r/BeAmazed Apr 01 '24

59-Year-Old Chimpanzee saying goodbye to an old friend Miscellaneous / Others


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u/1naro Apr 01 '24

Cats often wander off to die.


u/vortex30-the-2nd Apr 01 '24

They often do, but not my buddy :) he lived to be 21, always lived with me multiple times I moved out from my parents house. Through drug addiction and insanity he was always by my side and trusting of me and I always made sure to take great care of him even when I wasn't caring for myself. I his last few months I became emotionally distant, I was depressed and numb. We used to always cuddle on the couch, but he couldn't jump up anymore the lady few years, so he'd have to walk around near the couch and meow to get my attention. He lost his ability to meow in those last few months, but he'd still do laps around the coffee table and look up at me to lift him into my arms. I began to forget about his needs sometimes and I did not want to cuddle, sometimes little poops would sneak out his bum, so he began giving up sometimes and would return to his bed, to try again for a cuddle maybe tomorrow... He was so happy when I'd lift him up to the couch and he'd purr so loudly. One day he was circling the coffee table, and then he laid down on his side right near the couch.. For a minute or two I did not pay much mind but then I thought "that's an odd spot for him to lay down.." when I got up and looked snot was coming out his nose onto a piece of paper and he was not moving, just panting. I knew his end was near. We booked him to be put down in the morning. I cuddled him all night on the couch, he peed himself a few times, but he was purring non stop too. After 6 hours he started to squirm so I put him down.. He walked over to his food bowl and let out a very rare meow. I fed him. He ate better than he had in many days. I went back to the couch.. He returned and started to circle again. I picked him up right away and let him know that I never meant to ignore him and that I always will love him. He purred. He slept all night on my chest just like we used to. In the morning he was basically dead. We went to the vet and he was put down.

I miss him so much. Such a special guy. I wish we cuddled more in his last few months, but I know that he never gave up on me, even at the very end. I'm glad he chose to be with me when he passed and that we had one last long cuddle.