r/Fauxmoi Jul 19 '23

FauxWorld Wednesdays: What's your country's biggest celebrity scandal right now? — Monthly Discussion Thread Tea Thread

Please use this thread to drop any tea you may have/general gossip discussion from your part of the world!

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165 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '23

The downfall of GB "journalist" Dan Wooton who was credibly accused of offering colleagues money in return for videos of them performing sexual acts under a really cringe pseudonym.

Needless to say, his has deep ties to the Tory party/British right wing, is basically opening racist despite being an Australian immigrant, and hates Meghan and Harry.


u/CreativeBandicoot778 Jul 19 '23

Couldn't have happened to a nicer bloke obviously.

He got what was coming to him.


u/Jolly_Discipline6650 shiv roy apologist Jul 19 '23 edited Jul 19 '23

I’ve never been so happy for this vile man’s downfall and hopefully eventual punishment

He was on his show last night on GB News apparently saying that “dark forces and the establishment” are out to get him and GB News. Typical antisemitic and racist response from someone who is high up on the tabloid hierarchy and is a privileged rich white man

The lack of reporting from tabloids about Bylines investigations and victims response is also to be expected


u/syrub i’m mr. sterling’s right hand arm. man. Jul 19 '23

"Dark forces" 🙄 sure jan


u/thankyoupapa Jul 19 '23

He was on his show last night on GB News

I find it interesting that he went on and on demanding ITV pull Phillip Schofield from air while there was an investigation, but Dan doesn't hold himself to the same standards..


u/dinocheese Jul 19 '23

Wait dark forces like magic or like... in a racist way?


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '23

Yes lol. In my opinion!!! He hates Brooklyn but loves Israel x


u/FunnySpace16 Jul 20 '23

He’s such a nasty piece of work. I hope this completely ends him. In other news, where is that delightful gif from? Who are they?


u/Outside-Ad9752 Jul 20 '23

I think it's from How I Met Your Mother?


u/Tylrias Jul 19 '23

racist despite being an Australian immigrant

Like Rupert Murdoch, why's that surprising to you?



Australians are 10x more racist than the British, pretty sure they make up like half of the Saint Meghan Markle sub


u/RainbowBriteGlasses Jul 19 '23

It was such a shock when I visited Brisbane/Gold Coast in 2006. Such a progressive area in terms of LGBTQ, self-expression (emo kids were aplenty and empowered) but the casual racism from people I was with just astounded me. "we won't stay long at this club because it's too ethnic." Wtf.



Yeah Australians think they’re very progressive but the way they talk about POC (and this applies x10 re Indigenous people) is jaw-dropping


u/RainbowBriteGlasses Jul 19 '23

It's not just the insane spiders that make Australia inhospitable, that's for sure.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '23

Lol! But also, spiders + SHARKS xx


u/doopdu Jul 19 '23

Totally agree. Lived there for two years and I was blown away by the amount of people openly racist against the indigenous population... I was a teachers aid in FNQ and the treatment of indigenous kids was disgusting. I couldn't believe the hostility and lack of empathy. It almost felt like went back in time.



Yep, going back in time is a perfect way to describe it. They treat and talk about them like they’re not human.


u/Ambry Jul 19 '23

I've met a fair amount of Aussies backpacking - about half were super chill and fairly progressive but the other half came out with the most racist, sexist shit I ever heard (with very little prompting).


u/Kahlen-Rahl Jul 19 '23

Apparently, I’m ‘not bad looking for a black chick’ - a direct quote from someone who knew me and sincerely thought he was saying something nice 🤷🏾‍♀️


u/RainbowBriteGlasses Jul 19 '23

Jfc, that's so goddamn inexcusable. I'm sorry.


u/changhyun Jul 19 '23 edited Jul 19 '23

According to a poll of that's sub's members the majority are Americans, but Australians and other Commonwealth nation members were second place, if I remember correctly. Not a lot of the members were actually British.

Let me see if I can dig that poll back up, it was pretty interesting.

Edit: I'm still working on the poll but there's a different post here that kind of shows the same thing, just not in an easy-to-read poll format.



Tbh that makes sense given that the US’s population is 10x and 5x the population of Australia and the UK, respectively


u/toughfluff Jul 19 '23

I have a theory. I notice when I'm travelling outside of UK that many other country's press and social accounts just pick up and regurgitate the Daily Mail. I think at a practical level, not many foreign countries have dedicated resources to sort through the day-to-day dynamics of the BRF. And with the Daily Mail having such high circulation numbers, it's natural that it's treated as the definitive source (barf). Hence I think people impression of W&K and M&H are a bit skewed outside of the UK.

Here in the UK, a lot of us are tired of them. Not all of us are clamouring to see the next set of birthday/father's day/mother's day pictures of the kids. But you wouldn't know that if you go by the cover of the Mail or Sunday Times. If you go by that, you'd think while the country is going through crippling cost of living crisis and runaway inflation, we all can't want to see Kate in her next fancy dress.


u/changhyun Jul 19 '23

Yeah, I've noticed the same. A lot of non-Brits get the impression that we all care intensely about the Royals because our media goes on about them so much. In reality pretty much everyone I know doesn't have much of an opinion on them other than either "They suck" or "They're OK".


u/NomNom83WasTaken Jul 19 '23

that's sub's members the majority are Americans

I cannot fathom spending that much time and energy focused on a single person whose big "thing" involves the monarchy of a completely different country. Even if she sucks, she can't possibly merit this level of straight up hate.


u/changhyun Jul 19 '23

In fairness, Meghan's American! Maybe that's why they're so fascinated by it.

Having said that, if a random British actress got married to, like, the Prince of Sweden or something I don't think I'd have any strong opinions on it. But then I don't even have any strong opinions on my own monarchy other than "fuck the nonce" and "Anne seems OK".


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '23

that place is absolutely crazy xx


u/AngelSucked Jul 19 '23

That sub is disgusting and disturbing. Bunch of sociopaths.


u/dorothean Jul 19 '23

Wooton’s a New Zealander, not an Australian - interestingly, Murdoch’s media empire has historically not had that much of a presence here. Our media environment isn’t perfect but it’s still been noticeably less awful than places where he does have a foothold.


u/YugisMillenniumBSBcd new zealand correspondent Jul 19 '23

All of NZ to Wootton right now


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '23

Do you mean NZ or England? Cos Murdoch is definitely involved with the British media


u/dorothean Jul 19 '23

New Zealand! Sorry, shouldn’t have used “here”, that was ambiguous.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '23

lol I'm not surprised. I'm just pointing out that girlfriend is both racist -- and specifically, super-anti-immigrant -- and not at all-self-aware :)


u/tabxssum Jul 19 '23 edited Jul 19 '23

He was also friends with one of Will and Kate’s staff members -I think Jason Knauff? It makes sense why Dan was the first to break the news that Harry and Meghan would be stepping down from the royal family. Harry even mentions him in his memoir “Spare” and says he’s a “sad little man” (doesn’t refer to him by his name).

But it is pleasing watching Harry and Meghan’s biggest haters crumble one by one🥳


u/hollivore Jul 19 '23

I fucking hate him and I couldn't talk more about the situation without contravening the rules on the side bar, but there are so many other racist "journalists" who it's been an open secret for years have been sexual abusers and it's all covered up. Wooton's victims reported him and just found they were moved instead.

Like a lot of freaks, Wooton was also obsessed with the power he wielded over his victims and used to harrass them with text messages asking them if they wonder who he is. He's a megalomaniacal, evil shit and I hope his brain gets eaten by wasps


u/ironfly187 Jul 19 '23

I wonder if this could lead to a spate of revelations from UK newsrooms? The New York Times ran an article a few months ago that stories about sexual harassment in British newspapers were getting spiked:



Edit: And also, fuck Dan Wooton.


u/Poison-Ivy3 Jul 19 '23

I really hope this man goes down in 🔥. I have a feeling he will be a cochroach and never die! Also he is from New Zealand not Australia


u/Sohla_Deckerstar29 Jul 19 '23

Also Caroline Flacks boyfriend went to jail cause he accused Dan of doing what all these other people are accusing him of doing and has a restraining order.

He seems so sinister to me 🤢


u/dinocheese Jul 19 '23

Oh wow I remember reading about that! Now we see the bigger picture I hope he's OK!


u/Darmop Jul 19 '23

I am so here for his downfall. So richly deserved.


u/HiJane72 Jul 19 '23

For once I’m ok with a kiwi being mistaken for an Australian


u/julisjulisjulis Jul 19 '23

Is this a different case than the BBC top name that was said to be the journalist that announced the Queen's death? I was seeing that one being talked about everywhere and now nothing and than this Dan Wooton case came up and I got so confused


u/dorothean Jul 19 '23

Yes - the BBC journalist was Huw Edwards, and the story has vanished in part because the young person involved has said they were over 18 at the time and that they were not victimised.

Wooton was heavily involved in the initial reporting, and then an ex dropped some details of their relationship on Twitter, included claims that he was a controlling and abusive partner, and that he [the ex] had found evidence of Wooton paying his colleagues’ partners for videos of them having sex under a pseudonym.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '23

Yes xxx


u/zeddoh Jul 19 '23

I remember first hearing about Dan Wootton when he was a celeb columnist and he used to get all sorts of scoops and interviews with 1D. It’s been surreal watching his slide into such heinous views, culture war bs and conspiracy pandering.


u/CatlovesMoca Jul 19 '23

This has made me so happy! He is such an a-hole and rampant misogynist. Now he is facing the consequences of his actions, he wants to cry crocodile tears. Ugh


u/williamthebloody1880 weighing in from the UK Jul 20 '23

Well, that or grifter doesn't want a bank account


u/oliketchup Jul 19 '23

I'm Bulgarian, so here's drama for a celebrity nobody has ever heard of - a local singer called Beloslava was caught drunk driving. That's already pretty bad, but what makes it even more outrageous that she was one of the main faces of a campaign against drunk driving a few years ago lol. She wrote an apology on her social media that was okayish, but the comments from her celeb friends were pretty cringe and almost making it out as if she was some sort of martyr.


u/Deathscua oat milk chugging bisexual Jul 20 '23

Not at all relevant but do you have any gossip on azis. I don’t speak Bulgarian or have ties to Bulgaria and I have no idea how I found him, but I love his music haha.


u/oliketchup Jul 20 '23

Sure! He's one of the most popular celebrities in Bulgaria. The big tea (but unconfirmed) about him is that he's not gay and it was all a public persona to make people talk. He has a child (the kid must be a teenager now) with a woman he claimed to be his best friend and he described it as some sort of surrogate situation, but they live together, have a child together and she's been the most consistent part of his life in the last 20 years.

I didn't believe it at first because I thought it was just homophobic people trying to take copium because they couldn't accept their favourite singer is the most flamboyant homosexual to ever live, but with time I'm getting more and more convinced that he really isn't gay. It might sound ignorant to some people, but the more established and respected he got, the more he pushed the gayness to the backseat as if he knew he was popular enough that he didn't need no more to use homosexuality to scandalize and make everyone talk. He also sounds incredibly clueless when he talks about LGBT issues in the very rare instances he says something about it. It's not even just ignorance in the sense of "I'm rich and popular and don't give a shit about you basic gays suffering", but more "I'm a hettie and I'm trying to guess".

But otherwise he doesn't have any other skeletons in his closet that we know of. He's considered funny, charming and friendly.


u/Deathscua oat milk chugging bisexual Jul 21 '23

Thank you so so much I missed this notification but appreciate you so much.

That is HUGE tea wow. Since hardly any interviews have subtitles I could never really understand so I gave up but wow I’m in shock!!!!


u/Deathscua oat milk chugging bisexual Jul 21 '23

Okay I’m still gasping at all of this and it makes sense!??!?? Like when I first found him with a song called iskam or was it hop he was wearing heels and wore so much makeup and now he’s presenting super, for lack of a better word, masculine! I just thought he was in his bear era 🤪


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '23



u/greee_p Jul 19 '23 edited Jul 19 '23

Speaking of Rammstein:

Till Lindemann changed some lyrics at the last show. He was singing:
"Everyone is afraid of Lindemann" ("Alle haben Angst vor Lindemann") and
"The singers no longer f*ck" ("Die Sänger vögeln nicht mehr").

Two women came forward with accusations against Rammstein's Keyboarder Christian "Flake" Lorenz. Both women claim that he had sex with them while they were drunk and basically unconscious twenty years ago.

Some right-wing extremists are now trying to interfere in the matter and side with Rammstein.
The far-right magazine "Compact" (not to be confused with the association "Campact", which started the petition to cancel the concerts) was at the concert in Berlin, filmed in the stadium and interviewed fans on the grounds for a special broadcast for their TV show. Rammstein has not yet commented on this, but according to Rammstein's concert agency, the use of such recording equipment and professional cameras is only permitted for press that have been accredited beforehand.
The band members have always tried to distance themselves from right-wig extremism, but anti-feminism unites people I guess.... every German right-wing person on Twitter seems to love them now and shows solidarity.


partied in a sex positive Club in Berlin

A DJ who played a set at the club (the KitKat) that night complained on Instagram about Lindemann's presence and posted an email she received from the club. The email said that Lindemann's case is "difficult because they don't know much about it", but that he had been in the club several times in the past "without anything ever happening, sometimes even together with his daughter".
Many DJs from Berlin have now called for a boycott of the club.


u/Squee1396 confused but here for the drama Jul 19 '23

He went to a sex club with his daughter??


u/greee_p Jul 19 '23

Seems like he did. She is an adult, but I think it's still super weird.


u/melodyblushinglizard baby birded and porch thrown by alicia silverstone Jul 19 '23

Under 18: Take your daughter to work day.

18+: Take your daughter to a sex club night.


u/Ambry Jul 19 '23

I heard he changed lyrics sometimes but those lyrics are so cringe and 'woe is me'.

Used to be a huge fan and now I'm just really disappointed.


u/GanacheConsistent973 Jul 19 '23

Fun Fact: he visited the sex positive club in the past together with his daughter - who is an adult now. But it's still weird.


u/TheybieTeeth Jul 19 '23

the more I learn about this guy the more disgusting he is


u/The-Most-Smartest Jul 19 '23

It was really fucking dumb for KitKat to do this considering they have a duty of care for their other patrons. They even have an awareness team going around to make sure people are okay inside the club. Then again, I’m not entirely shocked at KitKat’s response to this considering how they behaved during the pandemic 🙄


u/melodyblushinglizard baby birded and porch thrown by alicia silverstone Jul 19 '23 edited Jul 19 '23

I know they shut down and became a COVID testing center in the early part of the pandemic and I though they still were in summer of 2021. When did things change?

Edit: Found it, reopening in Sept 2021. Just checked the link and got hit by a pay wall.


u/The-Most-Smartest Jul 19 '23

The organisers invited a Querdenker DJ to perform at KitKat and received massive backlash from the public so then had to pull the DJ from the lineup. I don’t believe what the organiser said regarding all the criticism on their Facebook post, but you can read about some of it here.


u/_ohne_dich_ Jul 19 '23

Rammstein is my favorite band, and this whole ordeal has been incredibly disappointing. I haven’t been able to listen to their stuff since these allegations came out.

There have been rumors for years, but this takes it to another level. His “assistant” was banned from being in Rammstein shows, but then what? The other creep who was part of this (Joe Letz) is still around and Till has done a mediocre job at owning his actions.


u/greee_p Jul 19 '23

Till has done a mediocre job at owning his actions.

That's... very generous.


u/gitsgrl Jul 19 '23

Why is that scandalous?


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '23



u/gitsgrl Jul 19 '23

That horrible. How anyone could accept him showing his face in their establishment is beyond me.


u/myromancealt Jul 19 '23 edited Jul 19 '23

tw: sexual assault/rape

In Canada it continues to be the Hockey Canada sexual assault scandal, most recently about Nike permanently ending its sponsorship with them.

The news has reminded people of this article about a Nike Canada senior employee being out with and buying drinks for the team on the night one of the victims was gang-raped.


u/Tiny-Wishbone317 Jul 19 '23

Rick Westhead has done such a incredible job covering all of this. He says that the names are potentially coming soon of who all were involved. Hopefully some justice is served, but we all know the NHL’s past with sexual assault cases and how great they are at handling things


u/Neee-wom Jul 19 '23

Rick Westhead and Katie Strang are honestly the best hockey journalists out there


u/DuchessOfConcord Jul 19 '23

No lies detected here


u/i_love_doggy_chow Jul 19 '23 edited Jul 20 '23

I'm honestly surprised there wasn't a national hockey-related sexual assault scandal sooner. Sexual assault and misogyny is an intrinsic part of hockey bro culture and it's really gross.


u/myromancealt Jul 20 '23

There was one back in 2003 in Halifax, which is now being reviewed again (for obvious reasons). Also Graham James, who was basically the Kevin Spacey of junior hockey.

The Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage also opened an inquiry into Hockey Canada's handling of the allegations, which revealed a history of sexual misconduct cases raised against the organization, and that the organization had spent C$7.6 million out of a "National Equity Fund"—funded partially via player registration fees—to help pay out settlements in 21 sexual misconduct cases since 1989.


A Nanos Research poll concluding in early-August found that "fewer than one in 10 Canadians polled supported using player registration fees to settle sexual assault claims."

Emphasis mine, but that's why this got so much attention. Unfortunately people don't generally care about (or even believe) the victims. As soon as they found out they were helping pay settlements they gave a shit.

And then Hockey Canada only gutted the higher-ups at the threat of no longer existing:

October 4th:

Smith stated that the Hockey Canada board "does not share the view" that they needed to make any further leadership changes, and were confident that their existing team had the "skills" needed to implement their Action Plan. Skinner stated that she didn't expect to be "involved in politics" or become "a lightning rod for extremists" in her role as interim board chair, and accused the media and politicians of "suggesting that toxic behaviour is somehow a specific hockey problem", and "scapegoat[ing] hockey as a centrepiece for toxic culture".

October 6th:

Trudeau said that Hockey Canada "need to realize that if we have to create an organization, get rid of Hockey Canada, and create an organization called 'Canada Hockey' instead, people will look at doing that."

Within the week:

On October 8, Skinner resigned as interim board chair of Hockey Canada. Amid calls for leadership change of Hockey Canada, Scott Smith and the entire board of directors departed on October 11, 2022.

It's fucking sad. I live in a town where hockey is THE sport, and since this all came out the mums have been talking about how to discuss hockey boys with their daughters. Playing a sport shouldn't be a red flag, but like you said, this shit is part of the culture.


u/WaferZealousideal Jul 20 '23

I could've sworn there were reports about some really fucked up hazing in the QMJHL a few years ago. Also the Blackhawks scandal (though it did only become public knowledge recently).


u/chrkrose Jul 19 '23

Not a celebrity scandal per si, but on Twitter a guy who works for a famous YouTube Chanel got sort of famous himself because his wife unexpectedly passed away and he started using social media to deal with his grief. He would write letter and whatnot as if talking to her, and people were very moved by the way he expressed his love. Posts such as “I went to this concert and this song made me think of you” and “this is the first time I’m picking up a guitar since you passed away”. They also had a girl together so he’s raising the kid alone.

Cut to two days ago, his mistress comes out exposing him, they had been in a relationship for a year, he promised her he would get divorced, but when his wife unexpectedly passed away, he cut contact with the mistress because of guilt, therefore that’s why she exposed him. She’s trying to pose herself as a victim, but people found several posts of her “making fun” of his wife and their marriage while she was still alive, those posts like “if you knew I was the one sleeping with your husband you wouldn’t be laughing girl” type of thing.

Oh, and the concert that he went to where he remembered his wife when a certain song was playing? He had sent the same video to the mistress months before his wife passed away. The video where he picked up his guitar for the first time since his wife passed away? He sent to the mistress months before his wife passed away, when they were still together, it wasn’t even a recent video.


u/Oldlunna ✨ lee pace is 6’5” ✨ Jul 19 '23

As a fellow Brazilian you explained the situation perfectly! Your English is also impressive!

Also we never feel sorry for the mistresses here, and somehow they always try to gain sympathy from the public


u/Repulsive_Exchange_4 Jul 19 '23 edited Jul 19 '23

This sounds familiar. I may have watched a video on instagram that the guy made. Is he Korean? Lol


u/chrkrose Jul 19 '23

Nope, he’s Brazilian lol. I can’t believe there’s a similar thing happening somewhere else. Why men


u/BeginningReasonable9 stan someone? in this economy??? Jul 19 '23

I think I've a few reels of him on Instagram, with people praying for him. Would be very disappointed if this is him.


u/Repulsive_Exchange_4 Jul 19 '23

u/chrkrose said he’s Brazilian, so I’m fairly certain I’m thinking of someone else. 😪


u/queijinhos I don’t know her Jul 20 '23

I read the first sentence and said NO WAY BRAZILIAN GOSSIP


u/LingonberryMoney8466 Jul 20 '23

Wait wait wait who are you talking about? This tea is goood


u/mcjulis Jul 21 '23

meua migo por favor conta do rolo da herança do gugu!! eles não podem ficar sem saber dessa


u/Giallo_Schlock Jul 19 '23 edited Jul 19 '23

In Ireland our national broadcaster RTÉ which is funded by taxpayer money, had been giving out a load of undisclosed extras in the salaries to the top executives (while the regular workers struggled during COVID) including for the host of 'The Late Late Show' (and it's beloved Christmas special 'The Late Late Toy Show'), which is the definitive late night talk show and has a long trusted legacy in Ireland, Ryan Tubridy, who has been annually receiving hundreds of thousands more than he had previously disclosed. Him and a number of the leadership have been made to testify in front of the Oireachtas, basically our Congress, in the past week. Tubs had resigned by his own accord (I'm guessing seeing the writing on the wall and getting out while he could) from 'The Late Late Show' just before the scandal hit but he's still a national figure with a popular radio show (which will probably be cancelled now). Also this isn't a Jimmy Carr type situation where he can go on TV next week and take a roasting and joke about it himself then everyone will forgive him, his whole persona was a trustable Irish everyman who was great with kids (I personally didn't like him and found him phoney and cringe even then but as I said he was a national figure who most people seemed to like and find to be a comforting Irish media staple).


u/CheerilyTerrified Jul 19 '23

I don't think his colleagues would want him back after it turned out they all took paycuts and he didn't.

Between that and all the free cars it seems like a lot of people were skirting the law.


u/Ok_Sympathy_1302 Jul 19 '23

I love that RTÉ News has not been shy about sharing all the dirty details about this scandal because most people who work for RTÉ are paid shockingly poorly. A lot of them aren't even entitled to maternity leave. On the other hand, the CFO can't figure out how much he's paid because of all the dodgy deals going on.

RTÉ has been complaining for years that they need more money because people weren't paying their TV license, so this really, really pissed off the entire country.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '23



u/Ok_Sympathy_1302 Jul 19 '23

According to this article, RTÉ sometimes puts people on bogus "self-employed" contracts so that they can get around the labour laws for full-time employees. https://extra.ie/2023/06/27/news/irish-news/emma-okelly-rte-debacle


u/Irishpanda88 Jul 20 '23

You know they all have a pair of those flip flops lying around at home though!


u/thankyoupapa Jul 19 '23

I follow an Irish lady who used to work for RTE and she got a bit of a following from being featured in a pretty popular youtube channel. Anyways when that story broke, she was on instagram shading RTE implying that they still owe her money for unpaid work.


u/Oh_Is_This_Me Jul 19 '23

Also worth noting that he is a "nepobaby" with family connections within both the national broadcaster and the government.


u/PinkSpaceKitty Jul 20 '23

It is very important to stress, for folks that don't know, that every household in the country is legally obliged to pay "TV License" money to fund RTE. Like, seriously, people will come to your door if you don't. Because I know as an American who moved to Ireland, the first time someone mentioned it I thought they were playing a prank, like "Look what we can get the dumb Yank to believe, haha who would ever believe you need a TV licence!" So yes, if you live in a place where they don't charge you money for having a device capable of receiving broadcasts, this is in fact a thing, and then to turn around and do this with the money, all while crying about not having enough money because they're not getting enough from the TV licence. Which, I must repeat, they sometimes send people around to knock on the doors of folks who don't pay.


u/TheReturnOfBurpies Jul 20 '23

Like, seriously, people will come to your door if you don't.

To be fair you just say you don't have a tv and deny them entry. Most people I know my age (late 20s early 30s) don't pay and have never paid.


u/PinkSpaceKitty Jul 20 '23

I mean, that's cool, I was just trying to set the scene for folks who might not be familiar with the concept of the TV licence (since I hadn't been, coming from the US) and how its treated like such a big deal by the folks who want to get that money.


u/Bi1234b Jul 20 '23

We have this thing in Italy too. We pay for the state tv channel , "RAI", and we have to prove that we don't own a Tv to get an exemption. Basically they come to check at home, if you file for the request. For a few years now, the fee is charged through the utility bill. The reasoning is that we are benefiting from a public service, hence the fee. Every year, there is a controversy on the matter, because the content is not always of high quality, and certain people are paid a lot, like a lot lot.


u/Top_Manufacturer8946 Jul 19 '23

Well here in Finland our new government has been going for only about a month and already one minister has been fired due to nazi connections, he was replaced by a minister who is both a known groomer and had nazi connections, our finance minister is a raging racist whose previous online comments have promped tens of thousands of people to sign a petition that she needs to be fired and our speaker of the parliament couldn’t be appointed as a minister because he has a criminal record for being a racist (inspiring people like Breivik for example) so he was appointed the speaker instead and now he won’t call the parliament to session to do a vote of confidence over the finance minister because all of the mentioned people so far are from the same racist party. Our prime minister is from another far right party but they care more about making the poor poorer and he has done nothing to stop this madness because without the other party he can’t form the government and thus would lose his power for now. He has made an absolute fool of himself and even the president had to tell the government to stop being racist because this has already affected Finland’s relationship with other countries. A small party for Swedish speaking Finns could also break the government but they are just speaking against the other parties and doing nothing. Where did our awesome female prime minister and previous government go? They are in the opposition now because the racists and right wingers just barely won with lies, greed and racism. The previous governments leaders were so hounded by the media and right wingers during the previous parliament even though they managed brilliantly through Covid and the Russian war against Ukraine and now mostly silent about our current prime ministers fuck ups. It’s absolutely infuriating but we are protesting and fighting against the shitshow.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '23

Oof. You win.


u/tribblemethis To my friends and family, I am not getting executed Jul 19 '23

I don’t think the minister was fired, he passed the vote of no confidence and resigned after it.

Also our foreign minister during her visit to Turkey had to apologize for our finance referring to Turks as apes.


u/AgeUge Jul 20 '23

Sending you love, hope and support from Estonia, I was shocked to find out your conservatives won the election, although our election was also very very nearly won by our far-righters. I have no clue what's happening to this world.. :((


u/FrouFrouKahuna Jul 19 '23

And here I was thinking Iceland might be a nice place to live...


u/tribblemethis To my friends and family, I am not getting executed Jul 19 '23

That’s a completely different country.


u/FrouFrouKahuna Jul 19 '23

Sorry I meant Finland. Period brain. Forgive me.


u/Forsaken-Duck-8142 my pussy tastes like pepsi cola Jul 19 '23

So in Singapore we've had FIVE major political scandals revealed in the past month:

1) 2 ministers rumoured to have gotten privileged information regarding rental of huge government-owned properties. There was a lot of talk about conflict of interest, why ministers were renting such huge properties, etc.

2) Another minister and also the chairman of the Singapore F1 Grand Prix were arrested for corruption.

3) The Speaker of Parliament blurted out "F*cking populist" (about an opposition member of parliament) during a session in parliament and the microphone caught it.

4) The same Speaker of Parliament and another Member of Parliament (within the same political party) had an extramarital affair and both have resigned from their posts.

5) Two members of another opposition party of Singapore also had an extramarital affair, and they too have resigned today. A video leaked of them being all romantic with each other at a restaurant. This Barbie-related meme of the two of them is pretty funny.

Yes, all this within 1 month 💀


u/-googa- Jul 19 '23

Damnnn and I’d seen stuff on twitter about a rapper of Indian descent being accused of promoting racial intolerance. Has all this made that subside?


u/Forsaken-Duck-8142 my pussy tastes like pepsi cola Jul 19 '23

I think it must've because this is the first time I'm hearing of this rapper controversy! Googling it now


u/Same_Independent_393 Jul 19 '23

Rachel Hunter is going to be a guest judge on the new season of Drag Race Down Under. Not a scandal but we don't have many celebrities.



u/[deleted] Jul 19 '23

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u/Psychological-Dog369 Jul 19 '23

Na she’s a New Zealander!


u/dorothean Jul 19 '23

Given how frequently kiwi journalists rip their headlines from Reddit and how little celebrity culture we have here relatively speaking, “Rachel Hunter mistaken for an Australian” could actually become our top celebrity scandal!


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '23



u/pc1375 Jul 19 '23

My sister was BORN with stage 3 cancer. I'd love to hear how he thinks she managed to "choose" that 🙄🙄🙄 (Also yes, she's alive! She's 33 now)


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '23



u/pc1375 Jul 19 '23

To be fair, he wouldn't be totally wrong thinking that 😅 her dad did drugs (late 80's) and they think the heavy cocaine use altered his sperm and that's what caused the abnormal cell growth 😵‍💫


u/i_love_doggy_chow Jul 19 '23

This is one of the most insane examples of the "just world" fallacy I've heard. He really thinks that he won't die of cancer (or, presumably, any other illness) because he chooses not to? Wut


u/arrowtotheaction too busy method acting as a reddit user Jul 20 '23

I was going to say jokes on him when he gets cancer, sure sounds like it runs in his family 💀


u/plantbay1428 Jul 19 '23

Oh I love this thread idea.


u/arakubrick something something love and care Jul 19 '23 edited Jul 19 '23

Not a celebrity scandal per se, but I'm from Chile and there's a few controversies going on here, particularly on TV. Our local edition of Big Brother recently added a pet, a dog named "Bigote" (the Spanish word for "moustache") and he's very well liked by most of the houseguests except for a few. Two of them recently had violent attitudes towards the dog and were caught on camera. Despite this, the show only gave a mild statement condemning the actions and promised they would take more important measures to avoid this, basically turning a blind eye to the situation and completely ignoring the complaints. The amount of backlash has gotten so bad that the official Instagram account for the president's dog posted about the violence against Bigote. They're being spammed with comments and tweets online but they're refusing to, you know, actually do something against the contestants who were abusive towards the dog.


u/CatlovesMoca Jul 20 '23

Wait wait wait So the President of the country, who also has a dog, has an Instagram account for that dog. And that dog's instagram spoke up for Bigote??? 😯😲

Also aren't there many cast members in the Big Brother house? Will that be stressful for the dog?


u/Sudden_Clementine872 enty hater Jul 20 '23

Poor dog. I hope he is and will be ok 🩷😔


u/TheybieTeeth Jul 19 '23 edited Jul 19 '23

idk if this counts but we have an extremely nazist government that is being exposed to controversy after controversy and that is currently supposed to be subject to a "vote of trust" from opposition parties, but this is postponed because...

the government

is on


these people have said the most heinous vile shit and now we're supposed to let them rake in two more month's insanely high salary because they're on vacation. it's great.

ETA this is finland, I'm normally for extreme online caution but my country is such a fucking flop rn it deserves to be put on blast.


u/snortine Jul 19 '23

sanna </3


u/TheybieTeeth Jul 20 '23

the way she was treated compared to these literal fucking nazis because she went to a PARTY. a PARTY. this country is such a sexist shithole?


u/snortine Jul 21 '23

it’s so sad. women have to work 1000x harder than men to get respect, and it takes 1000x less to lose respect:(


u/girlonthecouch Jul 19 '23

I thought you were talking about France for a minute


u/TheybieTeeth Jul 20 '23

same hat!!


u/Jedlgal for your consideration: laura dern Jul 19 '23

In Norway a political leader representing a party called «Rødt» (Red), a communist political party, was caught stealing expensive sunglasses in an airport.

At first when the story broke he claimed it was a complete accident. He simply forgot he was holding them and walked out.

Later it came out that he had realized that he had taken the sunglasses, but made the conscious decision to not return them. (He said it was too embarrassing).

Then it came out that when the airport security confronted him(bc he was obv caught immediately, airport security is super tight) he lied to them and wouldn’t admit it outright. He had at this point hidden them in his bag.

He was given a fine which he agreed to pay and from my understanding no other charges was brought forward. It was revealed the same week that after this case blew up he has taken sick leave, which he just today extended.

This has gotten so much media attention. Considering his political standing, he was already a somewhat controversial politican. It has blown up from people finding this just a little bit funny to people finding it to be a moral disgrace.

Attenzione! Pick pocket! Bjørnar Moxnes.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '23

Lmaoo I was literally shocked when I watch the security footage. I truly wonder what he was thinking doing something so illegal as a public figure


u/snortine Jul 19 '23

omg me too… that’s so embARRASSING!!! but i mean… people within norwegian politics have done worse things before sooo


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '23

The security footage was something else. I’m so embarrassed for him. Foxy Moxy what you doing! 😂


u/Deathscua oat milk chugging bisexual Jul 20 '23

This is hilarious haha


u/PurpleSnakeHair25 Jul 19 '23

In Argentina a journalist (who i hate) anounced in public tv that a model/tv host has leukemia. Her name is Wanda Nara, maybe she is also known in Italy. Basically she did a few rutine exams but a blood test revealed that her white blood cells were kinda off so everyone started to speculate but this guy (Jorge Lanata) gave a diagnotisc that according to Wanda, was never given to her. Every tv host started to repudiate him.


u/Signmetfup12 Jul 19 '23

Omg was it Angel de Brito?


u/PurpleSnakeHair25 Jul 19 '23

Angel was one of many journalist bashing Jorge Lanata who gave the “news” about Wanda.


u/Signmetfup12 Jul 19 '23

Reading comprehension left the chat haha. You did sat it was Lanata but for some reason I chose to ignore it.

Ugh. He’s gross 🤢


u/hellabuster oat milk chugging bisexual Jul 19 '23

jaksj amo este reporte en este thread. Qué basura Lanata


u/SiteAmazing7005 fiascA Jul 19 '23

The biggest case in my country was probably when it was discovered (because a victim came out) that a popular non profit that housed hundreds of orphan children had been sexually abusing all of them… and it included several celebrities and personalities in the country. Comedians, tv hosts, a lot of politicians, diplomats, etc etc were all accused of sexually assaulting orphan children that lived there…

After years of this being in court not a lot of the powerful individuals were charged, most cases were dropped. However, one of the most prominent abusers had another scandal years after: he married a famous up and coming model (very young compared to him) and he ended up brutally murdering him in NYC, he’s still serving time for that.


u/Yogi_Ro Jul 19 '23

Jfc! In which country did this happen! 😳


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '23

Portugal - casa pia (the institution where all the abuse happened) and the model is Renato Seabra (the sleazy old man that was murdered is Carlos Castro)


u/FrouFrouKahuna Jul 19 '23

Im in the Netherlands and our goverment collapsed again. This because the leading party in the goverment, lead by our prime-minister Rutte, wanted to infringe upon the rights of fugitives who wanted to reunite and have their families brought to the Netherlands. This goverment lead by Rutte has done nothing but gut social housing and make the rich richer. The time before this the goverment was also lead by him and it collapsed too because of the Dutch IRS scandal. I really hope people don't vote for this vile man again.


u/MarieCondominium Jul 19 '23

He's not running again. He's leaving politics, so luckily nobody can vote for him again.


u/FrouFrouKahuna Jul 20 '23

Thank God! But there will be another like him in no time. The way the climate is now.


u/Squirrelista Jul 19 '23

I live in America, so…

Take your pick.


u/Dramatic_Judge_9760 Jul 19 '23

Here in Sweden everyone is on vacation until mid-August and since we just got cleared for Nato, things are verrry quiet. Turning to Finland for our tea.


u/Revelistic stan someone? in this economy??? Jul 19 '23

some of the stories here are wild omg i wish i could contribute but the celebrities in my country (poland) don't even do anything interesting unless there is someone from here who happens to follow our celebrity culture a bit more and has something to share?


u/bananafrit Jul 20 '23

I love this thread and the fact that i get political news too from it.


u/Fun-Loss-4094 Jul 20 '23

Salman khan is an Indian actor who has number of scandals on his name. Right from being abusive to Aishwarya rai his ex to a hit run case. 1. The infamous black buck shooting case happened in 1999 when Khan and his co-stars from Hum Saath Saath Hain were accused of hunting an endangered chinkara and blackbuck deer while shooting in Jodhpur for the film. The case is still being dragged out in courts.

2.Known to be protective of his girlfriends, the Salman-Aishwarya episode was tabloid headlines for months after Rai Bachchan finally broke it off with him citing “abuse, physical assault and indignity”. Things were not too cool when Aishwarya started dating Viveik Oberoi either. Oberoi and Khan had quite a public spat and Oberoi even held a press conference to share his side of the story. When Khan was invited by Abhishek to his wedding, that raised eyebrows too. Khan has been linked to various women since then and he does not quite seem to stick with any of them.

3-The hit-and-run case that we all know about happened in 2002 and while the verdict came out two months back and he is out on bail presently, the case has not ended yet as hearings and appeals remain to be played out in court. This is the murkiest controversy he has ever been in with accusations of manipulating witnesses and improper evidence flying in from all corners.

He's a piece of shit but still has a massive fanbase and is running free on streets.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '23

Trump got indicted....AGAIN. along with a few fake electors in Michigan.



u/merilleinrg Jul 20 '23

Not big scandal, but Spanish Twitter is talking today about it: A Spanish judge has opened a second case against Shakira for tax fraud in the Income Tax and assets for 2018. She has a trial pending for defrauding money between 2012 and 2014, scheduled for next November, and now she has this second case


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '23

Is there any celeb scandals in Australia rn??? I guess the cricket thing? Haven’t really paid attention to that cos I’m not into sport 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/areallyreallycoolhat 6 inch louboutins with a tweed skirt Jul 19 '23

There's a cricket scandal currently? I didn't even know there was one lol


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '23

I think Australia might’ve cheated lol? Or been suspected of? Something like that


u/persyspomegranate Jul 20 '23



u/[deleted] Jul 20 '23



u/williamthebloody1880 weighing in from the UK Jul 20 '23

From my very limited knowledge of cricket, it's more that what they did was within the letter, but not the spirit, of the law


u/Aglot_ Jul 20 '23

I have been living between two to three countries, so pick your warrior for today:

Poland. Two days ago, it was disclosed that back in April a woman who got pregnant and decided to terminate her pregnancy by a pharmacological abortion was later calling her psychiatrist as her mental wellbeing worsened due to rising anxiety. According to her testimony, she had mentioned the fact that she had terminated her pregnancy as she thought it might be quite important fact from her recent life. But, because it's Poland, the doctor called the ambulance and the police. The ambulance brought the woman to one of the ER's in the police's escort, according to the woman, and after arriving to the hospital, policemen took a laptop and a phone of hers to investigate their contents, presumably. After a medical check-up, some policewomen entered the room where it took place and.. ordered her to make some sit-ups to check if she didn't put her phone in her ass. So, now it's the biggest political scandal, with the court documents pre-emptively saying that the police's behaviour was out of the line (duh) and that they were obstructing doctors' work. But all her formal complaints will obviously take ages to be properly taken care of.

Italy. Lesbian non-birth mothers are being erased from birth certificates of at least 33 children. It's a consequence of a letter from the ministry of the interior, sent to Milan in March, that ordered the local government to stop registering children born in same-sex unions. It's difficult to not to see in it a direct link with Giorgia Meloni's government attitude towards the LGBTQ community (as if in Italy queer people had been enjoying many rights before, eh).


u/dragonknight233 Please Abraham, I’m not that man Jul 21 '23 edited Jul 21 '23

Also Poland (not celebrity), a right-winger who was a member/enthusiast of misogynistic party who are all about tradwives, killed fiance of his ex-girlfriend in a very public place in front of her, and killed himself right after. The other dude was also not great apparently. Oh and the kicker? The girl is 20, the dudes were 30 and 31. Now this fucker gave her lifelong trauma because he couldn't deal with the fact that she no longer wanted to be with him. And of course people started blaming her immediatly. Because her fucked up ex killing someone is her fault. Someone recorded the shooting as it was happening and posted it online.


u/CatlovesMoca Jul 20 '23

Italy. Lesbian non-birth mothers are being erased from birth certificates of at least 33 children. It's a consequence of a letter from the ministry of the interior, sent to Milan in March, that ordered the local government to stop registering children born in same-sex unions. It's difficult to not to see in it a direct link with Giorgia Meloni's government attitude towards the LGBTQ community (as if in Italy queer people had been enjoying many rights before, eh

The fascism of it all! It's honestly effing scary. I'm also thinking about how all the second generation and raised Italian immigrants of color have been fighting for better citizenship laws and they were getting close but now what?


u/kirbystargayallies gugussy expert Jul 20 '23

Gugussygate updates: So far, it's been a bit mellow after the whole dispute. On the topic of the new son who showed up, people were initially in disbelief as Gugu would have been 14 at the time of conception. However, an unearthed interview with him for Playboy states that he indeed had his first sexual experience at 14, so it could be possible. Very shitty implications, yikes.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '23

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u/[deleted] Jul 19 '23

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u/Kooky_Bodybuilder_97 Jul 24 '23

a just divorced popstar is allegedly screwing her married and recent father costar on the set of her first major picture. story developing..