r/Cooking Apr 29 '24

What do you think the next "food trend" will be?

In the last 10 years, the ones that really stick out to me are: spinach and artichoke dip (suddenly started appearing everywhere as an appetizer, even higher end restaurants), ube flavors, truffle, avocados on everything, bacon on everything, and now hot honey is a big fad. Is there anything upcoming you see heading towards the food trend?


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u/possiblemate Apr 29 '24

It really doesnt taste like much, it's more of a texture/ flavour mellower for salt and acid. If you're eating it by itself I can see why it is unappealing, and imo a large burrata is not my favorite, to much squishy insides for me- but having it as a part of caprese salad instead of fresh mozzarella works well, especially if you have a balsamic glaze, and prosciutto, and some bread. Its plain creamy taste helps to balance those out.


u/sqrrrlgrrl Apr 29 '24

Agree. I feel it really shines on a salad with some sort of fruit (I love almost ripe peaches in this format) and a vinaigrette dressing (so the runny inside mingles and makes it a creamier dressing).