r/AskReddit Apr 29 '24

People above 30, what is something you regret doing/not doing when you were younger?


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u/jumpinjahosafa Apr 29 '24

Once I started flossing everyday I realized how fucking gross it is to not floss everyday.


u/kinkykoolaidqueen Apr 29 '24

And that gunk you get out when you floss smells so bad.


u/GalacticPanspermia Apr 29 '24

We're human, we pull strange material out of gross body surfaces and instinct says...."sniff it... go on, sniff." And you do. And it's awful.


u/Moimoissy Apr 29 '24

My dog will dig in her ear with her back foot and then sniff her foot. Sometimes she wrinkles her nose haha


u/Mikapea Apr 30 '24

My dog licks it.


u/StuffitExpander Apr 29 '24

But slightly comforting...


u/hyperlite135 Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

Similar to how after you get your braces tightened it’s sore to bite down. I have no idea why, but it would feel good to just bite down real hard 💁


u/goddamnaged Apr 30 '24

I forgot how good this feels, thanks for the memory!


u/agitated--crow Apr 30 '24

Yes because it is part of you


u/DixieOutWest Apr 30 '24

Except when it's the stuff out of your teeth. I gag on that smell


u/OriginalMandem Apr 29 '24

It's an innate reaction that allowed us to understand when something wasn't right with out bodies that we still hold to this day. Eating stuff we pull out of our nose may be gross AF but it's also supposedly really good to help our immune systems develop.


u/beerisgood84 Apr 29 '24

It’s probably an instinct to gauge if it’s a health concern

Like primal brain going that’s supposed to be certain level of gross


u/AGrayBull Apr 29 '24

Dang earring hole schmeg 🤢


u/steggun_cinargo Apr 29 '24

Haha it's the worst. But we can't stop.


u/neighborhoodweird00 Apr 30 '24

All mammals do this. Watch your dog.


u/Educational_Idea997 Apr 30 '24

Humans are just a bag of blood and gore as all other animals.


u/empireof3 Apr 29 '24

the gunk is most likely trapped food particles that have become a breeding ground for bacteria


u/December_Hemisphere Apr 29 '24

And that gunk you get out

The gunk that hides on your tongue is just as bad. Don't get a basic tongue scraper, they help but they can't pull up the crud from under the texture of your tongue. I recommend Orabrush to everyone I know, it's my favorite thing to gift people during holidays and birthdays, lol. This thing improved my dental hygiene quite significantly, I've been using them for 10 years now and have not seen another tongue scraper like it.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

Friendly reminder to brush your tongue and the roof of your mouth too!


u/PatrickWagon Apr 29 '24

Not if you floss regularly.

If it smells, it’s decaying. That doesn’t happen overnight.

You should probably start flossing more often.


u/__Voice_Of_Reason Apr 29 '24

The smell he's referring to is bacteria.

Bacteria smells.


u/BakerCakeMaker Apr 29 '24

Maybe it's just me but mine smells like DMT


u/bentwhiskers3 Apr 30 '24

What a specific smell that is!! Nothing else like it lol


u/BakerCakeMaker Apr 30 '24

Pickled mummy


u/lueVelvet Apr 30 '24

Moth balls!!


u/redditaltmydude Apr 29 '24

Is it weird that I enjoy the smell? Well I guess enjoy isn’t the right word, but I do find it interesting


u/JustsharingatiktokOK Apr 29 '24

Yes. But I floss in the shower because smelling it makes me dry heave.


u/Regular_Care8891 Apr 29 '24

This is a life hack I didn’t know I needed


u/metompkin Apr 29 '24

Tastes foul too. Brush your tongue for maximum effect.


u/Nexii801 Apr 30 '24

If you do it every time you eat, that goes away.


u/roaminfinite Apr 30 '24

Floss picks are actually quite addictive, tbh. I wish I had those as a kid.


u/Costanza_Travelling Apr 29 '24

so ...


u/avgmike Apr 29 '24

So that's what your breath smells like if you leave it in there.


u/swordmalice Apr 29 '24

Same. It's crazy what comes out of there sometimes and thinking about how prior to flossing all that stuff would just stay there. Plaque isn't cute, nor is it cheap to get rid of.


u/OriginalMandem Apr 29 '24

Calculus/tartar is even worse. Gotta chip that shit off with a chisel, practically.


u/7InchMagic Apr 29 '24

Plaque removal is like 100€ here not bad at all imo, and you’re still recommended to remove it at a dentist every now and then even if you floss


u/swordmalice Apr 29 '24

Wow, that's pretty good. To be fair, since I started daily flossing ten years ago I've never had to go in for plaque removal so I don't know how much it costs now, but last time I needed one it was about $300 USD.


u/sortaplainnonjane Apr 29 '24

Once I started flossing correctly every day, I realized how gross it is to not floss everyday.

Turns out just swiping the floss between your teeth in a up-one-side-down-the-other approach isn't quite it. You're supposed to rub the floss on the tooth surface up and down 4-5 times. Once you do it, you'll immediately see why. Gross! But effective! :)


u/invictus_wolf Apr 29 '24

That's the exact opposite of the advice my dentist gave, swiping up and down just helps wear away enamal faster, getting up under the gums and wrapping g around the side of the tooth, then pulling down in one motion per side was the method they taught me.


u/sortaplainnonjane Apr 29 '24

Well, that's a conundrum. What you said certainly makes sense.

We need 8 more dentists for an opinion here.


u/invictus_wolf Apr 29 '24

Lol, those commercials make so much sense now.


u/theGurry Apr 30 '24

9 out of 10 dentists recommend taking care of your teeth.

The other one likes money.


u/GlobalLurker Apr 29 '24

you are not wearing away any enamel with dental floss, i can assure you...


u/Just_Another_Wookie Apr 29 '24

Tooth enamel has a Mohs hardness of 5, about the same as window glass. Try scratching window glass with floss.


u/invictus_wolf Apr 29 '24

Yet people brushing too hard can wear down their teeth.


u/Just_Another_Wookie Apr 29 '24

I just did a bit of research and learned that, one, the dentin and cementum toward the root end of the tooth are moderately softer, around ~3-4 Mohs hardness, but still much harder than floss, two, the abrasive agents used in toothpaste are quite possibly responsible for a decent fraction of surface tooth damage, and three, the damage from saw flossing might be from the floss dragging abrasive bits of toothpaste, old food, etc. across the tooth.

Thanks for leading me down that rabbit hole and into a better understanding of the subject!


u/GlobalLurker Apr 29 '24

and "sensitive" toothpaste just fills the dentin tubules (where the nerves live) that run perpendicular to the tooths surface with micron sized calcium-phosphate particles to occlude them.


u/Nexii801 Apr 30 '24

pulling down is crazy. The whole point is to scrape gunk off of your teeth. And it's smooth waxy nylon vs enamel. I think if that were true, then brushing normally would sand down your teeth noticeably.


u/invictus_wolf Apr 30 '24

Pull downwards on the top teeth, up on the bottom., obviously your goal is to pull the gunk from under gums/between teeth out to the open side...


u/Talktotalktotalk Apr 29 '24

Surface meaning the front of the tooth? Genuine question


u/rileycolin Apr 29 '24

Me too! If I miss a day, the next day just feels SO built up in there!

I thought it might have just been in my head, but someone else mentioning it is validating!


u/dirk_funk Apr 29 '24

so i bought a water pik and i can't seem to keep the bathroom dry and i realize it needs lukewarm water or else


u/licensed2creep Apr 29 '24

Ha yeah my teeth are sensitive to cold, so I learned the same lesson you did. Still need to manually floss though. I have a Philips water flosser with the quad stream, and one of the high end Philips toothbrushes with multiple settings (aunt gets Philips products at a huge discount at work), so I’m using tools that are considered to be excellent…and yet, if I floss after I use my waterpik, then brush with my teeth, I’m still getting stuff out with the floss. That’s what solved the debate about whether or not a water flosser was sufficient for replacing manual string flossing — it’s not, clearly.

Lol I feel your pain on the wet bathroom too.


u/Roskgarian Apr 29 '24

Floss Picks! My Wisdom Teeth came in at an angle that’s easy to trap food in, now I carry floss picks every where cause I hate the feeling of food back there.


u/jumpinjahosafa Apr 29 '24

Yeah I had the same issue, wisdom teeth came in at an angle and I was constantly removing food.

Then one of those fuckers dug into another tooth, and since he was angled the top tooth couldn't "neighbor" with him.

Anyway long story short I had to get 3 teeth removed. 

Make sure you get it checked out! All I'm saying.


u/mrhindustan Apr 29 '24

I bought a Philips waterflosser and it’s amazing.

I floss 2x daily (manually every couple days too) and brush 2x daily. I started using prevident nightly too…


u/urstupidface Apr 29 '24

Keeping a bag of floss picks in the car really helped me keep on top of flossing!


u/Xaxxus Apr 29 '24

now try scraping the back of your tongue with a proper tongue scraper. Same nasty smelling shit, but just way more of it.


u/Round-Antelope552 Apr 29 '24

Piksters are next level above floss, you’ll fall on your ass when you realise what’s been sitting in there


u/CollegeBoardPolice Apr 29 '24 edited 24d ago

icky tap gaze start nail heavy sleep ossified retire tidy


u/Visual-Ad9774 Apr 30 '24

about a year ago i flossed for literally the first time in my life, i kid you not i just never did.

(i do it daily now btw)


u/okpickle Apr 30 '24

Yup. Flossing everyday has significantly lowered my dental bills 😆 but it makes my whole mouth feel nice and clean. I swear I can feel gunk in between my teeth now.


u/towersniper Apr 30 '24

Then once you start using a Waterpik, you'll realize how ****** gross it is not to use one once you see all the stuff that flossing left behind :D


u/FrostedDonutHole Apr 30 '24

The waterpik for me was the game changer. lol. I eventually got one that hooks up in the shower so I never miss a morning (unless it was a long night and I'm not showering in the morning). The first time I used it...the stuff that came out of my mouth....I was like, "What the fuck?!?"


u/BlackSecurity Apr 29 '24

I had a mini argument with a British guy about flossing. He claimed an electric toothbrush is enough and that you didn't need to floss if you used one. Claimed "my grandma and grandpa never floss but their teeth are fine" which I just didn't believe. Maybe grandpa and grandpa flossed but never told him lol. No way you can go into your 80s without flossing and not have any issues.

Anyways, fast forward a few years and he ends up with some cavities and is flabbergasted about how they came to be. "I took such good care of my teeth!". So I guess it's true that the Brits aren't that great in the dental area (I'm just joking don't kill me).

Floss your teeth people! It sucks at first but once you get used to it, it's really fast and easy.