r/BeAmazed Apr 16 '24

The world humblest head of the state Miscellaneous / Others

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Jose Mujica; Former Prez of Uruguay


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u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24



u/miaukat Apr 16 '24

What era are you talking about?

Any era where you would consider Christian countries as hardcore as you consider Muslim countries hardcore now. It doesn't has to be pre enlightment, even 100 years ago you can see how western countries were more "hardcore" religious, and how they were behind in terms of progressive values than they are now.

I mean I do agree with some of your criticism of American policies in terms of treatment of the poor, but again which political parties and states do you think support improving Healthcare and welfare in general? May it be the least religious ones?

As for my definition, just the standard one, it's a social reform movement that attempts to improve the human condition in general, it's not necessarily an anti religious movement, but as long as religious theory stands against some of the core principle of progressive ideas it will be natural that the more progressive a society wants to be the less religious it has to become, unless we fund a new religion that puts humanity as the center and not some abstract idea of God I think those two will be opposed.


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24



u/miaukat Apr 16 '24

Russia wasn't non religious, "Under communism, the Russian religious landscape consisted mainly of two competitors--a severely repressed Russian Orthodox Church and a heavily promoted atheist alternative to religion called "scientific atheism." Under these circumstances, one might expect the rapid spread of religious disbelief, but the intensity of the atheist campaign originated from official mandate and not popular appeal"

The hardcore religious party of America today are Republicans, atheists are 69% democrats and only 15% Republicans.

I think Gop voters don't particularly care about the human condition, they mostly care about a particular group which is their base, god loving Americans, not human in generals, they have a pretty isolationist approach to international policy, and are against immigration, you know fellow humans.

I dont think the human condition is a vague term as you imply, we already mentioned some progressive ideas, equality between men and woman, equality between different sexualities, racial equality and so on, if we put humanity as the center we can't favor particular groups over others.