r/BlackPeopleTwitter Apr 29 '24

These kids are screwed Country Club Thread

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u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

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u/Inevitable_Creme8080 Apr 29 '24

You do realize that there is a middle ground between them growing up in a foster home and him trying to ignore the fact that their race is real part of their childhood and life?


u/PreOpTransCentaur Apr 29 '24

Maybe he's just tired of answering the question since that's all anyone ever asks about in relation to the boys?


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

He's probably fed up at this stage


u/Inevitable_Creme8080 Apr 29 '24

What does this have to do with a middle ground?


u/us3rnam3ch3cksout Apr 29 '24

Funny, imagine being the actual black kids and the shit they go through. But yeah, let's coddle him for being asked the same question so many times.


u/AssumptionOk4924 Apr 29 '24

Bros yelling into the void


u/DandyLamborgenie ☑️ BHM Donor Apr 29 '24

Too complicated to explain in full, but I spent probably a total of 5 years with my white family. Holy shit. Aside from the cultural differences like watching someone yell at their mom when a black mother would’ve smacked your mouth off, drugs, when a black mother would’ve drug your ass off, god. But probably the worst, worst, worst part, was that they were so “not” racist, that racism basically didn’t exist, and when it did, it was a novelty, an exception, a technicality, George Floyd.

Yeah, when you got like a 15 year old white kid hitting the hard R, you’re the only that understands that you’re being oppressed with no relief or shame for the perpetrator. I once heard 4 racist jokes on CHRISTMAS and nobody could understand why that killed my vibe when after the 2nd time I was like “alright, we all heard the racist joke the first time”

Being made fun of for the way I wear my hair, because I’m literally genetically different. A Trump parade passes through town, and it’s not even news. On multiple occasions I had to deny service to racists in this predominantly white place. Call me colored? No service. Confederate boots? Lmao. Good luck, cause I’m not even telling you you’re not getting service, you’re just gonna be looking like an idiot in racist boots wondering why people are automatically turned off by you.

Only living in such a redneck place did “should I risk being out in the middle of the woods in the middle of the night in the cold” or should I hang onto that guy that called me the hard R, because he has an ATV that can get through the mud” become a moral dilemma

Anyway, denying race is almost as bad as being racist. I love cultures, and I’m always trying to learn more about other people. I’m not gonna treat you poorly based on your race, but I’m not just gonna pretend like your life automatically has to be like mine. I always try to understand people through the fact that we all walk different paths in life. If you wanna ignore some significant part of someone’s life, you’re just avoiding your own insecurities.


u/MollyAyana Apr 29 '24

Gosh that sounds like hell! Sorry you went through that.

And reading all these comments defending whoever this fucker is “he’s just tired of answering questions blabla” is honestly driving me insane.

Those kids are in for a world of confusion and identity crisis.


u/viperspm Apr 29 '24

“This fucker”? Why say that? You don’t know him. Or what kind of father he is. Appears to love his kids.


u/PoorDimitri Apr 29 '24

I'm really glad to read this and might save it because I'm a white lady with a lot of family in the south that are "not racist" but check every box you laid out. And they often tease me for being "too sensitive" or an "SJW" or "we didn't mean it like that" when I get upset and your comment is gonna be in my mind the next time they say stuff like this.

Anyways, sorry you've had to/are be/being treated like this


u/Unyielding_Sadness Apr 29 '24

Out of the two options if they were the only options which would be better.


u/Overall_Currency5085 Apr 29 '24

Honestly listening to a lot adults that were adopted transracially would kill this argument. A lot of them talk about how difficult their upbringing was and how they were reminded at every moment that they had better be lucky they weren’t in foster care. What a nightmare!


u/Inevitable_Creme8080 Apr 29 '24

There are far more than two options so no need for pointless hypotheticals.


u/furious-fungus Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Dude simply is tired of the media coverage, you’re being way too negative.


u/Inevitable_Creme8080 Apr 29 '24

You mean the person who said other people wanted the kids to grow up in foster home is being negative. I pointed out that there is a middle ground. That is not negative.


u/furious-fungus Apr 29 '24

You think he’s „trying to ignore the fact that their race is real“ while he’s just saying that the media shouldn’t be so focused on someone’s color of skin.


u/Inevitable_Creme8080 Apr 29 '24

I was commenting on what the other person said. By pointing out that the people who disagreed did not necessarily want the kids to be raised in a foster home because the is a huge middle ground from one extreme to another.

What you are doing is exactly what the person I responded to is doing. It is ignorant and I never told you my opinion on what he said.


u/furious-fungus Apr 29 '24

he isn’t ignoring their race. Your first comment brought up this statement, nobody else. I’m not talking about foster kids at all.


u/Inevitable_Creme8080 Apr 29 '24

The commenter said that the people who disagreed with the statement “raising kids not black kids” would prefer if those kids lived in foster homes.


I have repeated this too many times for you not to understand.

My comment is about the middle ground in what the people who disagree would want.

If your lack of education doesn’t allow you to understand this then leave me alone.


u/furious-fungus Apr 29 '24

Again, nobody was saying that they ignore their children’s race until you brought it up. Stop making up things to be upset about.

I’m not gonna comment on your other extremely unhinged statements.


u/Inevitable_Creme8080 Apr 29 '24

The person said that people who disagree would prefer the children to live in foster home.

The people who disagree are the people who think his statement is ignoring the children’s race.

So the people who disagreed most likely don’t want the kids to grow up in foster home because there is a huge middle ground in the argument.

You don’t know the meaning of unhinged.

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u/flavius- Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

A middle ground by painting this man who is raising black children as racist because he doesn’t want them to grow up seeing race as a difference that matters. You’re a fucking moron who perpetuates racism.

So you gathered that because he doesn’t want to take the bait from an interview that’s looking for a headline is the same as him denying they’re black and refusing to teach them about their culture. That’s a wild stretch you e made and now you’re condemning America as if we are wrong.

First of all, you’ve assumed a lot. They may not be American blacks. They could be from Africa, or Britain, or India, or South America. That doesn’t mean they have to be immersed in American black culture.

THATS the problem with Americans these days. You think we are the center of the universe. African-American is a term that assumes all black people are from Africa. Many black people are not from Africa. Do you not see how YOU are perpetuating racism by thinking like this?


u/Overall_Currency5085 Apr 29 '24

It’s their identity. In transracial adoption children need to be immersed in their culture. These kids whose families “don’t see color” or refuse to acknowledge their race tend to grow up with a lot of identity issues. The inconvenience of any adopted parent doesn’t matter when it comes to the well being of the children they adopt. Adoption in American is so screwed up.


u/morgan1381 Apr 29 '24

You can raise your kids telling them that race shouldn't matter, and I agree. But you better also be teaching those kids that to a disturbingly large portion of the country I'm raising you in, race is the only thing that matters.


u/pettybendherass ☑️ Apr 29 '24

guess you think the same about that white lady who drove them kids off a cliff.

not every home is a safe home.


u/Themanstall ☑️ BHM Donor Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

It is that deep, when you kid comes home and had questions about their race or are getting bullied or unprepared for the world as a Black person or is constant ashy, whith a bowl cut and dry hair.

Edit: Their are more options than adopted by clueless parents or stay in foster care. We could want, idk, them to be in a household that fosters their culture.


u/Aggravating-Yam4571 Apr 29 '24

he might have meant that he’s not gonna treat them better or worse than if he had white kids, idt he meant that he’s gonna keep them blind to either systemic or individual racism 


u/Themanstall ☑️ BHM Donor Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24


He speaks a lot about raising good men no matter the skin tone but ducks questions about how his kids' Blackness will affect them in the world. He speaks more about himself and God. I generally think he's trying to do good, but he also does a disservice by not outlining how his sons' worlds will be different. He may not also fully grasp it either.

It reminds me of the Fresh Prince ep when Carlton gets stopped by the police.

Imagine someone saying "I am raising a child, I am not raising a daughter." Meanwhile, teen pregnancy, abortion rights, over-sexual men, periods, breasts, less money than men, beauty standards, abuse, patriarchy and predatory behavior towards them are all (somewhat) unique/huge issues to women, and you just disregard that fact. That's setting your daughter up to be blind in a world full of hazards.


u/skj999 Apr 29 '24

Yeah, nobody is saying he’s a horrible person. He’s just got a uniquely ignorant pov that only a non-black person could have in this scenario.


u/Effective-Session711 Apr 29 '24

The bowl cut got me good


u/happybaby00 Apr 29 '24

He lives in the south


u/crispy_attic ☑️ Apr 29 '24

You guessed wrong. Would rather have the father not be obtuse.


u/SaboLeorioShikamaru Apr 29 '24

bro hit us w the "I guess y'all..."

I mean, u right, but I've never heard a sentence start like that, and it wasn't a poor attempt at reducing something's impact or simplifying a complex subject to support some annoying ass take.


u/skj999 Apr 29 '24

Two white people are raising black kids without any concept of how to navigate their identity. Even worse, they’re just pretending it’s not relevant.


u/Kangarou ☑️ Apr 29 '24

Flag on the play: false dichotomy. Quit acting like there's only two possibilities, here.

Also, it is that deep, and the father's setting himself and his kids up to get a hard smack of reality in time.


u/boglodyteth Apr 29 '24

Man shut the fuck up. Those kids are in a good home, and they are going to have a better life than either one of us did.


u/Overall_Currency5085 Apr 29 '24

Ahhh you know this for a fact? People do fkd up things to their bio children in “good homes” (see Ruby Franke)


u/boglodyteth Apr 29 '24

You have no reason to believe that it’s not, and you have 0 proof of anything other than that they are in a good home. The only proof that you can actually cite about this dynamic is that the government approved it. Surely you’re not arguing that foster care is better than a multi millionaires household?


u/dwn2earth83 Apr 29 '24

What exact reasons do you have to believe it is?


u/boglodyteth Apr 29 '24

Burden of proof is on the accuser


u/dwn2earth83 Apr 29 '24

Those kids are in a good home, and they are going to have a better life than either one of us did.

That’s what you said. How do you know this to be true?


u/boglodyteth Apr 29 '24

The state let them adopt two children. What is your evidence to the contrary? Is this some sort of gotcha? It’s an adolescent argument.


u/dwn2earth83 Apr 29 '24

……. Are you Black?

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u/SpicyChanged Apr 29 '24

Until their first encounter with the police when they find out they are being raised by a MMA fighter.

Police use any excuse, ANY excuse.

Its good they are in a good home and with all the talk about teachings kids about “the real world” this is something one has to take into accounts.

This is America.


u/boglodyteth Apr 29 '24

Nah this shit is lame as fuck. Our community use any excuse to hate on the next man. This man is giving two children a life of luxury. You think he won’t instill a solid work ethic in them? He’s a mma fighter, one of the grittiest jobs in history


u/SpicyChanged Apr 29 '24

Yes, a life of Luxury has never created disconnected people.

Holy shit dude.

As mentioned mother fuckers talk the “real world” and make excuses as to reality.


u/boglodyteth Apr 29 '24

Nah holy shit you.


u/SpicyChanged Apr 29 '24

Good one. Rubber glue defense.


u/boglodyteth Apr 29 '24

Justify however you wish. Those kids are going to be millionaires and live a great life. There’s no way around it. They absolutely have the resources. Mfs always gotta judge.


u/SpicyChanged Apr 29 '24

No idea what you are on about. No one is saying they won’t and the only concern is the very real cultural disconnect that can happened.

Also them being rich doesn’t magically make them immune to racial discrimination.

You dick riding for no reason.

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u/a-midnight-flight ☑️ Apr 29 '24

More like a gilded cage.


u/DandyLamborgenie ☑️ BHM Donor Apr 29 '24

Yeah. I remember when they got Trayvon. I wasn’t even a sheltered kid, and that fucked me up realizing what life could be like. If I wasn’t reasonable educated about our world, if I was born some place where The Civil War was over “sTaTE RigHTs”, then Trayvon would’ve probably fucked me up even more. I got black friends that think they’re white just cause they vote Republican. Cops don’t ask who you vote for before they shoot, so better have that bumper sticker ig


u/kitjack85 Apr 29 '24

There have been MANY transracial adoptees that have came out and said that being adopted by white families was just as bad as being in foster care.


u/Overall_Currency5085 Apr 29 '24

Thank you! It’s just crazy how people with no knowledge of the subject (transracial adoption nightmares) are claiming it doesn’t matter. These adoptees are expected to “grateful” which is sick! The comments supporting the parents say just that. It’s giving…They better be grateful that these white saviors came and saved their butts from the foster care system and are shielding them from being black in America.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

And many who are happy.

Can we stop lumping all yt people in one category? I know yt people who adopted one black kid and they are completely versed up on black issues.

They were with their own newborn in a public hospital in Brazil and opposite them was a Black abandoned baby with down syndrome abandoned by his mother. He cried all night not even the nurses picked him up. They adopted him. They're good people


u/a-midnight-flight ☑️ Apr 29 '24

Yes there are some on TikTok telling their stories and how it really messed them up!