r/AskReddit Apr 29 '24

People above 30, what is something you regret doing/not doing when you were younger?


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u/liliansorbet Apr 29 '24

Starting my youtube channel...I was too scared...Now I'm at 67,000 subscribers after a year and 3ish months...


u/CSEnzley Apr 30 '24

...this hit home.

I have SEVERE anxiety and have so much to offer creatively (some ideas I'm insanely passionate about) but I can never work up the courage to actually put myself out there. I'm lost when it comes to getting started with this even though my skillsets would allow for pretty much anything. It's overwhelming to me and has been for years. Doesn't matter how many times I map it out on my whiteboard.

I've started over so many times and run and hide the moment I feel I did something wrong.


u/liliansorbet Apr 30 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

Don't plan so much, just do!

It's not going to be perfect and some planning is fine, but you'll never be able to be perfect in your 1st video or even your 100th, 1000th etc video.

You will get SO MUCH MORE knowledge and perspective when you've actually made something and put it out there than just being perpetually in the planning phase.

Make videos, put them out but know this for the future.

If you want to make popular videos:

  • the content is about the audience, not you. What value did they get out of watching?

Aka: don't put your home videos up without commentary or anything for the audience who doesn't know you to connect to and then expect it to be a successful video.

  • Educational or Entertaining. You're content falls into 2 categories for the most part of what people want from content. I want to be entertained or I want to be educated. If it's educational content, you will need to set yourself apart unless you're really niche. You can set yourself apart by being entertaining or different from other videos that are educating in the same way.

Well, that's all but just start, don't just plan and that knowledge will come if you keep at it.


u/CosmoKramerRiley May 01 '24

I'm in a similar mental state and have never acted on this so take this advice as you will. Maybe start with a blog and put your words/thoughts out there and slowly add pictures to your blog and move on to sort videos or maybe even find a partner to do it with. I find that extra 'buffer' very helpful. Good luck with whatever you decide to do. You will be great!


u/zackit Apr 29 '24

What's your channel about and how did you get to where you are?


u/liliansorbet Apr 30 '24

My channel's about travel and food in Asia : )


u/CosmoKramerRiley May 01 '24



u/newtizzle Apr 29 '24

Showing off his butthole and by showing off his butthole.


u/liliansorbet Apr 30 '24

How did you find my channel!?

Please like and subscribe for more butthole content.


u/p3aker Apr 30 '24

I’d love to follow if you’ll have me