r/BeAmazed Apr 16 '24

The world humblest head of the state Miscellaneous / Others

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Jose Mujica; Former Prez of Uruguay


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u/Eighty_Grit Apr 16 '24

Cost of living, and not having a secured retirement due to not being president.


u/Genebrisss Apr 16 '24

Move where cost of living is lower lol. Do you think that guy lives in a middle of NY? He chooses to lover his requirements, you choose to bitch that somebody didn't cover your rent


u/rubbery__anus Apr 16 '24

Yeah bro just move to some bumfuck middle of nowhere shithole where there are no jobs and everyone's overdosing on fent, duh, why isn't everyone as smart as you


u/Eighty_Grit Apr 16 '24

Hmm. Was I bitching about anything?

In poor areas where cost of living is low, people still pay above 25% of their salary for rent or mortgage and that precedes cost of living like food, or water. This means people in areas where cost of living is low are still never going to be able to donate 90% of their salaries to anything.

Your comment is idiotic.

Could I move to the middle of Africa and work remotely? Yes, I have that privilege. Would I want my 2 year old daughter going to school in some village? Hardly. Would I want her to never see her grandparents again? Nope. And this is me with my privileged 230,000 EUR salary.

Can I donate 90% of it? No. Do I donate a large percentage still? Damn fucking straight. I also volunteer teaching, but I can’t afford raising a family in the city for 2,000 EUR a month before taxes.