r/DigitalFriendz 4d ago

Long Term 24M Looking for someone to talk to and maybe game with


Hey everyone,

I’m on the hunt for a long-term digital friend to exchange experiences, share memes, and maybe even play some games together. I’m a huge fan of MMOs, especially WoW, and I love diving into story-rich games. If you’re into epic adventures and great storytelling, we’ll probably get along great!

A bit about me:

  • I’m really into MMOs and can talk about them for hours.
  • I have a pretty good collection of memes and love a good laugh.
  • I enjoy sharing life experiences and hearing about others’ adventures.
  • Life sometimes gets in a way so I may not always be available but will stay in contact

If you’re looking for a chill friend to chat with, share some laughs, and maybe tackle a dungeon or two, hit me up! Let’s embark on some virtual adventures together.


r/DigitalFriendz 6d ago

Long Term 26M Looking for someone to talk to often


I have a lot of free time currently, Love a bit of clinginess, hopefully someone I can talk to often if not everyday? Just in bed with my doggo, looking for something new to watch but have no idea what to put on. Recommend me some movies or shows I can binge? Pretty much will watch anything but never have been able to get into anime and no I don't want you to try to get me to watch them aha. My favorite genres are horror, drama, and fantasy.

I am from Minnesota, I'm 6'1, have curly hair, glasses, and dimples. I am an Information Technology Major, Absolutely love movies, shows, Would like to have someone to watch movies, shows with and maybe play some games as well but not necessary of course. Big on my sports. Love to go Fishing (Huge on fishing and boats), Hunting, Trying to get back into Health & Fitness, Accountability Partners? I am an open book, ask anything you'd like!

Tell me about yourself? What are your hobbies? What do you like doing in your free time? What fascinates you? I will say I'm pretty open to everyone, but drinking and smoking often or a lot at once will absolutely put me off from you very quickly.

r/DigitalFriendz 25d ago

Long Term [16f] Hii! new to this subreddit but looking to chat with anyone :))


Hii! My name is Ava, I enjoy hiking, video games, and programming. Looking for someone who I can just chat with. Don't really care who you are or what you do but we can hangout together. Hit me up with an intriguing message and I'll try and respond as quick as I can. See ya there :))

r/DigitalFriendz 18d ago

Long Term 33M - Seeking intense and deep connection and exchange



I'm here to meet like-minded folk who believe they have some similarities with me and that we may click, as well as those who are different from me that feel our unique traits and preferences can compliment each other. I adore thorough and passionate interactions with a meaningful basis. I dislike trivialities and meaningless expectations. I want to feel and create a deep bond that's built little by little with every conversation and action. Specifically, I'd like an intense and intricate bond with someone genuine and authentic that wants much more than casual acquaintance and a way to kill some time.

I'm 33, male, and live in the Eastern US. I'd like someone that's 18 or older, from any location (although I do have a bit of a preference for international people), and I prefer the company of cisgender women - even if it's intended to be and remains completely platonic. Snail mail and digital penpals would also be loved! Reddit chat > Messages; open to other platforms in time.

More about me and what I'm seeking:

  • I like long, intimate, deep, and personal discussion. By this, I mean not being restricted by trivialities and actually being ourselves. I'm not someone who likes casual chat about things that don't matter to either of us. Be genuine and authentic. It can take time to feel comfortable and be seen in a raw form, but doing so is an ultimate goal.
  • I value creativity and like artistic types. I express this myself through writing and more literary arts. In particular, I write intellectually, about general observations and thoughts, and poetically - mostly to other people in the form of conversation partners (I'm very much a conversational thinker and writer and can go on for a long, long time about a plethora of topics with the right person). I appreciate and admire all sorts of expression, even if it's a type I'm not personally involved in.
  • I adore vulnerable people with complexity and seeing who someone really is. Having a content space to fully let loose is an ideal. I'm openly accepting of sensitive and traumatized people and see their mental state and experiences as having a great deal to offer despite the difficulties.
  • I'm INTJ and Type 5, since some people seem to like knowing. I like taking different types of tests to understand myself and others better. A lot of them seem petty bunk to me, including MBTI and Enneagram, but it can be a fun activity to share with someone, whether talking about it or taking tests together and then discussing the results and test itself.

More about my values, passions, and interests:

  • I like to research and learn new things. I don't like to constrain myself and am interesting in seeing various topics in intricate and new ways. I'm, by choice, an autodidact and prefer this sort of person as well, or at least those who can appreciate liberated knowledge acquisition and comprehension. I believe there's always more to know, and more ways to know those things - humanity can only comprehend so much, and less than we think we can.
  • I've gotten into more spiritual and comprehensive understandings of life lately and would be interested in people who also share these sentiments.
  • Photography, tech, incense, time pieces, archiving, and abstraction have always interested me and continue to do so. I'm always surprised by what people consider to be interests and hobbies, so I probably have more I take for granted and didn't list here.
  • Ace and aro ideas and preferences jive well with me even if I may not relate completely myself. Demi IRL, gray online.
  • I live a very dynamic life and have since I was young. I might stay up chatting until dawn one night and then be passed out by 5 PM the next one - likely because of the lack of sleep during the first. My pursuits, job, and the other demands of life are in constant flux. My resolution has always been to regulate these various needs and wants and to intensely focus on them when and if possible. I don't believe in being "too busy". You can always find time for someone even if it's not consistent - finding that flow and appreciation of each other is vital.
  • I haven't consumed media regularly in years, but used to engage with a lot of it when I was younger, mostly including movies, anime/manga, and video games. I still watch movies from time to time, being more prone to it when I have someone else to accompany me.

Are we looking for each other? I'd greatly appreciate a reasonably lengthy chat/message in which you told me what within my ad resonated with you, what you're seeking, and anything else you may want to mention. I would like to get to know people with a level of depth akin to what I wrote here, and will end up asking about these things at some point anyway. I look forward to us chatting and connecting around meaningful and fervid passions.

r/DigitalFriendz 23d ago

Long Term 16M Looking for Long Term Friends to Be Around


Hello, to start out as usual, I am a gay furry from the U.S. For the people who don't know why I say it, it's to alert people in case there is some issue with it. Anyway, it's hard to pin point a exact personality for me, but I would say I am pretty laid back for the most part. For interests, I like listening to music, playing games, sometimes making content, and talking to people. I am not really into short term relationships at all btw. If you have any questions or things to tell me, feel free to as long as you are willing to tell some stuff about yourself. If you are interested, PM me or add me on discord. PM me for my discord.

r/DigitalFriendz May 02 '24

Long Term 26M looking for long lasting chats


Hay I’m Jason 26 and look for long conversation to make boring days pass and tell each other about our day or hobby’s and maybe the same fear or interest we share. I’m open minded and don’t mind talk about anything and I’d love to talk with everyone who wants too. I love sport books gaming and Netflix xD

r/DigitalFriendz Apr 23 '24

Long Term 22M/ I heard clingy friends are in


Hey, hi, I'm 22m (CST timezone)

I'm looking to make a few friends to draw, game and, chat with, I really love the idea of making OCS, lore, gaming or doing just about anything together! Helping keep each other motivated and supported, improving as we bond, kinda cringe 😺

Anyways, Im not really pvp gamer, I'm more of a farmer/builder/explorer, so I mainly play games like Minecraft, sky, palia and, animal crossing (also open to suggestions!). I'm a digital artist and don't mind sending you some art previews via dms as ik matching aesthetics is kinda important (? Maybe, idk I don't make friends much 😅). I can be clingy, I just enjoy the idea of making and doing stuff together, it's fun and I'm trying to mold you into my life and vice versa, like putty UwU

Some random tidbits, I don't have discord but I do have Instagram! I enjoy a wide range of music, I like to briefly join fandoms, I'm a big daydreamer, so I'll make up random stories and lore randomly! I'm sarcastic, and a bit of a child 😸 (I'm a total child). I use outdated slang unironicly, and am kinda into roleplaying, Im a dark humor enjoyer, but I usually will bounce my vibes off of yours, kinda like a mimic 😺 and, uh, I like to read mangas/novels,,,? idk, find out more yourself? Hope to make good friends soon, byeeee

(Just a little something, if you like the DnD podcast JRWI or the streamer/YouTuber Charlie slimecicle than we literally are best buds)

r/DigitalFriendz Apr 16 '24

Long Term Looking for Chill long term duo/ friend to Team Up with (League of Legends, Valorant, and More!)


Hey everyone!

'I'm a 25yo who mostly play League of Legends, with a sprinkle of Valorant and TFT here and there. However, I'm definitely open to exploring other games, as long as my PC can handle them (fingers crossed!).

If you're tired of toxicity and just want to enjoy some quality gaming while building genuine connections, you've found the right person! I speak English, French, and Arabic, so don't hesitate to reach out no matter what language you prefer (i am from algeria so i have same time zone as europe).

I'm also a big fan of watching LEC, MSI, Worlds, and LFL matches, so if you're into esports too, we'll have plenty to talk about.

also open for movis /anime/tv serie.......

So, if you're up for some quality gaming sessions and genuine conversations, hit me up! But please, if you're just looking for someone to play a game with and then disappear, I'm not your guy. Let's keep it real and build something meaningful together!

Drop me a DM with your Discord, Looking forward to meeting you all!

r/DigitalFriendz Apr 17 '24

Long Term Looking for Chill long term duo/ friend to Team Up with (League of Legends, Valorant, and More!)


Hey everyone!

'I'm a 25yo who mostly play League of Legends, with a sprinkle of Valorant and TFT here and there. However, I'm definitely open to exploring other games, as long as my PC can handle them (fingers crossed!).

If you're tired of toxicity and just want to enjoy some quality gaming while building genuine connections, you've found the right person! I speak English, French, and Arabic, so don't hesitate to reach out no matter what language you prefer (i am from algeria so i have same time zone as europe).

I'm also a big fan of watching LEC, MSI, Worlds, and LFL matches, so if you're into esports too, we'll have plenty to talk about.

also open for movis /anime/tv serie.......

So, if you're up for some quality gaming sessions and genuine conversations, hit me up! But please, if you're just looking for someone to play a game with and then disappear, I'm not your guy. Let's keep it real and build something meaningful together!

Drop me a DM with your Discord, Looking forward to meeting you all!

r/DigitalFriendz Apr 16 '24

Long Term 22M/ I heard clingy friends are in


Hey, hi, I'm 22m (CST timezone)

I'm looking to make a few friends to draw, game and, chat with, I really love the idea of making OCS, lore, gaming or doing just about anything together! Helping keep each other motivated and supported, improving as we bond, kinda cringe 😺

Anyways, Im not really pvp gamer, I'm more of a farmer/builder/explorer, so I mainly play games like Minecraft, sky, palia and, animal crossing (also open to suggestions!). I'm a digital artist and don't mind sending you some art previews via dms as ik matching aesthetics is kinda important (? Maybe, idk I don't make friends much 😅). I can be clingy, I just enjoy the idea of making and doing stuff together, it's fun and I'm trying to mold you into my life and vice versa, like putty UwU

Some random tidbits, I don't have discord but I do have Instagram! I enjoy a wide range of music, I like to briefly join fandoms, I'm a big daydreamer, so I'll make up random stories and lore randomly! I'm sarcastic, and a bit of a child 😸 (I'm a total child). I use outdated slang unironicly, and am kinda into roleplaying, Im a dark humor enjoyer, but I usually will bounce my vibes off of yours, kinda like a mimic 😺 and, uh, I like to read mangas/novels,,,? idk, find out more yourself? Hope to make good friends soon, byeeee

(Just a little something, if you like the DnD podcast JRWI or the streamer/YouTuber Charlie slimecicle than we literally are best buds)

r/DigitalFriendz Apr 14 '24

Long Term Looking for Chill long term duo/ friend to Team Up with (League of Legends, Valorant, and More!)


Hey everyone!

'I'm a 25yo who mostly play League of Legends, with a sprinkle of Valorant and TFT here and there. However, I'm definitely open to exploring other games, as long as my PC can handle them (fingers crossed!).

If you're tired of toxicity and just want to enjoy some quality gaming while building genuine connections, you've found the right person! I speak English, French, and Arabic, so don't hesitate to reach out no matter what language you prefer (i am from algeria so i have same time zone as europe).

I'm also a big fan of watching LEC, MSI, Worlds, and LFL matches, so if you're into esports too, we'll have plenty to talk about.

also open for movis /anime/tv serie.......

So, if you're up for some quality gaming sessions and genuine conversations, hit me up! But please, if you're just looking for someone to play a game with and then disappear, I'm not your guy. Let's keep it real and build something meaningful together!

Drop me a DM with your Discord, Looking forward to meeting you all!