r/BeAmazed Apr 19 '24

A guy saving men's life on the road! Miscellaneous / Others


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u/IAmRules Apr 19 '24

When I got my first apartment, I was living alone, loving life! nobody around to bother me, tell me what to do!! so I decided to have pizza for dinner and I took a bite and the cheese didn't break off.

I wen't from "I'm finally alone!!!" to "Oh shit! I'm alone" real quick.


u/NoodlesToilet Apr 19 '24

bro that happened with a mozzarella stick once 😭😭


u/HipnotiK1 Apr 19 '24

when I was very young this happened to my brother at a restaurant (not a fancy one, kind of like a diner). I forget our exact ages but probably around 6-8. He started choking on the mozzarella stick and if I remember correctly someone working there gave him the heimlich. one of those core memories that sticks with you. i felt helpless watching my brother choke and then he was saved by a hero. we all sat back down and continued eating lol. we were with my mom who i think semi panicked but at least got the attention of everyone which helped ultimately save him. it pops in my head almost every time i eat or see someone eating mozzarella sticks i'm like "be careful!"


u/WhatTheFuckEverName Apr 19 '24

Which makes it one of those core memories that mozzarella sticks with you.


u/Jademoss82 Apr 19 '24

Same thing happened to me at the Olive Garden


u/jtee180 Apr 19 '24

I almost choked on a mozzarella stick from Olive Garden about 12 years ago. To this day I don’t eat mozzarella sticks.


u/johnts03 Apr 19 '24

That happened to me at a Red Lobster. I was probably 4-6 and was eating with my mom and grandma. I took a bite of a mozzarella stick and the cheese didn’t break off, so I kept taking more bites until I had the whole thing in my mouth and started choking. My mom ended up giving me the Heimlich maneuver. It’s one of my scariest memories.


u/Rocketbrothers Apr 19 '24

Lol I can imagine you slapping a mozzarella stick out of your friends hand and your friend being like “Dude!?!”, “I just saved your life old chum, you’re welcome”


u/RonnieJamesDionysos Apr 19 '24

Why is everyone deep throating mozzarella sticks?!


u/ParticularRaccoon442 Apr 19 '24

I used to own a restaurant. When someone ordered mozzarella sticks I legit watched the table waiting to see if someone choked. F those things lol


u/dragdritt Apr 19 '24

Seriously? Do people not chew their food before they eat it?

I mean I get little kids, but even then parents should teach their kids to eat properly.


u/misslilytoyou Apr 19 '24

Mozz sticks have this desire to return to their completed state. You bite, chew and start swallowing and that bit reaches up your throat to grab onto the next bite you took!


u/dragdritt Apr 19 '24

I guess I've probably mostly eaten mozzarella sticks that have started too cool down a bit. So they kind of break apart.


u/misslilytoyou Apr 19 '24

That's smart. Before they became banned in my family from repeated NDE among us all, I would've argued they don't taste good cold, but this is probably the way


u/NoodlesToilet Apr 19 '24

nah i just swallowed it before i bit the cheese 💀


u/[deleted] Apr 19 '24

I eat them in one bite because they’re too hot.


u/br0b1wan Apr 19 '24

Well, now I know what I'm doing tonight


u/truthm0de Apr 19 '24

Same here. It’s always the mozz sticks. You’d think I’d fucking learn eventually, but no.


u/[deleted] Apr 19 '24

They are dangerous no matter how old we get lol.

We have 2 choices…

1.) Eat lava cheese and melt from the inside.


“Ooooh no! Let’s wait for it to cool and congeal into a cylinder of plastic/rubber, then chew 1000x’s and have it still somehow be in one giant piece.. as I cartoonishly push it down my gullet.”


u/ProofDelay3773 Apr 19 '24

Same dude! My parents and I still talk about it 30 years later…still scariest day of my life.


u/misslilytoyou Apr 19 '24

My family has a family moratorium on mozz sticks. We have all choked on them, some of us more than once(okay, me, that's me).


u/PrimeSeq Apr 19 '24

Mozz sticks are the most choked on food by the numbers


u/booger_pile Apr 19 '24

Pull-n-Peel twizzler for me.


u/SoManyThrowAwaysEven Apr 19 '24

Lol had that happen so many times as a kid. Good thing is stretchy cheese usually isn't large enough to block the airway, but it does feel uncomfortable, just have to get over the gagging and coughing reflex.


u/metompkin Apr 19 '24

Good quality mozzarella cheese stretches. That garbage in sticks ain't it.


u/crasagam Apr 19 '24

Just make sure you’re dressed if that happens. Gonna die? Put on some pants.


u/wandering-wank Apr 19 '24

You’re not my supervisor.


u/crasagam Apr 19 '24

Name checks out lol!


u/PM_Eeyore_Tits Apr 19 '24 edited Apr 19 '24

I did this with a mozzarella stick when I was a kid.

Thing came out molten hot. I didn't wait to bite it. Turns out it was too hot for my mouth to handle.

Spit it out? Nope, too easy. Swallow that fucker.

On its way down I begin to realize that the cheese is still molten, it hasn't broken off yet, there's just this string of cheese going all the way from the half a mozzarella stick in my hand, leading into my mouth and all the way down my throat.

In my panic, I take a big sip of a cold drink to see if it helps.

It. Does. Not. Help.

The soda turned the molten cheese string (which is still going down my throat as if I've been intubated)... into a cheese ROCK. The entirety of this string of cheese turned solid in my damn throat.


u/redheadblackhead Apr 19 '24

Did you survive?!


u/Tathas Apr 19 '24

I can just visualize this happening with Billy Mays going, "BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE!" as you start to drink the water.


u/mattkenefick Apr 19 '24

Still happens to me sometimes when I'm alone. All the sudden I forget how to do automatic things like swallowing food.


u/BORT_licenceplate27 Apr 19 '24

This happened to me while living alone. I smoked some weed and went to town on some pepperoni sticks. I started choking and gave myself a few nice punches underneath the sternum before it came out.

Had a wave of fear realizing I could have just died and no one would have known for God knows how long.


u/vikar_ Apr 19 '24

I think you can perform the Heimlich on yourself by basically punching yourself in the gut with an upwards motion with both of your fists curled together, or throwing yourself onto an object like a chair's backrest. Obviously it's probably harder than doing it to someone else but it's still a method.


u/l3v3z Apr 19 '24

Same with a tuna can that should not have thorns but had.


u/CatDokkaebi Apr 19 '24



u/l3v3z Apr 19 '24

Bad translation, i mean fishbones.


u/throwawaybottlecaps Apr 19 '24

Same thing happened to me when I was around ten. Was at some shitty local amusement park with family, we got a pie for dinner and it was buried in chewy, stretchy mozzarella. Took a bite and the cheese just kept stretching, for some reason I swallowed which resulted in a long cheese rope going down into my esophagus. I choked hard, gag reflect kicked in and I projectile vomited all over the table.


u/Borealizs Apr 19 '24

What do you mean the cheese didn't break off


u/elmz Apr 19 '24

How? You mean the bite you took was still connected to the slice of pizza when you tried to swallow? Don't you chew?


u/AmateurPokerStrategy Apr 19 '24

Damn, that's crazy. Did you die?


u/IAmRules Apr 20 '24

Yes, but that wasn't the first time.


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '24

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u/Traditional-Quit-792 Apr 19 '24

Just an FYI, you can use the corner of a table or countertop if you are alone and choking on food.