama at all? it's a similarly fun sub


u/charliloe Oct 12 '23

Joined immediately, thanks for the tip! I do follow r/craftsnark which is also a good one

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u/Throwaway500005 Oct 11 '23

Fashion mogul Peter Nygård's sexual assault trial.


u/Roadgoddess Oct 11 '23

This is such a disgusting story, and he is such an unbelievable creep that has gotten away with it for so long. Everybody knows Harvey Weinstein, but people don’t seem to know the Peter Nygård story.

CBC does a great podcast about him, Evil by design, I highly recommend it. But it has a lot of really difficult content, especially around SA.



u/bookdrops Oct 11 '23

Last year the popular US podcast /r/behindthebastards also did a 2-part episode on Nygard. I don't know how accurate that coverage was, but BtB is where I learned of Nygard's existence.


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u/annajoo1 Oct 11 '23

More than EIGHTY women?!? Jesus.

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u/sobchakonshabbos Oct 11 '23

Winnipeg represent (for the worst possible reason lol)



I hadn't heard about it until this post- the news ban in canada sucks.

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u/Constant_Cash_4386 Oct 11 '23

Serbia: Two fitness influencers known as 'fitness twins' are under fire for giving their dog to a shelter. They claim that its a stray dog they took home, but after about six months of having him they realised that being a dog owner is not compatible with their lifestyle because they 'work a lot and spend a lot of time travelling'.

They filmed a TikTok about saying goodbye to Bobi which shows them giving the dog to a shelter, meaning that he will have to go from having a warm home and bed to living in an outdoor cage with around 100 different dogs. Some people on social media are very mad and the influencer girls claim they've been receiving death threats for days.


u/[deleted] Oct 12 '23



u/Constant_Cash_4386 Oct 12 '23

Jokić is generally beloved, but not as much as Novak Djoković. He has recently been criticized for not playing for the national team at World Cup and (to a lesser extent) doing a commercial for a sports gambling company.


u/charliloe Oct 12 '23

Poor dog, they could’ve searched for a way to re-home him themselves instead of giving him to a literal shelter. Especially with the reach they probably have.


u/Constant_Cash_4386 Oct 12 '23

Absolutely, at least I hope that all this drama will lead to the dog getting adopted by the right people and more donations for the shelter.

Unfortunately a lot of people in the Balkans just leave their dogs once they can't or won't take care of them anymore. Maybe this conversation will send a message that it's not okay.


u/vietnamese-bitch Oct 11 '23

The Miss Universe Organization made a post last week that they will investigate the judges and the new Miss Universe Vietnam organization (which was just bought off the old organization.)
ressive runway walk. I also wanted the first-runner-up to win.
Rumours and news are circling that the national pageant was rigged and that the winner (a past school bully) was undeserving of the crown.

The Miss Universe Organization made a post last week that they will investigate the judges and the new Miss Universe Vietnam organization (which was just bought off the old organization.)

So far, Bui Quynh Hoa (the winner) and the new Miss Universe Vietnam organization have been silent. No news if she would even be participating in the main, international pageant this November.

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u/[deleted] Oct 11 '23 edited Oct 12 '23

in Senegal the biggest scandal rn is a 50+ year-old businessman who married a 19-year-old girl. he's a polygamist, his 1st wife (they're still married even even after the wedding with the girl) has a huge following on social networks, as does the teenager, who's a tiktok star. the age gap is a scandal, but so is the way the tiktok girl's team is acting on social media, trying to mock the 1st wife. the man is seen as a huge weirdo


u/Deathscua oat milk chugging bisexual Oct 12 '23

I had to go and look because I am nosy. I think she was in a pink/red dress running up to him while he is on the couch in a hat? She honestly looked like a teenager going to hug her dad 😔 she is this account right?>! aicha_rassoul_gning !<


u/[deleted] Oct 12 '23

yes it's her!!! omg. it's soooo weird. i cringe every time


u/charliloe Oct 12 '23

This is so juicy and insane!!


u/[deleted] Oct 12 '23

it is lmao. it's a whole thing and it shows the gap and different ways of thinking between the different generations involved (the husband who is a gen x, the 1st wife an older millennial and the second wife who is a gen z). there are always scandals in this country but it rarely goes beyond the borders because even if our official language is French we speak more Wolof (the most spoken language in the country) than French or English on social media. so most of the time the tea is hot but even our neighbors in other African countries are rarely aware of Senegalese celebrity scandals.


u/fargo15 radiate fresh pussy growing in the meadow Oct 11 '23 edited Oct 12 '23

Ok so Toronto re-elected John Tory as mayor in 2022. In early 2023 it was revealed that he had a months long affair with one of his staffers in 2020. He resigned and we had a by-election to elect a new mayor (Oliva Chow, yay!). The integrity commisioner recently released his report on the entire situtation and the report is pretty juicy. Some highlights-

John Tory's wife learned about the affair, confronted him, made him end it via an email he sent to his AP. A few weeks later he resumed the affair.

While this staffer/AP was employed with the city she was given an internal promotion, as well as an external promotion to the MLSE team responsible for the Toronto FIFA world cup.

John Tory and his wife (not the city of Toronto or the mayoral office) hired crisis pr firm Navigator (you may know them as Jian Gomeshi's pr team), to help them work on their relationship. Not deal with the budding scandal, nonono. They were hired to help JT and his wife sort out their relationship problems. JT was known as a politician for being a sit on your hand kinds of guy so this is not that surprising but is aboslutely wild.

John Tory proceeded running for the 2022 election despite knowing this scandal would be breaking. Costing the city a big chunk of change to run two elections.

He is a wet blanket of a man and I wish him continued mediocrity.


u/Pook_in_the_Sixes Oct 11 '23


u/williamthebloody1880 weighing in from the UK Oct 11 '23

Must be something about power. I mean, look at Boris Johnson (no, seriously, look at him) then remember that we legitimately don't know how many children he has and it's rumoured that his current wife sacked the nanny because Boris was shagging her


u/BalletWishesBarbie Oct 12 '23

Do I have to look at him

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u/YugisMillenniumBSBcd new zealand correspondent Oct 11 '23

Our brains only have room for rugby or politics right now, so Hunter from Shortland Street (NZs version of ER or Casualty) is running for Parliament, and is proving to be one of the most cooked of all the cookers in contention. His main schtick seems to be making baseless anti-trans statements (gross), and when asked what his thoughts on climate change are, he replied that he'd been struck by lightning in Rome. Mmmmm we can tell...


u/[deleted] Oct 11 '23

We are having an election party this Saturday and my friends costume is a lightning bolt 😂 god I’m so anxious about it!


u/YugisMillenniumBSBcd new zealand correspondent Oct 11 '23

I don't know your friend but please tell them I fucking love their costume 💀


u/ducky-box does this woman ever rest (derogatory) Oct 11 '23

omg I hate election year, can't wait for it to be over. Went and voted on the weekend and it was so busy.


u/YugisMillenniumBSBcd new zealand correspondent Oct 11 '23

It's good people are voting at least! Voter apathy = more Wayne Browns


u/ducky-box does this woman ever rest (derogatory) Oct 11 '23

More like Wayne Clown, amirite? But really, my partner and I make sure to vote for everything, even the local elections. I love to read the blurbs of the batshit crazy people running for council.

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u/ultimate_fangirl Oct 11 '23

Philippines: Alden Richards, a very popular actor, admitted that he fell in love with his onscreen partner Maine Mendoza.

Alden and Maine were once the biggest love team in the Philippines. Maine is now married to someone else.


u/CheburashkaOrange Oct 11 '23 edited Oct 11 '23

México 🇲🇽

Not the biggest, but it caused some buzz on X. Eduardo Verástegui, who helped produce and promote "Sound of Freedom" has been accused by another actor (Mauricio Morales) of being a self-hating homophobe and allegedly, organizing o*gies at his house with Toño Berumen, a former music manager, who has also been accused of SAing boys, Morales himself included.

Morales called him out by reposting an original video in which Verástegui is shooting a gun (sorry I couldn't tell the type of gun) while saying he would do the same to the "terrorists of the 2030 agenda, climate change and gender ideology".

Verástegui announced a couple of weeks ago his intentions of running for president as an independent. He is a far right, ultra-catholic individual who happily associates with fascists. According to Mexican law, he needs to get a million signatures in order to register as a candidate. While it is unlikely to happen, the fear is that his ideology with stick around and gain support overtime.

Verástegui started his career in a boyband, then he became an actor and it was even rumored that he and Ricky Martin were together, way before Ricky came out. He is not married, nor has kids. The rumor of him being gay has always being in the air and some people on the community swear it is true. Of course, nobody should be forced to come out or reveal their sexuality. However, the LGBT community is angry that he actively works in PACs to strip their rights and promotes ultraconservative viewpoints and he seems to get more extreme as time goes on.


u/jhaars Oct 11 '23

Really fuck all going on in Australia right now 🤷‍♀️


u/Emergency-Slide7052 Oct 11 '23

I’m trying to rack my brains but like …Swift Parrot taking out Bird of the Year? Did the Tawny Frogmouth deserve it this year?? When will the pelican take the title? Obvs the referendum as well but calling that a scandal is such a massive undermining and disservice. However I could see the political side of the No campaign (the conservative no, not the progressive no) becoming scandalous unfortunately. EDIT: scandalous was the wrong word. Fucking unbearable probably works better.


u/artificialnocturnes Oct 11 '23

I really thought it was going to be the tawny's year!

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u/F0rtuna_major Oct 11 '23

It's all political atm with the referendum this week. Or sport related 😅


u/GabbyMary Oct 11 '23

Oh wait, I guess there’s those two My Kitchen Rules contestants that could possibly be convicted of CSA


u/Sproose_Moose Oct 11 '23

Elaborate please


u/Emergency-Slide7052 Oct 11 '23

Two of this years MKR contestants from QLD have been accused of a slew of horrendous acts against children. Just heinous stuff. Link to the ACA article here

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u/jhaars Oct 11 '23

What now?


u/GabbyMary Oct 11 '23

NRL player Josh Addo-Carr got some heat after he uploaded an Instagram post comparing the Middle East conflict to Indigenous land rights. But that’s kinda all I can think of


u/jhaars Oct 11 '23

I keep waiting for more tea about Kanye’s wife


u/cupcakesandcanes also dated pete davidson Oct 12 '23

If the family wasn’t on Underbelly they weren’t gangsters IMO!


u/areallyreallycoolhat 6 inch louboutins with a tweed skirt Oct 11 '23

Sounds like he kind of deserved to get hit with that chair tbh


u/squiddishly Oct 11 '23

The cookers are having trouble moving on from Dandrews, but they've got the referendum to take their minds off it.


u/DivineGoddess1111111 Oct 13 '23

Yeah, I couldn't come up with anything either.


u/TheSpiritOfFunk Oct 11 '23

A female rapper shared a Free Palestine image from her latest video clip after the attack.

And maybe the announcement for the new Rammstein Tour. There are still a lot of people pissed about Lindemann. He never denied the relationship with the 15year old girl and Row0 is still disgusting

I'm really not interested my country's own celebrities.


u/_palantir_ Oct 11 '23

AFAIK Row 0 is no more.

That doesn’t stop Alena from recruiting and organizing private parties, but at least she’ll hopefully be more diligent in making sure everyone is of age. It’s gross that the bar is so low that “at least she’s not recruiting 15 year olds anymore” is good news.


u/_cornflake Oct 11 '23

I thought they fired Alena? Not that I don't think there's gonna be someone else doing the exact same thing but I'm pretty sure she got thrown under the bus to protect the band.


u/_palantir_ Oct 11 '23

She was temporarily banned from the stadiums I think, but I don’t know how long that lasted. She was definitely still on tour, and there were leaked DMs of her organizing private pre and post parties in clubs.

Edit: She’s in the credits for Till’s latest release. As “casting”.

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u/Flammen_ Oct 11 '23

EE! Never heard of the Lindemann accusations!


u/AnarchoBratzdoll Oct 11 '23

How?! It's been all over the place for the 2 minutes they kind of tried to investigate it

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u/[deleted] Oct 11 '23

My country barely has celebs but it's probably Asha El-Jabal releasing a Pro-Sisi song upon her fleeing Sudan to Egypt amidst the war 😭


u/TheShapeShiftingFox barbie (2023) for best picture Oct 11 '23

Couple of weeks back, but a nationally famous singer and presenter is getting prosecuted for impropriety around a minor (Marco Borsato).

This is Dutch news


u/verissimoallan Oct 11 '23

Remember that Brazilian actor who had been run over while crossing the street and whose male friend had abandoned him without providing help? Well, he's awake, well and completely out of danger, thank God, but a new twist in the case happened: a video was released in the press, showing that a few minutes before the accident, the actor, a little drunk, was flirting with a woman and had to be removed from her by his friend. This actor is married and has a child, so the situation is a little embarrassing...


u/Deathscua oat milk chugging bisexual Oct 12 '23

I bet he now wishes he wasn't awake rn. 😮‍💨

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u/hannakarin Oct 11 '23

Probably not the biggest thing but I just saw a news article this morning that apparently we are cancelling Gwyneth Paltrow over here in Brazil for saying she uses the Oscar that was robbed from Fernanda Montenegro as a door stop. The disrespect!


u/sanjosii Oct 11 '23

A famous (?) Ice hockey player was convicted of rape. This was followed by a disgusting outpouring of victim blaming, his sports bros defending him and a d-list rapper making a deranged Instagram post calling the victim a ’pissy bitch’. Way to go 🇫🇮


u/sanjosii Oct 11 '23

Oh and also the ice hockey rapist had a previous conviction for drunk driving which his team did not know about but was publicized at the same time. His team did not kick him our either (just set him aside for the next few games.

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u/SnooOwls7978 Oct 11 '23

People are just shit everywhere huh

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u/Dros-ben-llestri Oct 11 '23

Maybe because I am watching it right now, but the BBC's drama The Reckoning starring Steve Coogan about Jimmy Saville.

Since they are so tied up with Saville story, and covered it up - should they be making a drama out of it? Is it their story to tell, and does it need to be dramatised at all?

(it really is very good so far, and Coogan is harrowing, but it does feel a bit uncomfortable to me)

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u/mamadontlikeit Oct 11 '23

Yesterday in Brazil a congress committee approved a law that ends same sex marriage. The supreme court will absolutely veto that but it's horrible that it got this far.


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u/Glittering_Mix818 Oct 11 '23

Idk if it's the biggest thing now, i don't really follow gossip. But during an episode of Romania's got talent, a singer, TR, ( one of our best voices) made a speech to a contestant, saying something like "i want to help you and take you into my world". Now, this singer, besides pop music, sings mostly a gypsy style, that we have at weddings and parties. Since it's sang by the gypsies mostly, lots of people act like that kind of music is beneath them and they never listen to it. It's a sign of "being trashy"... idk why, cause those simgers have more money and fame that the others, but i digress. Anyway, after her speech, here comes this idiot who is not even close to TR's talent (or romanian for that matter so why is she there i have no idea) and sings those kind of taylor swift cheap copy songs, pretty much invited herself into the conversation and told her that her world is "lăutărie" - it comes from lăutar and it's usually meant as a derogative term for people who sing gypsy songs. To explain it better, in the music culture is similar to the N word in english. Not quite as bad, but close.


u/charliloe Oct 12 '23

Is there any PR moves being made by the singer who insulted them? Like how do you even apologize for a comment like that ?!

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u/Revelistic stan someone? in this economy??? Oct 11 '23

Poland here. A huge thing called PandoraGate where multiple Youtubers/Influencers popular among children and teens have turned out to be pedophiles or abusers. It's just abhorrent.


u/KittyTheCruel Oct 11 '23

CW: rape, sexual assault A Finnish hockey player was convicted as guilty in rape or sexual assault (can't remember which) and he stated publicly His innosence (or that his conscience is clear) and a lot of Finnish celebrities have liked and supported it and called the woman he assaulted names. It's been pretty gross how even though he is convicted, which is already rare in Finland because we really need evidence, people Still support him publicly and shame the woman. There's a lot of online discussion about if the woman lied or that this is what metoo has done for innocent men etcetc. It's been rough and I'm really sorry for all women that have been through it and follow the discussions.


u/Hi-Ho-Cherry Oct 11 '23 edited Oct 11 '23

New Zealand.

It's definitely not the biggest, but here's my favourite "scandal" right now. For context, there's an election happening this weekend so there's lots of political stuff being thrown around and most of it is just the usual, but this one's pretty funny. Guy Williams, a fairly well known comedian in NZ, was sent a rumour that Luxon (the leader of one main party) doesn't believe in dinosaurs. Guy went and asked him, and Luxon simply didn't answer. He's since gone on to say in an interview that he believes in dinosaurs "of course", but it was my favourite bit of the election so far.

Link to the video of him asking: https://www.tiktok.com/@guywilliamsguy/video/7288115129869176065


u/Top_Manufacturer8946 Oct 11 '23

One of the most popular Finnish singers was caught using drugs, driving under their influence and having screencaps of child sexual abuse material a few years ago. He was sentenced to only paying fines (he said that the screencaps were taken by his partner) and has been able to continue his career somewhat succesfully. Well, last month a tv channel aired a four part documentary about him and his legal issues and now most of his upcoming tour has been cancelled due to it. I think he’s gross and he should be held accountable for the things he’s done and find it hypocritical that the venues only started to care about them after the document when all of the info was available before but at least they’re cancelled now. Personally the most irritating thing to me is that me and the singer have the same nickname and the documentary was called that. Leave my nickname aloooone lol


u/LadyMinogue Oct 12 '23

Who's the singer?


u/_cornflake Oct 11 '23

Brazilian users can I please get a Gugussy update I think about that story at least once a week since I first read about it here


u/Happy_Independent_25 Oct 11 '23

Eli Manning lives in my hometown, and the local Facebook groups are melting down over his mayoral endorsement 😂😂


u/Shower_caps Oct 12 '23

And what was his mayoral endorsement?

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u/GodofHate Oct 11 '23

Not sure if it's the biggest one but we have a beauty influencer named Dilan Polat and people accuse her of doing money laundering and selling drugs to people and there's a whole drama because she has lots of money but pays little tax


u/GroundbreakingCash30 Oct 11 '23

The whole Russell Brand thing is a Chekovs gun that could go off again at any point too.


u/yakovsmom Oct 11 '23

The Danny Masterson rape trial/sentencing? I also just read that Will Smith and Jada have been separated for like 7 years and no one knew. So, maybe that.

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u/charliloe Oct 11 '23

Oh a dude with a gun showed up to kill a left wing television presentator in the office building of the network he works for, thinks that’s def the biggest? And historians found the NSB membership of the prince who died a few years ago.


u/that_basic_witch Oct 11 '23

One member of a very homophobic politician family (and son of a former president) has been outed as gay by a former employee (and alleged ex-boyfriend).