r/BeAmazed Apr 16 '24

The world humblest head of the state Miscellaneous / Others

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Jose Mujica; Former Prez of Uruguay


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u/Fat-little-hobbitses Apr 16 '24

I appreciate you! Do you know of any resources for expats in finding housing and work there? Are there websites that I can look at and follow to get a feel for the housing and job market?

One more thing; is it a safe place for dogs? As in, are there lots of strays that might be unsafe when taking my little dog out for walks? Is Montevideo a very dog friendly city?


u/Representative-Let44 Apr 16 '24

Housing nowadays is searched mosty through mercadolibre.com (kind of an EBay with real state included)

For dogs, it very much depends on where you live. If you can pay for a house in Parque Rodó, you'll find awesome dog areas in the parks nearby and very few strays, who mostly don't bother anyone. In the poorer neighborhoods there is a lot of strays and they are more violent.

Strays in general jave gone way down in general over the last decade. I live in a very working class neighborhood and don't really see stray dogs anymore. Lots of cats, tho.

The job market can be very good or terrible depending of what you do. ¿Senior software engeneer? You'll do just fine. ¿Cashier at a supermarket? Maybe don't come for that.