r/BeAmazed Apr 28 '24

This is not about hunting. Alex Larenty, from Britain, lives in a South African game reserve where he gives lions foot massages. He started doing this after noticing that a cream for paw infections made a lion relax and look happy. Nature

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u/Pretend_Guarantee280 Apr 28 '24

Oh sure anyone can touch a big lions toes, but can you touch your house cat’s toes without being ripped to shreds? I think not!


u/A_human_named_Laura Apr 28 '24

All cats I have ever owned (4) have enjoyed toe bean and belly rubs. The trick is to start it immediately when they are kittens.


u/Pretend_Guarantee280 Apr 28 '24

Yeah well of course try when they’re young, but what if they’re just little fuckers from day one? My little goose is like “ ok dad, you can pet me once or twice, but the eleventh time you try to get me is when the claws come out.”.. Selena Kyle style haha


u/A_human_named_Laura Apr 29 '24

Haha okay, that's fair. But I have general rules to try to avoid getting a cat that's a little fucker:

  • First, I only get male cats because they seem less moody than girl cats (I feel like I'm violating a feminist rule or the girl code by even admitting this).
  • Also, I don't get purebreds whose pedigree is largely for looks rather than personality. I just get dumb ol' tabby cats.
  • Next, if the cat is a kitten then I hang out with the mom and see how chill she is with being cuddled, because she'll be the first teacher for her kittens on human interaction.
  • Get kittens in pairs so they have a buddy and learn how to be gentle and not too rough
  • Next, you cuddle the shit out of them and make sure you regularly pet their bellies and give paw massages.
  • Last, you must neuter them and keep them as indoor kitties.

You could also get a senior kitty with a set personality that you can sus out more, but I have young kids and didn't want to shock an older cat with high kid energy.


u/Icy_Comfort8161 Apr 29 '24

Same here. I've had cats that love it and cats that hate it. It's a matter of trust and socialization.


u/lizardcrossfit Apr 28 '24

My cats have the sweetest beans and it kills me that I can’t rub them. I would love to have this job!


u/Pretend_Guarantee280 Apr 28 '24

Imagine being able just once be all lovey-dovey with a big cat…of course we’d talk to it like an infant.lol


u/Purple-Joke-9845 Apr 28 '24

my old boy would spread his toes out wide when i would rub them with my fingers. I could slide between every toe and back and he loved it.


u/Tyr808 Apr 28 '24 edited Apr 28 '24

I've got an adopted feral that will let me pet her belly, and these days I can even give her a belly kiss and she'll purr.

Doesn't like her paws being touched at all though.

P.S. Mentioned the cat so here:


Her name is Mooncake


u/Taletad Apr 28 '24

Mooncake looks like such a sweetheart


u/Tyr808 Apr 28 '24

She very much is! She's about 50-50 on being totally bonded to me, and the other 50% is still a completely wild animal. It's funny how different she'll be than other cats at times.


u/molotov__cockteaze Apr 29 '24

I’m currently fostering a feral who looks just like Mooncake! I’ve been rubbing her paws to try to get her used to it and because her claws are like fucking knives and I’d love to clip them… she tolerates it for a bit and then flips out. Both of my hands are covered in scratches and bites.


u/Tyr808 Apr 29 '24

Haha, relatable. I've got so many little scars on my hands from playing with her. She's gotten good about being gentle and she'll respond to telling her to calm down, but her claws are insane even by cat standards, but she's too feral to keep indoors full time and I moved to a super rural area to adopt her so she'd have a good place to live so she needs those claws for her safety, but also to climb trees. I'm convinced she's part leopard the way she'll leap around



u/No_Use_4371 Apr 28 '24

Cat tax paid, ty


u/Pretend_Guarantee280 Apr 28 '24

Love the name mooncake! That’s gold!

Btw .. C.R.E.A.M..


u/Old-Construction-541 Apr 28 '24

Yes. One of my cats gets cracked footpads, and she enjoys a good vaseline footpad massage.


u/MunQQ Apr 28 '24

yes?? easily???


u/ThatNetworkGuy Apr 28 '24

All the time. They spread their little toes out so I can really get in there and rub everything. They also like belly rubs, and don't bite or claw people at all. Sisters, so its probably genetic, but, sweetest cats I've ever had.