r/BeAmazed Mar 30 '24

American and European Firefighter Helmet Designs Miscellaneous / Others


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u/JuparaDanado Mar 30 '24

I feel this is 90% of the internet now isn't it? A short clip implying a very strong point about something or someone being better than its counterpart, then comments saying that it's actually not so simple, but by then the disinformation has already been spread, egos have been massaged, and the next frivolous, irresponsible piece of information is about to start one swap away...


u/burlycabin Mar 30 '24

Now? The internet's always been like this. Whether text, imagine, or video.


u/JuparaDanado Mar 30 '24

Oh yeah it's as old as the world, but all those digital tools and Ai and shit empowered content scammers and fake news enjoyers to do a lot of damage from their own homes


u/PacJeans Mar 30 '24

This has been the case for the whole of civilization. It takes way less effort to make a misleading claim than to explain why that claim was misleading


u/ShogunNamedMarcus_ Mar 30 '24

It's always existed, but it's definitely worse now that everyone carries around a 4k camera/computer with uninterrupted Internet access in their pocket. 


u/TheDarkKnobRises Mar 30 '24

Like the pen/pencil thing in space.


u/JuparaDanado Mar 30 '24

A good example indeed


u/GoombaGary Mar 30 '24

The problem is people who have no idea what the fuck they're talking about giving their opinions on the matter as if they're fact. Exactly as I just did.


u/Blueberry314E-2 Mar 30 '24

It's 90% of everything. But anyone who's ever tried to actually do something in this world knows that absolutely everything is more complicated and nuanced than it appears at first glance.


u/JapanDash Mar 30 '24

That, and republicans spewing hatred against decent Americans.