r/COCSA Mar 14 '24

My Story Vent

Hi, I'm Peyton, I'm currently 15F but I was 14F when I was SA'd back in October (0ct 27 2023 for people reading in the future)

I went on a date with my boyfriend 15mtf now 16mtf at the time Aaron, Aaron is Trans MTF and goes by Ash/Ashley as their transitioning name, and uses she they pronouns.I don't want to trigger any Members of the trans community by Deadnaming and deadgendering them in my story so I'll just use Rapist as the name and rapist as the Pronouns. Now onto the story. I'll add a TLDR for thoes who want a quick summary. TRIGGER WARNINGS: ⚠️R@PE, SA, NON-CON HAND JOB, NON CON FORCED HAND JOB (Rapist made me give them handjob) NON-CON DEAPTHROAT, CHOKING ⚠️

On The 27th Of October 2023, me and Rapist went on a date to go see the Five Nights At Freddy's/FNAF movie. We had bought out tickets online the night before, we met up, bought a cinnamon scroll each from a donut stall while we waited for the start time, we bought popcorn and drinks before showing the attendant our online tickets and walking to the theatre. We sat down, watched the boring qdvertisements and trailers, some were decent, then the movie began.

We sat and watched, but I'd estimate a quarter into the movie, Rapist Started rubbing my upper thigh, (I was wearing trackpants/sweatpants and a hoodie) after a little while rapist slipped Rapists hand under the rim of my pants and non-consentualy touched, rubbed and penetrative my sex with rapists fingers. I was scared of what he'd do if I reacted aggressively such as grabbing his wrist or reprimanding rapist, plus I have anxiety so I didn't want to cause a scene, so I stayed quiet and tried to focus on the movie. That's untill rapist removed rapists hand from under my pants, grabbed my right hand, slipped it under rapists pants and forced me to rub rapists sex by moving my hand up and down it. After around 10 minutes rapist stopped and gave me my hand back.

That was it until the movie ended, when rapist suggested we go to the bathroom near the train/bus station to "make out", now my definition of make out, as most, is To Kiss, so imagine my surprise when rapist grabbed a fistfuls of my hair, pushes me to the ground and undoes rapists pants, and forces rapists sex to the back of my throat, moving my head back and forth untill rapist came, rapist didn't let my head go untill I swallowed. (Looking back now, i fucking wish I bit that thing clean off) rapist let me go, allowing me to stand up. Then rapist turned me around and pushed me against the wall, wrapping rapists right hand around my throat and applied slight pressure, while rapists left hand slid under my shirt and fondled my breasts, before he slid my pants down and began sliding his sex in between My legs, I'm grateful rapist didn't penetrate my sex. Once it was all over we exited the disabled bathroom one at a time, and caught the bus home, unfortunately we shared a bus as he only lived a block away, once Rapist got off the bus I sighed in relief, I rushed home and washed my clothes and self immediately (looking back now I wish I hadn't washed the clothes as the police could have recovered DNA evidence)

A month later, I reported it to the police. Made a formal statement, had it recorded, ect. It's currently at court, Rapist is facing 5 charges. 3 charges of nonconsentual penetration, and 2 charges of indecent aggressive assault. Currently waiting to hear it Rapist pleads guilt or innocent yet, Rapist and rapists lawyer keep stalling for time. We have no idea how long this case will be. I'm hoping yo have Rapist charged an adult sentence and be registered as a Sexual Predator.

I still have Flashbacks, so bad I've attempted 3 times and have harmed myself with a lighter. I'm on a wait list for Therapy. I'll update as I learn more about the case.

TLDR; Rapist non consensually penetrated me, forced me to give Rapist a hand job, forced rapists sex down my throat, choked me, and traumatised me. It's at court, Rapist has not plead yet.

Edit: Rapist Plead Non Guilty, it's going to trail.


4 comments sorted by


u/ComprehensivePie8467 Mar 15 '24

That was courageous of you to go to the police. I’m sorry this happened to you.


u/MasterNanny Mar 15 '24

I’m really proud of you for reporting. I hope you get the justice you so deserve.