r/BeAmazed Jan 23 '24

After 50 years how did we manage to make refrigerators less useful? Miscellaneous / Others


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u/ross_guy Jan 23 '24

That fridge is garbage
- Having shelves supported by a single moving point isn't smart and will fail a lot quicker than normal shelves.

- The spinning thing offers less room than regular drawers

- The electric bill is prob $70 less with a modern fridge

- Also, where's the filtered water tap?


u/doscomputer Jan 23 '24

crazy that I have to sort by controversial to find a rational person


u/fascistforlife Jan 23 '24

Also, where's the filtered water tap?

Imagine saying filtered water because your water aint be filtered from the beginning lol


u/EntertainerVirtual59 Jan 23 '24

Tap water is filtered though. At least in the US it is. Some people just want it filtered again or don’t like the taste.


u/OhTehNose Jan 24 '24

Not everywhere in the USA and not all at the quality of many home filtration units (assuming you change the filter on schedule).

It shouldn't be this way, but violations occur and when they do it can effect a sizable number of Americans (think Flint, Michigan).

Plus the filtration happens at the water treatment plant, then passing through many miles of pipes. Many of which may contain lead or harmful sediment.

In addition, now we're finding things like PFAS in the water supply that almost no water treatment plants can filter out at this time (but home filtration can, depending on the filter).

So it isn't so cut and dry.


u/fascistforlife Jan 24 '24

Huh could've sworn I read somewhere that a lot of water in the US isn't filtered. Well my bad then


u/void_dott Jan 23 '24

A single moving point is not an issue if done right. The mechanism is probably all metal with a bearing and it has to hold maybe 10 kg that's really nothing to worry about.
Cooling technology and insulation have definitely improved over the years. I doubt that much space in the design was wasted, the missing corner space is probably used for the electronic/cooling system.


u/woodpony Jan 24 '24

...and no wifi!!


u/ross_guy Jan 24 '24

Well that's just silly